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Rochester nh tax bill Videos

How a bill becomes a blah blah blah

Fourth graders drafted a bill, got a sponsor and then watched as lawmakers debated and voted on the bill. The Legislators response made a perfect fit for the ...

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The teachers or the people who sponsored the bill should also take blame, if the state already have a bird which all states do, I think... why let the 4th graders propose a bird that's found everywhere else in most of the country. But yes pretty stupid arguments by the state representatives. But its good they didn't let it pass, every time someone wants to change something about state identity, they will just use a group of 4th graders and send them on a field trip.
+enemay You TOTALLY missed the point dude. Here's your STUPID SIGN
Dude Seriously......………. •_•
what were they smoking before this debate?
+Optis78 touche
Nothing.  Thats why they're so cold hearted. 

Education Tax Credit Poll by the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire

How To Grow Any NH Small Business

Some Garbage Podcast EP032 - State Raptor, Crying Wolf

Audio was being picked up by a room mic for the first 37 minutes of the show, I fix it after that, sorry for the tech difficulties. You say "Thank God it's Friday" and I ...

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The right 

Binnie responds: "where in Constitution does it say 'separation of Church and State"?

At the Rochester 9/12 sponsored Senatorial (R) debate, it became clear that the focus of the questions submitted by the group's members concerned the issues ...

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He said he believed in separation of church and state. He didn't claim it was in the Constitution. The words are not in it, but the idea is. But if that's a gotcha then I ask this ... The phrase separation of church and state is not in the Constitution. Neither is the phrase "semi-automatic." Neither is the phrase "free market." Neither is the phrase, "rights of the unborn." If you think you just won this argument, then I just won three others.
The question asked was NOT a "technical legal question" !!! For pete's sake, if you are running for an elected office in which you will be swearing to uphold and defend the Constitution, you'd better know what that Constitution says!!! It's not that long a document....
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