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Watchtower Quotes That Make You Go "WTF?!" - Stroking Fretful Babies

Watchtower, Sept 15, 1973, p. 568, par. 6). "Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet ...

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@YAHWEHtoHELL I think you may be right. The claim made in this instance is unfounded at best and perverted at least. They have absolutely no evidence to support such a claim; for, it would seem that such a perverse experiment would be unethical in the scientific and psychological communities; yet, this does not stop Watchtower Inc from passing themselves off as experts in areas they apparently have no expertise. In other words, they are a bunch of sick propagandists that need to be extinguished.
It doesn't just talk about masturbation. It talks about everything having to do with sex, from private parts to sexual perversion. There are quite a few used copies of this book on Amazon. Regarding the subject of masturbation, it tells the story of a mother who gently rubs her little son's private parts and since it felt good to him, he started doing that himself and mainly, in front of other people who visited. The book doesn't condemn nor condone, just pointing out that the parent started it.
@propagandatechniques their pride and ego driven arrogance will not allow them to act on this seriously. They are sick, the correct term would be "mentally derranged", they are morally skewed. The full scale war started a while ago but now we are only in our first to second gear, they are huffing and puffing it-puffing up their image trying to hide their defeat. HAHAHahaha, how do they expect to win when they themselves defeat their rank and file- thos epeople are grounded down into fine powder.
@anissueofursincerity I know someone that studied aimlessly for a while and then was approached by the brother one day, an elder, in front of the elder's wife, and the elder asked, "Are you aware of the problems associated with masturbation?" Something like that. The person told me he not only wanted to smack the elder in the mouth, but terminated the study after that day. I told him the elder was probably following a presentation suggested by the "slave" in the monthly Kingdom Ministry guide.
@Batempathy (part 2) I am now going to attempt a new approach with you. What scientific evidence does Watchtower give to support this claim? What psychological experiments were conducted where stroking the genitalia of infants led to later masturbation? Is there any scientific evidence at all to support such a claim? Or, did Jehovah somehow "tip off" the "slave" to this concept? Do you critically think about these things? Are you proud to support such an organization that comes up with this?
@XafrojewfroX The very fact they suggest it at all, whether it is to do it or not, puts the idea in their head to do it. It's like this; you're happy as can be; and then I say to you, "Don't throw yourself off a bridge." Now, before I said that to you, you had no inkling off throwing yourself off a bridge. Well, if I say that to seven million dopey followers, some of them will actually throw themselves off a bridge. That's how the power of suggestion works. Now, tell me how I am misleading.
@dinkers30 Now go back and look how much bigger that finger is than the other fingers. I bet you didn't notice that! PS - I'm sorry to hear about your tragic upbringing. But something that can help is to learn more about subliminal artwork. Now THIS is sick! "Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become masturbators later on?" (Watchtower, Sept 15, 1973, p. 568, par. 6)
@Batempathy Perhaps you can explain something to me: It has been said that for years, particularly in biblical times, it was believed that demons caused various personality disorders. Is that a factual statement? In other words, do you think people in biblical times actually believed this? If so, do you believe this way today? Also; if truth is simple, not complex, why does Watchtower truth need periodic "new light" revisions? I am curious what you have to say about these things.
@propagandatechniques I can in retrospect realize they talked about masturbation WAY too much. And the worst was when I was a teen I thought it would be cool to ask a real circuit overseer a bible question I had about the letter of James. Elder friends said sure that'd be neat. After the assembly program I hung by the CO's office and he said come it. I nervously phrased my question best I could, and the man said this to me. "Maybe you have a problem with self abuse." I swear.
hahaaaaa....wow...dude...honestly....you need a hobby or SOMETHING else to do, i know ALL religions have crazy shit or something we need FAITH to beleive in buuuut taking pictures of babys holding a finger to say its a dick....really...and moses and a piece of dirt...the whole masterbation thing is fucked up buuuut...then again YOU ARE THE ONE taking a picture of a baby holding his mothers finger and putting it as a dick,wooow...yep the voice of reason allright!! hahaaa
Regarding that subject of what you discuss in this video, I remember reading about this particular subject in Dr. David Reuben's "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex: But Were Afraid To Ask" in the chapter about Masturbation. This was way before I knew what the JW and the WTBTS said about this. I have read that book through and through and re-read it many times as this particular is a fun and entertaining read. Give it a look for yourself.
@propagandatechniques Great job prop! Let me be a major part in helping you take these creeps down. I've got some major bones to pick with them as well. After they ruin families, they take their inheritances by literal hook & crook. As a teen, to hear this kind of talk read from the WT mags on Sunday, 'embarrassing,' is putting it mild, compared to how a young witness felt about it. SICK doesn't come close to describing what these FREAKS are. Kudos.
That's cute. I'm going to want to "give a look" inside a book that warns parents not to masturbate their children because the children might become masturbators too. How about I read a book that warns parents that masturbating their children makes them sick perverts? How about that book? Can you get me a title of a book that actually calls it what it is and doesn't candycoat it in bullshit like Watchtower puppeteers do? Thank you.
You got involved with them a year after I did. I got involved with them in 1992 when I was 22 years old. I was young, naive and spiritually vulnerable and I settled for everything that they handed me and they convinced me that they were THE way and there was no other way. I dropped out in August of 1994. I am glad to be free of these man made doctrinal teachings and also, free from their falsehoods.
wow, how come they havent been slapped with a full blown investigation and lawsuit for influencing using child pornography in their illustrations? I am not well studied in legalities in regards to such matters but, common.This is repulsive, its not the first occurence of subliminal messaging through their illustrations. All of their artwork is chaulk full of all sorts of suggestions and symbology.
@propagandatechniques Well i grew as a JW i remember seeing those drawing lol, but i could see some old and lonely old man none or JW get ideas. specially catholic priest seeing all day quire boy it's a illness..plus as a kid i pick up fast being force to meeting, it fuck me up as a kid and now.. moms still love me and talk to me being a apostate ( but still embarrassment to the family)
@SpecialPioneerSmerf "Food at the proper time." Apparently some well meaning JWs practice this and need to be told not to. =Z All I can say is that people seriously need to be informed about what they are getting involved with. If someone showed me this in the beginning, I would've never spent 15 years in it. The ones writing this stuff are seemingly deranged and in need of castration.
Yep. I'm the sicko, yet your parents' donations contribute to a Watchtower pedophile defense fund. JWs have to be told not to masturbate their children: "Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become masturbators later on?" (Watchtower, Sept 15, 1973, p. 568, par. 6)
That is so sick. I am speechless... who could do that and not think it is even a little wrong??? It is sooo wrong and I am screaming inside at how it is portrayed as if people normally do this. Worse yet, there are sickos who would probably think that if they only become masturbators that's not too bad. The devil is running this show. My stomach hurts.
oh noooo!! not the one with the mother and her baby holding her finger?!?!?! cheezus christ !! only to a truly perverted mind would this be bad because it RESEMBLES (to you more than most others) a baby holding a dick....wow..damn man stop over exaggerating this shit YOU see what YOU want to see ...AND YOU SEE BABYS HOLDING DICKS ,hahaaaa fuckin sicko
This would be sooooo funny, if it were not true. Stroking Fretful Babies, why would they even say something like that?! They even put it into print! They are so sick. So broken. I disagree, I don't believe that the org. will ever go down, like you say. It would be nice, but it will never happen. There is a sucker born every minute. 
Why thank you. I am glad I am out too. I'm sad you are disfellowshipped. I am even more sad to think you are floundering without Watchtower doing the thinking for you. Well, go sit in the back of the hall for the next six months like a flea bitten farm animal, and I'm sure you will be back having doors slammed in your face in no time flat. =)

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+Not Connected Thanks for the nice comment! I appreciate it.
Good job
+Coolz Yeah Thanks
Great job!
+Dev Patel Thanks Dev!
I need more practice with voice-overs. I hope this video wasn't a disappointment.
+List9 It wasnt, However sometimes it was hard to tell if it was the quote or you speaking.

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ANOTHER FUCKING YOUTUBE COPY! Ya know man, I used 2 respect you. But now I just... Fuck this.
Wow, Jackask wannabe...

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to messy
Shut up
+vanesa sosa mind your own business because it's not your problem if it's messy
Would you mind your own business
I am not hateing By Michelle
Don't hate
The wasing mesheen room looks scary
whats your boyfriends name?whats he like?
his name is michael. hope i spelled that right
You should just show us a video of you boyfriend is it Michael?:)
No that is not her bf
Y would u live with yur boyfriend??
She wants 2
Do you live yourself?
no her and her boyfriend

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