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College majors for ambassadors Videos

Showtime USA - Showtime University Jr. Ambassador Fashion Majors

Showtime USA - Showtime University Jr. Ambassador Fashion Majors.

Canadians & Foul Play; Let's go to College

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Unforunately, in America it would be seen by some as straight up communism (my experience of most right wing Americans is that they don't really understand the different branches of left wing politics and just label it all as communist which, well, is simply not the case) Sorry, getting all political now :P. Yeah, I'd considered briefly trying to go to Berklee college of music in Boston but cost was simply too much, particularly as it's such a top-end place. We should just all go to France.
yeahhhhh :) You're back :) I wanna go to college/uni (England) but have no idea what i want to study which kind annoys me when I ask myself ... Why???. If I don't know what I want study then why am I so adamant that I want to go. There's nothing I want to get really good at (That is a college degree) and I have no career plans. I guess since I have valued intelligence throughout my life and have put so much effort into becoming a "Smart" person I feel I should have something more to show
Thank you for that, i know i need to keep other things in mind in case of injury. If you had seen my channel you can tell i'm pretty dedicated. I am homeschooled (Pretty much for ballet) i spend most of my time at the studio and when i am not i spend my time at home doing school, or Stretching or cardio. Ect. I Thank you for trying to help me and i really do appreciate that you care about other people and take your time to tell me this. maybe one day i will prove you wrong Victoria.
1) Oh hey. 2) I could study Canadians. Maple Syrup. Bam. 3) True florists have no problem with pollen. I don't think that's your path. 4) I have a Jewish rubber duck. I would ROCK poultry science. (Kidding.) (About the science, not the duck.) 5) You know what I'm planning to major in. Religious and Harry Potter Studies. Obviously. 6) I am disgusted that I had more characters to use for this list than for several short answer segments on my apps. 7) I love you so much.
You uploaded a video! I'm studying music and am looking at places to change to for my final year/final two years (Scottish system is a 4 years honours degree course) and beyond to hopefully do a masters degree in composing for screen and write music to go with films and tv and games for the rest of my life. Unlike in England, Scottish people studying in Scotland have tuition fees paid by the government for a limited number of years.
1) hi 2) No you couldn't 3) It's not 4) I wouldn't have doubted that anyway 5) Right. With a double minor in avocados and making out on benches. 6) As am I. I hate apps. Crossing fingers I'm done with them...except for that one..you know...that one that has been the bane of my existence for the past 1.5 years, that I've been having second thoughts about...yeah, we should talk about that. 7) I know. I love you too.
I'm in my second year of college and I'm double majoring: Psychology and Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy. When people who don't go to my school ask me what my major is, I just tell them I'm planning to go to law school because "Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy"? The looks you get when you tell people that...
from it rather than what other people (i.e. Compulsory education) which sounds kinda selfish. I have so far convinced myself its a decision i'll have to make ages away but now I find myself only 3 years away and feel your pain. Anyway, i'm sure you make a decision that you'll enjoy even if it isn't the number one option :)
oh my god, i know you! you are THE victoria! the one who got first place at YAGP the one who got full scholarships to too many summer intensives to count! you are like a freaking prodigy. so happy to call you my best friend. you will without a doubt be a pro one day hahaha everyone who knows you knows this. K, bye!
I'm also a senior in high school, so I'm in the exact same situation as you. I've decided to major in business and pre-law. This seems great right now, but you never know, I may change my mind. But that's what college is for, right?
It is exciting :) Ehhh I'm kinda iffy to go back on blogtv any time soon. Last time was a little too scary for me with that hacker. I also still have less than like no time to breathe. So, I'll see what I can do. Tweet me.
One i am only 14 (15 in a few days) So i have a few years yet, For the Rest of my life i am going to be a Ballerina (Ballet dancer) And i know that and when i am to old to dance. I Will be pastry chef
i'm leaning towards film or screenwriting & prolly a degree in english & history. my brain is getting excited just thinking about it btw you should do another blogtv when your not busy, i love them :)
When I was 14/15 I knew I was going to be an archaeologist, absolutely try for it but there's no knowing where life will take you really. I guess that's part of the adventure of life.
I'm in the stage as you, though I think I'm going into either economics or politics to be a stiff the rest of my life :D By the way, so happy you're back, we missed your face!!!
I'm a senior in high school. And I have no idea. I'll probably major in some area that will be utterly useless to me in the long run like linguistics or drama or something.
Still searching for a major, I have no idea! I'm looking at UMass for a few different majors, but I still have time (I'm only a sophomore).
I am! My brother is probably going to major in music :). I wish our system had something like that...but nope. We're all screwed. woohoo
i completely understand, thankfully the only hacker i had to deal w/ was on twitter. hope things clear up for you soon though :)
you're super helpful cuz. thanks. I know what our show is this year. I found out today. It's still a secret. I'll let you know.
Useless?! I beg to differ! I'll keep you posted on my decisions, if you keep me posted on yours! Apps done?! laws lawls lawls
girrllll a bazillion things will change in the next 2 years. But I commend you on having an idea of what something may be :)
Haha I have no doubt. People are weird. I'm thinking possibly maybe poli sci, but I have no idea. We shall see!
I'm majoring in Hospitality Management and I want to work for The Disneyland Resort in the future. :)
That's not stiff! I'm thinking maybe poli sci...maybe. lawls. I missed you guys too!!
Hello! I missed you, and I am also very jealous of the comic book design major.
for my college majors i'm planning on taking pre-vet and graphic design
You have lots of time, but go you! That sounds like a nice path :)
as I missed you guys! And I know...talent. what?

Homecoming 2009: CoB Float Oct. 8

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