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Weather memphis january february Videos


DON'T FORGET TO OPEN THIS!!! .:.MY LINKS.:. TWITTER: https://twitter.com/amy_halper FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/amylynn.halper ...

User Comments

Great video! I really enjoyed it and can't wait for you to make more videos:)I make videos too and I'm trying to reach 900 subscribers, so would you mind checking out my channel and subscribing if you like it? thanks :) Have a wonderful day :*
i loved this!! omg your hair *heart eyes emoji* you're beautiful and i would love to maybe collab some day!!
Great video! I looove Alex and Ani bracelets! I would love if you would check out my most recent video : )
I love how you style everything!! And idk why but I really like the music a lot...like a lot
ootw for february :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt5fxTm7drs
Cool outfits!

Weather Channel February 9, 1994 Ice Storm

Dennis Smith has details on an ice storm hitting the the South. Also a local forecast from Wilmington, DE during the event (reporting sleet). Video courtesy Alex ...

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I think my two favorite winter weather icons are "Sleet" (shown at the beginning of the local forecast) and the mix of "Snow & Sleet" (not shown, but has been used on occasion).

CWA (Memphis) Championship Wrestling-Full Show-February 20, 1988

This big day of Championship Wrestling kicks off with Brother Ernest Angel defending his controversial gimmick (considering the area and time) to Lance Russell ...

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On this day in 1988 (February 20), I attended an NWA card at The Scope in Norfolk, VA. In the main event, Dusty Rhodes, Ole Anderson, and Lex Luger (with Magnum T.A.) defeated Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, and Arn Anderson (with J.J. Dillon).
They were pushing Man Mountain Rock... Interesting. 

GRWM Valentines Day | 2015

DON'T FORGET TO OPEN THIS!!! .:.MY LINKS.:. TWITTER: https://twitter.com/amy_halper FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/amylynn.halper ...

GRWM | Going out for my Birthday !!

DON'T FORGET TO OPEN THIS!!! .:.MY LINKS.:. TWITTER: https://twitter.com/amy_halper FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/amylynn.halper ...

User Comments

this is so amazing ! totally in love with your channel,i make videos to if you would like to check them out (: 

ONE ON ONE: Luther Dickinson January 28th, 2016 City Winery New York Full Session

Luther Dickinson sits down for a One On One Session at City Winery New York on January 28th, 2016 For more info visit: //www.lutherdickinson.com Audio ...

February 5 Weather Xtreme Video - Afternoon Edition

The ABC 33/40 Weather Xtreme video is a detailed weather discussion for Alabama and the Southeast U.S. which goes beyond the normal stuff you see on TV!

Memphis Snowstorm Feb 11, 1985

The last snow of the year for Memphis and the Mid-South on Feb 11, 1985. This was a surprise snow with a general 4 inches in most of the metro area and 8 ...

User Comments

i was 10 yrs old living in jackson tn during that time ,i remember this snow storm , we got a foot of snow & the high temperature one day was -7 below! i remember that everyones water pipes froze including ours,we had to go to my grandma's house because she still had running water, we were out of school for a week & a half
In Rogersville, TN- I was adopted, I never thought I'd know anything like what the weather was like the day I was born. This is very neat, thank you for posting this!!!
I had just turned 19 3 days earlier
I was born that day :)
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