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College majors nursing Videos

Nursing - Molly - Reasons For Staying in the Major

Nursing - Molly - The Hands On Major

Nursing - Molly - Intro & Why I First Chose Nursing

College: Why I Changed My Major

I decided recently to change my major from nursing to multimedia studies. In this video, I explain why. Hopefully this video helps you in your college journey to ...

User Comments

I'm sorry but this doesn't sound very intelligent ... It's great you changed your major to something you really want to do, I think that's very important and a good choice, but starting a nursing program without having thought about actually taking care sick/wounded people? Wanting to be a doctor while nursing chemistry is already too hard and stressful for you? Brain surgery while a five year program is too long for you? Thinking you would be a good dermatologist because you like to POP PIMPLES? Where do you get that stuff?
I wouldn't start a nursing program if I wasn't willing to take care of people--I know what comes with the job. If that was the case I would have studied engineering or some other field that didn't involve the public..I said I wanted to be a doctor/brain surgeon when I was younger, not now.Yes, I decided that a five year program was too long. If I had gone into the med field straight out of high school when I was 17, it wouldn't be a problem. But I'm 22 now. To start a 5 year+ program now is way too long.Chem isn't my league anymore. That's that.And yes. Part of dermatology is dealing with skin issues, and if I would enjoy doing my job, then why the hell not?I get it from my imagination. :] 

Nursing - Molly - My Future Plans

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