Hey, just a quick question regarding responsive layouts and the height
property. Why do people use pixels to define their nav height instead of
percentages? thanks in advance
percentages are calculated based on the elements parent. Most elements have a default height of 0, so if you set any element a % height, it is likely to just be 0 as the parent naturally collapses. I don't know, somone has to use absolute numbers somewhere.
I am using CodeKit in this project and instead of using (style) in .jade
file I've created .styl file for css (because CodeKit, as I understand,
cannot work with .css but can compile sass, less, stylus). And it works!
Netbeans is an IDE, a very famous one by the way. But I researched and seems that there's no plugin to do what you're doing there with the jade files. Or if there is, someone can see this and comment.
If you search in Brackets plugins it's the first one you see. He probably has the extension on github somewhere too but that way is way easier.Here is the link to Brackets though if anyone needs a free code editor. //brackets.io
I think I'll like it. I love SASS for the brevity and Jade gets rid of even more mess than SASS does. Maybe it'll help me think a little more logically about my divs too. I'm just hoping Brackets supports it...
+DevTips I'd be impressed to see a mixin for the form elements, including the wrappers, labels and inputs. For example +text('name') would be.input-wrapper //I forget the exact class label(for='name') Name: input.form-control(type='text', name='name', id='name')
I like the idea of the section tag...it seems much cleaner and much neater
than div tags all over the place. However, I really don't see the point in
using them as I doubt very much if they will be supported by older
browsers. How do older browsers handle them? Anyone know? Does anyone
really care? As far as I can tell, and my research is not extensive, a
designer is going to have to rely on a combination of javascript and/or css
to get things to work. Not exactly a great move forward!
I'm having problems using the section tag. Im linking to a stylesheet, and
ive got all the sections in the stylesheet, but the "section#topbar" does
not seem to do anything ?? Im used to using ".'divname' {'content'}" which
has always worked, and ive only just come accross people using the "#" for
their divs. Is there anything special I need to do to use HTML 5 ??
Muito Boa Parabéns, Venho estudando técnicas de Seo a um Bom tempo, tenho
aprendido muito hoje já presto serviço para algumas empresas aqui na minha
cidade. Essa sua vídeo aula estar muito boa mesmo para que não tem muito
conhecimento em Seo recomendo!!!! Mais quero deixa aqui uma sugestão para
você amigo do youtube que para conseguir aproveitar o máximo ao curso você
deve seguir o conselho do professor e estudar pelo menos o Básico de Html
para não se perder na vídeo aula....
Parabéns pelo trabalho e pela iniciativa. Mas discordo quanto a importância
da palavra chave no domínio. O proprio Google anunciou a pouco tempo que
estava abaixando a relevancia de domínios com keyword exata mas de baixa
qualidade. Se ele estava abaixando a relevância, é porque ela realmente
existe. Eu mesmo tenho um domínio na primeira página do google somente pela
keyword exata já que na página a unica coisa que tem é o texto: "Página em
Pessoalmente eu discordo quanto ao uso de palavras chave no domínio. Tive
algumas experiências práticas em que o domínio ajudou bastante. Em ótimo
estudo de Ann Smarty no Seach Engine Journal, verificou-se que não existe
maneira mais rápida de chegar na primeira posição da Serp do que um domínio
com palavras chaves exatas. Vale a pena ver o estudo de caso !-)
Muito boa a aula! Porém acredito que o nome de domínio (marca) para o
Google tem relevância importante! Caso o nome do domínio contenha as
palavras chaves que são importantes para sua encontrabilidade, com certeza
isso irá ajudar.
Parabéns pela aula! Bem inspiradora! Obrigado! Ah,gostaria de deixar uma
observação: o plugin SEOQuake agora já tem disponível para Google Chrome
também.Um abraço! :)
Aulas muito claras, objetivas, de fácil entendimento. Excelente
instrutor.Gostei bastante, os ensinamentos irão nos ajudar imensamente
também. Obrigado e abraços.
Parabéns cara, é motivador a vontade que tu tem de ensinar para quem está
começando, tu é um exemplo de pessoas que deveriamos ter no mundo, um
grande abraço!
This video is part of video tutorial series for Marketica WordPress Theme by TokoPress Marketica v2.0 allows you to turn your store into a vendor marketplace.
header page 2
Muse one page Desktop Web Site Part 2 Header and basic menu
This is part of a series of videos that introduces students to the world of Basic Web Design in the Adobe Application Muse. This is aimed at beginners and Print ...
Responsive Web Design With Bootstrap (2.3.2) - #2 - Collapsible Header and Nav with Drop Down
In this tutorial, we create the header bar along with a navigation and dropdown menu, which will be fixed to the top of the web page. The header will be ...
Are you using Bootstrap 2.3.2 or the new BS3? If you're using the new BS3,
the classes are completely different so this guide will not work. If you're
using 2.3.2, then I have absolutely no idea what could be wrong, as your
code is correct. I have added a download link in the description of this
video, so extract the files and try that. Glad these videos are helping
you! If you need more help, just let me know. Also, you can email me if you
need to: neil@coders-guide. com
No problem! And yeah, it's kind of annoying that they're changing it all -
I recorded this whole series the night before it was released lol. Once you
have learnt BS2, BS3 will be very easy for you, as the core concepts are
the same. I'm going to record a BS3 series over the next few days too.
Thanks alot..but my website is pretty different from urs...when i minimise
the page, the nav bar although it responsive it remains the same..the
button is there but its not working and also after I worked out for the
Packages, the About is no more in line with the nav bar...Please Help
These Bootstrap tutorials are great! Thanks so much.. However my site
doesn't look like yours :( The navbar at the top is just not right. This is
what it looks like: imgur dot com/xNH82wT I know this is probably cheeky of
me but if you can help pleeease do? Thank you.
Hey man, thanks alot! I think I'd downloaded a load of source files rather
than just the ones that I needed. I've got it working similar to yours now.
I'm only just starting to learn and they're changing it all again! Nooo..
Anyway, thanks again!
Great videos. question is it even worth watching these or jump into your
BootStrap 3 videos. Do you cover the same topic in the other videos. I
saw your comment below that the classes are different.
Thank you for your quick answer :) I was working with the same version ...
I found out that the problem is because I added another JS file to the page
^^' Thank you and seriously your tutorials helped me a lot :)
I'm sorry but my code for that dropdown menu didn't work /: donnu why !
used this : class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" &
class="dropdown-menu" and still nothing /:
Hello I'm I'm running boostrap v3.3.5. The majority of this code is not
working form me. should the code carry over to the newer version or is it
me that is messing up.
Hi, sorry for late response. I can't find any obvious issues with your
code, perhaps try download the project files in the description and see if
that works for you.
It seems like I can have sass or jade watching one at the time. What
commands do you use in your Terminal to let them both at the same time
watch for changes?
Awesome video again. Followed it without any problems. Quick question
though: if we wanted to make this responsive how would we go about it? When
resizing the window horizontally it moves the fore-bird down and the
bird-box background smaller?
+DevTips whats is that index.jade and ans sassy thing over there i don't
know would please tell me how how would i able create that file ? and is it
similar to HTML & CSS ? m really confused here.