In this video I show how to stay in stealth permanently. Support me on Patreon: // Stream: // Guild: ...
Well i am a thief and play a roaming 1v1 styl and i just went into WvW and
tried the wall trick and, it actually works, well i cant regenerate as much
initative as you do but it actually works to get yourself invis whit the
walls XD. But i must say, the timming is pretty easy, if you are used to
play gw2 often.
Soloing towers like that is much easier on a condi thief, but you really
have to know what you're doing otherwise something like this is completely
I like the video though :) cheers
+Iván342 ' lol, I was just listening to that song at the same moment (like 1 sec delay) and I was like "why does it echo?" ._.
Guild Wars 2 | Beta Stress Test (full screen HD)
14-15 Mai 2012 Stress Test Guild Wars 2. Capture Full Screen. // Music : 0:00 Morrowind theme song 1:34 Skyrim theme song - PeterHollens ...
de 0.00 a 1.34 a moins que je sois défaillant dans mes classiques (et c'est
tout a fait possible) c'est Morrowind enfin excuser moi en espérant que la
vidéo vous plaise :)
I recently started with youtube, about 1.5 months now, plus, guild wars 2
isn't that old yet so I'm still figuring out a flow of how things go but I
plan to do these videos quite often, given that I don't run out of topics.
But got quite a few left as people ask me to do more in depth videos of the
topics explained in this video. In any case, the plan is to do these on a
regular videos, aswell as my other content :) Nice name btw ^^
Repairs don't cost anything but supplies. As for the blueprints, they are
pretty expensive but you should be able to get some of it back, items drop
pretty regularly and can be sold. But I'd say to buy them with a group.
Because if you lone wolf and buy the blueprints you could end up by placing
it and the zerg moving on or noone helping you to build it, then you just
wasted your money.
Thanks. I guess I could make one more in depth, but wouldn't it be better
to make a few? Like, one for the supply, one for siege weapons, etc. So
people can view the one they don't have much info on rather than watching a
25 min video?
Oh, we tried when that happened. But Desolation took everything overnight,
including the orbs. After that we were being pushed back to the spawn area,
couldn't do much anymore as people started to give up :(
May I ask how you made the loot show up like a pop-up personal chest above
the map? The standard window is really uncomfortable for me, I prefer
everything with a well positioned, fixed place.
Hello, first of all thanks for the video. The only reason i dont play WvW
is because the repair cost are so imense, are there any solutions like a
pvp only character or sth?
the border grounds are pretty much your server trying to hold your castle.
In eternal battleground all 3 servers are attempting to control the middle
Yeah, noticed. But I made this video prior to the change :( The server
rotation is now 1 week instead of 1 day and stonemist castle only gives 35
Ok, i'll look into the different points and figure something out :)
Nov 2 2015 Guild Wars 2 Daredevil Ghost Missing Animations
Apologies for the clunking noise, didn't realize my mic was recording too when I took this screen capture). When playing Guild Wars 2's Daredevil, when in ...
My desktop: Windows DreamScene Guild Wars 2
Screen capture of my beloved Elementalist as Windows 7 DreamScene desktop background. Exalted light armor skin (transmuted on Ascended Celestial), ...