I found out about this the day it happened. If I had known earlier I would
have been there in spades and they would never forget my testimony. I am
finding that Gulf War Illness and Lymes are synonymous and not only the
Borrelia Burgdeferi is involved, but Mycoplasma Fermentans-incognitus
strain as per Dr Garth Nicolson. (as well as babesia, bartonella,
Ehrlichia, etc)
BTW, I live in Williamsburg as well and went 14 months being missdiagnosed.
Saw a PCP, Internist, several Doc in Box's, Sentara Emergency room,
Gastoenterologist, Psychologist, ENT, Urologist, Neurologist and finally
.....MCV/VCU Infectious disease doc who said i needed to stop looking for
something. He said I was fine. 14 frigging months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1