ASMR cooking food sounds and a little of ASMR eating sounds. In this ASMR video I'll cook a hearty salad. Subscribe to see more videos from this channel ...
I love your vids and also your english pronunciation, it's very relaxing,
but I'm Italian and when I see this kind of video (people cooking from all
over the world in their ASMR videos) I realize how Lucky I am to Live here
and eat Good Food EVERYDAY!!! sorry but it's terribile this salad
+hedda1113 that's crazy. It's just an opinion about FOOD. I would never say "you're ugly" or something bad about someone!! No one is allowed to insult someone as many people say 'just because she has a public profile with public videos' and so on. I'm just saying that probably I could Cook better things thanks to my culture BUT at the same time I don't have a relaxing Voice as she has and I am unable to create videos or have such original ideas. Damn, it's easy. Keep calm. I FOLLOW HER!! The meaning of what I wrote wasn't offensive. Your comment is exactly the same of thousand others. Wow! I'll continue seeing her vids if I can
+helloyellow This is the problem with the Internet. People think they should write whatever is in their heads. Which they should not. And, people write things they'd never say directly to someone's face. Which means they should not be writing it.I don't understand it. I never will.
+frasummersunshine Imagine how you would feel if someone (whose opinion you did not ask for) walked up to you and said "Italian food, when you make it, is gross." Sure. You can say whatever you want. But why would you WANT to be rude. Just keep it positive.
+frasummersunshine I have to agree about this salad and Italy having the BEST food. Russians love their peas and mayo. DId you ever watch Gentle whisperings Russian food videos. It looked like the most disgusting food ever saw, be she seemed to love it. this video and hers did make for some good sounds though
You can choose to keep your opinion to yourself if it is negative. Just thought I'd let you know that.
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Robin Cook´s INVASION
Unsichtbar und völlig lautlos rieselt eines nachmittags ein seltsamer Meteorenstaub auf die Erde nieder. Er hinterläßt, bis auf ein seltsam brennendes Gefühl auf ...
I'm donna Sullivan my e mail is donnasullivan69ds@gmail please e mai my
phone please love ur books get them at the thrift shops when they have them
a poor man's book store lol
Я очень люблю крабовый салат)крабовые палочки кукуруза яйца и по желанию
можно добавить рис или икру но мешать и то и то нельзя и приправить
майонезом )очень вкусно
Олеся, припоминаю что у вас вроде 30 ( извините если не так) декабря день
рождение . Поздравляю вас, успехов в жизни , любви, здоровья , интересных
идей в плане создания видео! А также всех с наступающим!
+ASMRmania как у моей мамы! С прошедшим вас днем рождения и новым годом!всего вам самого лучшего,доброго,позитивного,вдохновения вам и побольше зрителей! Обожаю ваши видео,и жду всегда с нетерпением новые❤️❤️❤️
+tsun “tsun star” YU Долго я разбирался с этим словом"КакаУшка"))
16mm Motion Picture Projector Operating Techniques 1961 US Air Force TF1-5421a
more at // United States Air Force Training Film TF1-5421a: 16mm Motion Picture Projector: Operating Techniques. The demonstration unit is ...
Strange movie ;)
if you not know how to operate a projector you can not show this movie
because the projector is a mystery.
if you know how to operate a projector then this movie is not necessary to
watch because you know how to operate a projector.