Canadians are heading to the polls to vote in the closest election seen in the country's history and China's economy grew by 6.9% in Q3 – the slowest since ...
well she definitely looks sexier than usual today... that black dress makes
her look skinnier.... maybe she needs to get rid of a few pounds to be
perfect for all costumes!
+Michael Jackson ... you sir are an utter imbecile! You keep making it about sex... I don't care about wtf u desire from the universe... I just think Ameera can lose a few pounds to be more elegant for the viewers. And Ameera is out of my league not the other way around... Have you ever seen how much of a robot is she?.. She is just a prompter reader!
+Mühafaka the clothes look great on her...she really does need to update those tacky beige heels she's ALWAYS wearing. I don't take her beauty for granted seeing as all the other news outlets are overrun by portly unattractive women
+Remi Henri Royer ... nope... I think she is sexi enough as she is... I just said that she needs to be a bit skinnier for clothes to look more elegant and fit on her. Clothes always look odd on her. Her pretty faces saves her.... for example Erin has a nicer body but she is not as perfect on her face.
+Michael Jackson +RE Mant ... I get you guys about the color... for me it just looks like one of those kind of 'black' that is old... you know when you have a black jean jacket and you would have a fight with someone in a pile of very dusty and very dry earth... when you would try to shake it of or try to clean it immediately with u'r hands... that dust does not wear has like a green nuance! ... and about the 'white' ... the thing is that it seems her dress has a layer like on a fur with little hairs that give a certain glow and allure... that makes it have that shade of another color blended in to it.
Your eyes fail you... She doesn't need to lose weight.. And the dress is not black and blue...its gold and white
Tesla Akkuträger VV/VW
Tesla Akkuträger, ist schon länger im Handel und ideal für Einsteiger. Der Akkuträger liegt mit seinen Riffelungen, sehr gut in der Hand und ist leicht.
tengo el Tesla negro y me encanta. Por su grosor se quedara como
dispositivo de casa, no quiero asustar a nadie :) No es de laton, sino de
aluminio, por eso pesa casi nada relacionado a su tamaño. Cambiando
bateria, si que pierde la configuracion del voltaje, pero en modo "vataje"
aka "potencia" los ajustes se memorizan perfectamente, no tiene logica,
pero asi es. Por eso tengo el Tesla solamente en modo "power". Enfin, muy
buen video ;) Un saludo...
A mi el mod me mola...dependerá del precio...por cierto , gracias por
acercarme y facilitarme el mundo del vapeo. Gracias a ti hoy hace dos meses
q no me fumo un analógico. Ni yo mismo me lo creo.
Me da un poco de piquiña que digan "vataje variable", podríamos todos
apreciar un poco mas el castellano y decir "potencia variable" :P se que es
una tontería, pero no creo que sea tan difícil.
TESLA - VV / VW Akkuträger
Der etwas andere Akkuträger ;) Mehr Infos + Videoarchiv: // Musik: //
Gut zu wissen, ich selbst kann da keinen Vergleich ziehen, da ich die Vamo nicht besitze. Aber danke für die Info :)
Tesla 80W TC
This Video reviews covers the Telsa 80W TC mod If you would like to check out their website please visit: // Thank you for the continued ...
+Trevor Dillon I would contact Tesla support directly they have some great Customer service and they should handle it! I did not run into this issue my friend! #DTVM #Vapefam
+Jsoni17 Samp PLease reffer to the owners manual -- U need to ensure your running the proper batterys cells -- or can result in serious personal injury. Also the Kangertech website listed below the review should also contain the information you require on the battery cells needed. My suggestion would be a 18650 Samsung 25R. Hope this helps and always remember safety first - #Vapefam #DTVM
I just ordered one of these despite not being able to find much about it.
From what I can find it was released August 2015, this should be plenty of
time for me to find more than one YouTube video about it.
+Camo Cat Yes videos should start showing everywhere as most reviewers that review for Tesla have now received. I hope my video assisted somewhat -- I find it to be a decent device! Aside from battery life in mech mode it could near handle anything thrown at it for the most part!
TESLA Akkuträger VV/VW von YoungJune
Hier zeige ich euch den neuen TESLA Akkuträger, ein echter Hingucker !!!! Bezugsquelle: //
Hi Kevin, vielleicht ist es bei Dir anders, aber mein Tesla kann sich beim
Akkuwechsel nur merken ob VV oder VW (dabei merkt er sich dann auch nur die
zuletzt eingestellten Watt, bei Volt fängt's dann wieder bei 3 an), weder
Displaysetting (LCD ON/OFF) noch was beim feuern auf dem Display angezeigt
werden soll, wird gespeichert. Deswegen lasse ich meinen immer auf VW,
Display bleibt ON und anzeigen soll er die Watt, so muss ich nicht mehr ins
Menü. Aber ich find den auch oberhammer! :D
Ich hätte den auch sehr gerne, er gefällt mir echt gut bis auf das er
Verchromt ist denn das hält hier bei der Wärme und dem damit verbundenen
Handschweiß nur 4 Wochen und sieht dann leider nicht mehr gut aus :(
schickes gerät haste dir da geholt *dauemen hoch* was sagt eigentlich deine
frau dazu? hast ja immer was neues am start und dampfende grüße zurück von
berlin nach berlin^^
Hi, der Tesla ist aus Messing, verchromt und nicht aus Alu.
"""" Herzliche Grüsse aus
der Schweiz Andreas
Kamry K200 VV/VW APV Demo TESLA Clone -
Great new vairable voltage/wattage mod from Kamry with easy implementation of all features. Switches extremely easily between VV and VW modes by just click ...
Just bought this in gold along with a protank 2 to replace my Ego twist
with normal clearomizer.
Looking at the design I will have to keep it away from my girlfriend :P