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Girly college majors Videos


Just discussing a few things with you guys about whats to come! Love you guys so much xoxo ♡ gabi.

User Comments

which is her college
DeSales University
I know
She's not telling anyone because it's private
She looks like to the 2011 kylie jenner
yeah now she looks like Ariana lol
+soso jack so true
I like this gabi look better then the Ariana grande knockoff look
+Maria Iglesias She grew up and changed a bit like any normal person would, she is sometimes inspired by Ariana Grande but she also is her own person, stop comparing her.
What college are they going to ?
DeSales University

Drum Major Salutes 2011

Nov 5, 2011 Hart Rampage marching band & pagentry competition. Julia and I sat through the all day tournament. I thought it would be fun to make a montage ...

User Comments

Ha! Yes, the Glinda dress was our school's drum major. She never tripped, tipped or toppled the whole season! It was fun to see her flip her hair back as part of her salute. Fun times.
'Sing sing sing'. Covered a million times, this rendition is by American Patrol Orchestra (according to SoundHound) from the album 'Sounds of the Big Bands, Vol. 2'
Since when is it ever okay to grab a shako by its plume?
Gots to love the M inc. jazz goin on
whats this amazing song called XD
cool beans (:

Back to School | College Essentials + organization tips

I had to upload my video again cause it wasn't sending to my subscribers feeds, sorry if you already watched it and it came up again! Don't forget to give this ...

User Comments

First year if college in digital photography program
i do :)
enjoy it! :)

New Ad Shows The Sneaky Ways We Keep Girls Away From Science

Young girls care about science, but by the time they're older, only a small percentage of science majors are female. This new commercial from Verizon and ...

User Comments

I'm not sure what I think about this. All I'll say is that people (i prefer to say that instead of men and women) should have access to resources and opportunities and make their own choices. If you want to be a scientist, then great, if don't want to be one, then great. If you're into lipstick and w/e, then great. If you're not into lipstick and w/e, then great. One can even be into both science and lipstick.
BTW, fuck Verizon. Its efforts against net neutrality make me want to vomit.
To be fair - boys get the exact same things that are portrayed as gender specific in this ad. Boys don't get constant positive re-enforcement, it's not like a boy will come in covered in mud holding a 'funny snail' and get told they're 'pretty brilliant,' that just doesn't happen. Perhaps boys are nudged out the door more. I think this is one of those occasions where it's a legit gender difference to a large degree, ask teachers and they'll say that there's always a proportion of boys that are just stellar at maths and there's not really a social explanation for it.
They did a study on small babies which concluded that the boys were more attracted to mechanical toys than the girls. To ignore the nature side of this nature vs nurture discussion does a dis-service.
Rather than trying to champion one sex over the other how about we just try to reward individuals that excel, also this is completely bullshit. The retarded funny friend, father, appealing male in media is one of the most common characters ever today. Just look at fucking legend of Koora, not only is the main character female, but also the police chief, the most respected elder, and the fucking siege industry owner who is a teen along with the very overpowered main. Their groupies are of course funny no intellect males, overall just fantastic representation of reality ( I loved this series while I was keeping up with it btw, my observations aren't taken personally here ). Original Avatar had no such poor obvious sex bias going on, the main character was male, the very talented teachers/groupies were geniuses from both sexes, there was a very powerful princess and prince, a couple of badass female elite forces which dominated plot, etc, etc. Reality is that the media has been championing women for quite a while now and disregarding males in very sense of the word. The entire thing doesn't play out in favor of society as a whole, in fact quite the opposite but go ahead and keep picking teams, consequence is a beautiful concept. 
Yeah, Legend of Korra seems to be a big circle jerk for female championing. There are few male characters and they are made out to be dopey or evil. From Bumi to Mako to Varrick to Bolin etc.The female characters are made out to be "girl power" type characters. Korra, Su, Toph, Lin, Opal, Asami etc.
Boys are never told, as children, to keep their clothes clean. Boys are never told not to fiddle with wildlife at the beach. Boys are never told to stop a project that has made their room a huge mess that mom and dad are going to have to clean up. Boys are never told to hand powertools over to someone who is older and more capable of using it safely. Boys in high school never worry about their appearance. Right?
Right. We were as kids some diry apes that build things all day long and our parents loved it . I got a cookie for each time i got into trouble or getting all dirty or even trying to use stuff without my parents supervision.
I'm a female Math Major!!! What's up??
You're awesome!
Why do we have to have this contest of "this gender has it worse"? Can't we just recognize that there are injustices on BOTH sides and help BOTH genders. Jesus. These pity parties are ridiculous
Thanks for a nice dose of intelligence.
'murica. American culture is retarded serious.
I 100% relate. I was pushed towards Art and Drama at school and told I couldn't do math, science, build things, etc. Now I use autocad daily, build furniture and wear steel caps and fluros. Still, my parents want to know when I'll get a "real" job. Because apparently I'm just "playing" at it, doing typically male things for my salary. So frustrating.
+emmadestruction oh, words can hold you back from succeeding in life? maybe you should tackle that first??
Steven pinker in the blank slate has showed why this is all bullshit
NO possibility thats it's difference in the average temperament of men and women dout to brain chemistry. It has to be dumb misogynist  parents playing into the patriarchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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