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How to Legally Obtain Medical Marijuana
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i must say that ur stupidity amuses me since its something that not even
the full effects of pot can produce. First of all many ppl have died from
drugs than gained benefits but you're comparing all drugs not just pot,
which is off topic. Thats likes talking about pistols then refering to all
types of guns. Second of all the reason those ppl look that way is because
they are fucking dying and have cancer you senseless ashole, I believe that
your a fucking sociopath since u cant even realize that
Basically warlock, the only reason y u only can't argue with a pothead is
because they are right and have actual evidence whereas you are wrong with
bullshit propaganda that was proven wrong fucking decades ago. Its like
your some christian that still thinks the fucking world is flat and us
"scientists" r showing you a globe and you close your mind just so that in
your own little fucked up world u still think that ur right when the truth
is right in front of you, your just too stuborn to change
actually the facts are that it does a lot more good than harm, y do u think
legislation in the states are passing medicinal marijuana laws? do u think
they'r doing it for the fucking fun of it? Is it for fun that we get ppl
with cancer, AIds, or glucoma high? Is giving patients so called
"malevolent" drugs that make their condition worse a good idea? And
obviously you haven't checked the statistics because the results are that
those that smoke pot live as long as normal ppl do that dont.
THC has not been proven to be addictive. Medical officials agree with that,
and it's almost common knowledge. Even forums or sites denoting the use of
marijuana say it's only addictive for people with "addictive
personalities". Meaning, they're emotionally or psychologically addicted to
the drug. (In which case, they should be seeking help, because no one
should feel the *need* to smoke.) Anything can be addictive. Eating is an
addiction for some people; however it's not illegal to eat.
Obviously, you're a pothead because you're too stubborn to argue with.
Check history, dipshit. Many more people have died from drugs than those
who have gained a positive thing from them. If you look at all the people
that use medical marijuana, they all look like a fossil. They look
completely like crap. I hope that you look like that one day, just so I can
prove myself and the countless others that back me up right. Druggies can
go lick a sack. So get your damn facts straight, dick.
do you honestly believe that? I agree the additives in cigarettes
contribute to a higher chance of getting cancer how ever tobacco even in
its raw state contains carcinogens (the things that cause cancer!), and
weed contains even more carcinogens then tobacco. AND to say tobacco isn't
addictive is ludicrous, tobacco has been used for centuries, and do you
think people would of used it if it didn't NATURALLY contain nicotine? do
you think people would smoke weed if it didn't have THC?
Wow, you're just another idiot. What was the point of even trying to argue
with us? I'm just wondering what you were trying to get out of it? And your
telling people to look at the statistics? Many of those "statistics" are
very inaccurate and are meant to scare people. They are being given out and
published by the same people telling you that 9/11 was an accident. And
people like you are the ones who are "killing" people, with your ignorance
and pointless babbling.
@krazykangaroo i should have been more clear...instead of saying "smoke" I
should have said "vaporize" or "eat", but as I'm not writing a novel, I
wasn't too awfully worried about semantics. As a sufferer of
life-threatening asthma all my life, I still smoke marijuana to relieve the
inflammation and constriction, because I'm not rich enough to afford a
volcano. The only problems I encounter is phlegm buildup, with is WAY
better than not being able to breathe...
The people who use Medical Marijuana and look like fossils are usually
cancer patients. You can also look at the people who have smoked their
entire life and they're completely fine. One of my high school friends
smoked Marijuana more than anyone I know. He got a 35 on the ACT our
sophomore year, has a bright flight through college, still smokes regularly
and is a suma. Top of his class. People don't die from marijuana. Check
your history. :)
I enjoyed your howcast,? Unfortunately the reality is somewhat different on
doctors approval (very reluctant to prescribe in almost all states and
provinces) and that is the first step, I work for an organization that
circumvents the majority of the steps required. This is not to break the
law but to answer the needs of those requiring medicinal use now, while
they process the buracratic red tape. Good luck to all.........
warlock basically your completely wrong and if your too stubborn to accept
that then fine we can't change the asshole that you are but you don't have
to be the asshole to try to change people's choices of smoking pot either
its like drinking, smoking cigarettes, playing sports, ect its an everyday
activity. Good thing ur not in charge of anything or else you would
probably be the next Fucking Hitler or Stalin
@000theGuardian again, asshole, I'm not getting my information from this
half-assed video, I have done tons of research on the health benefits of
cannabis. Before you call me a dumbass, go do some non-youtube non-wiki
research and find all the scientific evidence to back my claims up. Oh,
nevermind, you'd rather just argue like a retard and save yourself the
hassle. You're acting like a christian! haha!
I have absolutely nothing against smoking pot! I just don't do it myself
and I don't hang with people that do! OK? Cool? You good know? God! You
blew way outta proportion. If you just needed the answer to your question,
you shoulda just asked. And btw, you must not be that successful in life if
you have to talk shit about people you don't even know [i.e., my Mom] to
get your point across.
angel dust is PCP. its a heavy duty hallucenegitic drug that makes you trip
very bad, to the point you start going on a killing spree or you start
taking your body parts off (eye gouging, hacking off your limbs), you get
so wack. you can make liquid pcp, and dip cigarrettes or Js in them, and
they look the same. apperently you can also snort it. bad drug, never try