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Barack Obama: Town Hall Meeting in Bend, OR

You should be with us in 2012, join now: //my.barackobama.com/bend2vid Barack talks about the economy and job loss at a town hall meeting in Bend, OR ...

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Smart Goverment. He put it in proper context. One that can at least say the word 'Nuclear'. One that knows that Wall Street is not all there is to American business structure. One that is not financed by special interest and lobbyist for their benefit. We need an American made president; one with American core values and ideas; one who thinks about the little guy and small business owner AS WELL AS Wall Street. At this time and in this election, I have only seen one good mind at work. OBAMA '08!
Mr. Obama says we must make sure "the White House is serious about enforcing some basic provisions...no child labor, no intimidating or harassing or arresting or killing union organizers" and we must promote "basic environmental standards" and safety standards, standards we should "insist upon from our trading partners". But he does not say what will happen if these standards are not met and how these standards will conserve US jobs. His answer is vague, albeit lengthy.
question for obama: I'm from the south and true what you say about illegal immigrants not taking jobs away from black americans, but their children do...how do you plan to attack this issue. I'm even seeing more and more children of illegal immigrants going to schools that were original meant for black people. please answer
It is so refreshing to hear a politician talk about a complex issue and not try to dumb it down or over simplify it. We need critical thinking in Washington and people who will surround themselves with the best people, not just people who will say yes mr. president thats a good idea.
He is a very smart guy. I found an item on google when he was campaining in Louisville, ky for the senate in 2006 and a Chris Rose interview and he is the "real deal". He has the same message then that he does now. He really impresses me as a man with alot of integrity.
Amazing how he simply doesn't pander, doesn't respond with bumper-sticker slogans, but gives actual nuanced answers to complex questions. And I'll agree with earlier posts... Obama is simply going to BRUTALIZE McCain in the debates, particularly on economic issues.
Obama's the best candidate in a very long time. Sometimes it is hard to see why not the majority of the people in the US don't see that he'll be the one to make the this country a better place nationally --and internationally. I so much hope he'll become president.
s'moga apa yg km lakukan akan menjdi kenyataan,ini benar2 sungguh luar biasa dlm sejarah dunia,saya hanya bisa mengikuti perkembangannya,dan saya sangat senang dg kegigihan anda utk menjdi orang no 1,di amerika,good luck,obama,
I'm worried about you, I am sure you will be a good president for America but I am afraid the rest of us will have to endure another 8 years of exploitation at the hands of the American government.
this guy is great at answering questinos to the average american in simple language that everyone can understand. just another reason why he'll make an outstanding president. obama all the way!
Mind explaining how he beat around the bush? Oh I see, if something isn't in short, simple words and more than two sentences it is beating around the bush. Gotcha.
Everyone in WV and Kentucky. Rise above and vote for our nominee. Don't fall into the trap of the clintons and think that whites cannot vote for Obama.
As always, he was asked a question and never answered. Beats around the bush about things people like to hear but never answers the question.
Yesterday a strong earthquake in China I think that the States have sent humanitarian helps I love you USA Beautiful video a kiss Bye
...or is he just a different coloured pawn in the NWO's endgame?!? Only time will tell... but I SERIOUSLY hope that you are right.
Real issues...and solutions from Obama. Not like the RepubliCANTs who choose gay-bashing and flag waving INSTEAD of real issues.
What you going to change that is just a word.You took the word hope from Bill he was born in a little town called Hope.
I'm just sick to my stomache, that I could not get a ticket for this meeting! I wanted to be there so badly! =0(
all the losers and Obama-naysayers; if you've got a better idea..... why don't you run for president......what?
We need a smart president like Obama in the white house for a change... someone who really get's it. Obama 08'
i wish will be a president of us, this year i love obama ang i know u will be a great president,
Great vid!!! Obama is the best Presidential candidate ive seen in my lifetime. Obama 08
I have no idea how McCain is going to survive in a debate about the economy with Obama.
Wow, I never thought I'd hear a mainstream candidate ever say these thing.
Barack Obama is not the next John Kennedy. He's the next George McGovern.
we're so close barackstars! the nomination is within reach! obama '08!
Thank you Barack Obama are you going to come to South Dakota?!

Ted Cruz - Oskaloosa Town Hall (Remarks)

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) spoke at a town hall meeting at Smokey Row Coffee in Oskaloosa, IA.

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The next President and First Lady of the United States of America.

Donald Trump Holds Town Hall in Nashua, NH (1-29-16)

Friday, January 29, 2016: GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump will hold a town hall event in Nashua, NH at the Radisson Hotel at 10:00 AM EST. Watch ...

User Comments

Today! BabyFace Jeb hit -1 in the Polls spending over 100 Million, Trump spent almost Nada! Who you gonna Call?
+don futura Jeb Busters
FACT: TeddyBear Cruz may be a Nice Guy being Born in CANADA he sings the O'h Canada National Anthem, not for America.
Cruz is a Trump copy Cat, now he wants to build a Wall. Sorry Teddy its gonna be called the Trump Wall
+don futura  You fucking idiot. Don't know the law.  LIke Trump. CRuz was born to Americans and is entitled to citizenship here.  If you were born here, it did not make you smart. It is O Canada !  and The Maple Leaf Forever.
you are not self funding, tell the truth... an hour and 1/2 of just attacks, how great you are, polls, NO SUBSTANCE !!!!!
+rincon Arias they for sure own you over at the hillary camp there shakey puddin
+rincon Arias you are a sad LOSER butter cup
+rincon Arias LOL! China their media is having a hey day with trump. They are laughing at him.. he has be become a 24 hr comedy over there... ck out the media in china.. they tell stories of how they OWN trump! wake up sheep
Bernie is beating Trump by 19 points NATION WIDE!!!! love it!
+rincon Promising unlimited free shit to everyone is obviously popular but it won't stand up to scrutiny. The United States is already on the verge of economic collapse from it's $20,000,000,000,000 national debt. Anyone who thinks exponentially increasing government spending is a good idea is as thick as shit. All a Bernie Presidency would accomplish is the literal end of the United States as a country. Red states would finally realize there was no hope, and secede - leaving Blue states to fully embrace equality, diversity, open borders and full on third world status.
+don futura Trump is only four years behind.
+rincon Arias you deserve Bernie, LOSER
Bernie is just a Nice Old man. He deserves a Nice Retirement Home.
+rincon Arias Good luck with that
+rincon Arias  Today!  Bernie joined a Local Senior Home to have his Climate changed.

Town Hall Meeting with local legislators

This video is created using ANIMOTO company software. All music, video, and jpeg are created or purchased by John Clayton, the producer. Poweshiek ...
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