XS Power Drink: In the Woods 3 with Amir Kabbani FULL FILM 4k (UHD)
Amir Kabbani and peoplegrapher are back with the third part of the mountainbike trilogy „In the Woods“. With the last episode, director Lukas Tielke captures ...
Ich bin etwas zwiegespalten. Einerseits freu ich mich sehr, dass Amir
Kabbani die Verletzung anscheinend gut "verdaut" hat. Andererseits kommt
der dritte Teil vom Film her nicht an die Power der anderen beiden Teile
ran. Stark wird es nach meinem subjektiven Empfinden erst ab 02:50 Von der
Idee, Sound und Kamera mit Sicherheit echt richtig gut. Aber irgendetwas
fehlt mir.
Ich fahr selbst mtb und er macht dem Titel des Films schon passend. Klar ist nen backflip auf nem trailbike (erster Teil) nett anzusehen, nur hat er hier halt die Tricks auf dem dirt gemacht und seine sonstigen skills auf dem enduro.
Da liest man in Zeitschriften wie viel Arbeit der film macht. Ja kann ja
sein.. Und dann wartet mann nen ganzes Jahr drauf.. Ja kann Ja auch sein..
Vlt war er ja auch verletzt.. Meinetwegen..
Aber bitte haut dann nicht nen 5minuten film raus bei dem es beste die
musik ist..
Sry aber von Anfang bis ende total langweilig.
Und die zwei spots da dreht man an einem Tag..
Ich finde das Video sehr gut. Ich filme selbst und weiß wie viel Arbeit in sowas steckt. Außerdem hat sich Amir den Rücken gebrochen, weshalb wichtige Zeit für das Video drauf ging, in der nicht gefilmt werden konnte. Und das Video war angekündigt. Dafür ist das Video aller erste Sahne und von der filmerischen als auch von der fahrerischen Leistung steht es meiner Meinung nach keinem der anderen 3 Teile nach.
des schau ich mir an wie du des an einem tag drehst xD
The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride DGR Brussels 4K UHD 27/09/2015
The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride was founded in 2012 in Sydney Australia, inspired by a photo of Mad Men's Don Draper astride a classic bike and wearing ...
Atomos Shogun Tests (in 4K UHD): Panasonic GH4 and Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera
Overview with commentary on the Atomos Shogun, emphasizing camera tests and comparisons, rather than a critical review. Mentioned at the beginning, you ...
is it just me or is the film convert just crushing all the blacks and
loosing loads of detail? It is really hard to compare after the film
convert as I cannot see any detail. I feel like it would have been a better
comparison with more raw footage coming out of both cameras to compare.
Thanks for the in depth review of the shogun but I just want to see a good
comparison of the two cameras.. :)
I hate to moan but I just found it hard to a-b compare them with so much detail missing. It was much clearer and easier to compare without film convert but those clips are not on screen long.
Thanks for your comment; it's been discussed in the comments below, generally concerning the compromise of environmental conditions as well as Film Convert's shortcomings when it came to their GH4-specific profile. These tests were motivated more by A-B comparison than for optimization of any given grade in isolation.
Hi there, great test, thanks for doing this. A question that doesn't have
much to do with the test itself :) How did you get such clean images out of
the GH4 internal codec, especially with Highlights -5 / Shadows +5 ? What
ISO were you shooting and what were your Cinelike D settings if you don't
mind me asking? I own a GH4 and I have been doing a few tests, and if I use
Shadows +2 I get an incredible amount of noise already, god even if I use
Highlights 0 Shadows 0 I don't get an image as clean as that. Thank you
very much, Cheers!
+Fernando Hart, especially because the GH4's sensor has such a poor natural ISO, I always prioritize hooking on as bright a lens as possible, so I can keep the ISO below 800 which is already noisy (!). So, the Smithsonian Castle shots were at ISO 200, opening up an f/2.8 lens as much as necessary for proper exposure; while the later/darker shots are using a hyperprime f/1.2 also to keep the ISO as low as possible. It is then a relatively separate issue, to put highlights at -5 and shadows at +5, simply to flatten the image for grading purposes. One last comment is that grain does has the illusion of diminishing as you will inevitably downscale from UHD to 1080p for 99% (if not 100%) of your project presentations.
Thanks for posting this! I really liked the sunset comparisons and that is
where the Shogun shined for me. I've seen a few comparisons that sum up
that there is no noticeable difference between the internal codec and the
Shogun's Prores, but on the Washington Monument shot and the other Sunset
shot I can see major differences in how the color is managed. Most of the
banding issues are eliminated. The filmconvert kinda destroyed the colors
for the sunset's, but saved the internal codec with the banding issue.
Filmconvert looked great on the brick walls.
Thanks, +Tup Wright, for noticing the subtleties around an overall difficult grade (devised to keep simple for reference). I agree that the banding is appreciably reduced on the Shogun, with more gradations, which is what I had in mind when I captured the sunset. Meanwhile, the colors got weird merely because of the emulsion profile I selected (a "look"). Some of the others are more conservative.
did you play with all FilmConvert settings? it looks to me like you dropped
the plugin on your file and only worked on the film color and grain. the
curves are excessive and the highlight roll-off makes everything look very
"videoy," which is a problem generally with GH4.
i'm not a big fan of baking in the -5/+5 curve adjustment. i seem to
remember the guys at FilmConvert where recommending that when shooting
Cine-D but i found the results awful, especially when the sensor is
struggling in low light.
another thing: i really really really hoped somebody would use the
CinemaDNG format with the GH4 and show the results graded in Lightroom.
Hi, +Serban Szekely-Popescu. I did try to keep it simple without tweaking, mainly for staying with a reference, while I agree that Film Convert's -5/+5 "Low Contrast" guidance is both anecdotal and questionable. I've no idea why they've phoned it in for the GH4, but if we get V-Log, that'll change everything.In the meantime, we do not have CinemaDNG in the current Shogun firmware so it is not possible for testing as you wished!
Thanks, +NineSevenPictures. Unfortunately, the Atomos Shogun can only ingest the sensor information as-is, as a separate dedicated recorder, and the GH4 cannot supply its buffered slow-motion frame rates (i.e., 96 fps at 1080p) at the HDMI output. So, the Shogun is limited to capturing 60 fps at 1080p, and 30 fps at 4K-UHD.
You used the Black Magic Pocket Camera with the Shogun via a mini HDMI
cable? I didn't think it was compatible. I hope this is true as it's way
cheap for me to make the 4k jump with a Shogun and my BMPCC vs. The Shogun
and a new camera.
I used the BMPCC with a MicroHDMI cable, the same one that plugs into the GH4, and it worked fine, however the BMPCC still only delivers 1080p rather than 4K-UHD because the Pocket's sensor only does 1080p to begin with. Meanwhile, you get the convenience of larger storage media and a legible monitor. Not a big upgrade for the BMPCC ultimately, if you're aiming for 4K!
Samsung Galaxy J3 2016 Unboxing and Features (S Bike Mode) Overview
Samsung Galaxy J3 unboxing with look at camera, USB OTG, S Bike Mode (NFC). Galaxy J3 2016 launched in India running on a 1.5GHz quad-core processor ...
+Abhinav Pathak thanks for the reply,and the lenovo k5 plus gives more value for money comparing to “samsung” j3.some sensors are also not there like the gyroscope.
anderen fahrer auf die maschine und vorher alles auseinander reisen und neu
aufbauen und evtl. leute bei holen die ahnung von motoren und kupplungen
haben . dann klappt der start und die rennen bestimmt besser das nächste ma
Ich mag das Tragtor Pulling eh nicht (nichts gegen die Menschen) ... reißen Allison V12 Motoren aus alten Flugzeugen (bzw. von Flugzeug Friedhöfen) und schrotten einen nach dem anderen ... Das ist nur meine Meinung :)
Mountain Bike Shred Session - In The Woods 2 in 4k (Ultra HD)
For a deeper look into Red Bull Biking visit //win.gs/1lxRNQQ Keep up with what's going down on Red Bull Bike https://twitter.com/RedBullbike Given free ...
Props to the rider for his skills, but the guys filming theese redbull vids
are really making theese vids something extra to watch! Big ups to the
redbull chanel for constantly putting up vids of such high quality! Love
it. Thanks!
dumb asses...
There s more comments on WhICH SONG IS THAT ONE than the video instead.
Jep! Die Burg ist in Bad Dürkheim und der Dirtpark in Boppard (bei Koblenz,
Rheinland-Pfalz). Die Trails sind bestimmt gut verstreut. Viel Spaß beim
Nachfahren :) !
Niedlicher hund je ihr red bull muntainbike fahrer seit voll cool ich spare
für ein mountain bike das 350€kostet ich kann mir nich ein so teures
fahrrad leisten