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Rockford college nursing program reviews Videos

Jeffrey Orduno on Property Rights & the Law, Clip 1

Jeffrey Orduno, Rockford College alum and associate at MGreevy Williams, talks with Dr. Hicks about eminent domain, the Constitution, and property rights.

Rockford IL St Anthony's Hospital Entryway St Francis of Assisi

St Anthony's entryway garden St Francis of Assisi. June 2009.

Nursing Education | What's With Hanging Secondary IVs (IVPB)?

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User Comments

Please do a few videos on the cardiovascular system... I've been studying trying to prepre for my prereq's and in my extensive overview of the organ systems, I believe I have fallen in love with the HEART! I think it's fascinating how the valves, veins and chambers all work together. Never knew I would feel such a way about the body. Pray for me and wish me luck!!!
Hey Nacole just wanted to say your videos have helped me soooooo much. I start my ADN in August i'm really not afraid because I know you're going to have a video somewhere that will help me. Thanks girl and Renee too!!!! oh btw I'm a non-traditional student LOL!!!!!!!!
I'm so glad I could help, nursing school was SO TOUGH for me - I want to help everyone. I am a non-traditional student too, never got to live in a dorm : )
I feel that way too and will try, the heart is an amazing body part... don't feel weird : )
PLEASE!!!!! PLEASE become a nursing teacher, we need teachers like you!!!!!
Aww, thank you. That's my end goal anyway : )

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Implications for Education: Cognition

Dr. Stephen Hicks, Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University, presents a series of lectures on the philosophy of education. In Part 7, Dr. Hicks covers the ...
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