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Rochester nh humane society Videos

Common Loon Stuck on Cocheco River in Rochester, NH

Project Pawsitive's Simon and team lend a hand to Cocheco Humane Society in Dover (Go, Simon!)

David McLeod provides food and water to abondoned dogs

Michigan Humane Society Investigator David McLeod provides food and water for dogs left behind in the wake of Hurricane Ike on Galveston Island.

The Nines play Get Down Tonight 10.6.12

Hillary Clinton on TPP

Clinton addressed the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement June 15 at Carter Hill Orchard in Concord, N.H..

Dover Impulse Elevator at Main Oak Emporium in Mount Airy,

Enjoy the video! -------------- Check out season 3! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygvAkNRxi4E NEW WEBSITE: www.thecarwashfreak.weebly.com.

User Comments

Hillary Clinton's Progressive Agenda

Rick Perry: Hillary Clinton Owns 'Foreign Policy Debacles’ in Libya, Syria

You have to look at this, as a third term of Barack Obama with Hillary Clinton, there is no way to get around that. She owns the foreign policy debacles of Libya, ...

Bird Hunting is a Michigan Tradition

Bird hunting across the country is one of the most popular outdoor sports. However, as Charlie Mann showcases in this video Michigan bird hunting is not only ...
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