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Toledo ohio impound lot Videos

Cop mistakes me for someone else!

I've just filled up and notice a cop driving towards me as I'm about to leave the servo, so I stopped and he stops to say hi. I found it funny when he says " I haven't ...

User Comments

I'm 5 years late, but that cop was definitely attracted to you. LOL.
+WannabeMarine lol
+WannabeMarine That's all I could think watching this video. He was really eye fucking him that whole time.

Repo on Perth

It's PARK(ing) Day in Uptown Toledo

Adams Street in Uptown Toledo was transformed today. Local businesses on Adams Street turned metered parking spots outside their buildings into public ...

Attn: Marijuana Activists-Ohio Action Information

Trenton,Ohio Accident Waiting To Happen

Cars don't stop at a stop sign.

Police Brutality in the 614 & Gaza Strip in Ohio pt 3 twisted news

wow I'm glad we got the scoop before the news changed the views.

User Comments

This is not a Brutality video, moron. The cops helped
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