//facebook.com/WebGrrl.Enterprises Connect up with Jill from WebGrrl Enterprises on Facebook to keep up with what's going on in Social Media in Central ...
MLK's Klout Score?!? Ad FAILS
Who had the worse Martin Luther King "tribute" on twitter Klout or The Golf Channel. Either way we have more proof Piers Morgan is a douchebag. Subscribe to ...
//involver.com/ Involver & Klout Team Up on the First-Ever Klout App For Facebook Klout is the standard by which influence is measured across the social ...
That's a great Application! Alhoutght Klout is not the most reliable
measure of inlfuenciability is probably the most relevant in place, so
having the FB working along with Klout is handy and I can see various
usages for it. Cheers Lucio
Check out the freebie I received from Klout today for having a high Klout score. Klout matters!
How To Measure Social Influence Using Klout
//www.mindizone.com If you're wondering what social influence measurement tool you should use, here's why Klout works best for small businesses, ...
The Big Mistake With Finding Influencers
//www.mikestenger.com/looking-past-the-klout-score/ Klout measures your influence, but should you be using it to find influential people in your own ...
Why Your Klout Is Critical
CEO Joe Fernandez on how companies are using your score to determine employment. //www.forbes.com/technology/
These hotels in Las Vegas are really smart, they know if they give the
guest with a high klout score a nicer room or even an upgrade for free,
it`s very likely he/she tweets about it/shares the experience on facebook
thus they reach a lot of people with free advertisment. I think very
critical about Perk. In telling friends about the product you are marketing
it. It makes advertisment even more intransparent.
I just read about Klout on wikipedia and the criticisms don't sound too
good. I think I'll pass on Klout for now unless there's a REALLY good
reason I should join. Besides, I don't do a whole lot of interacting with
people online - I do more offline interacting - so I don't want to get a
low score because I'm not online as much. I think my friends would say that
I'm influential. LOL
Let me get this right. If you spend each and every day on social media
sites chatting to other influencers then you are an influential person and
can even get a job as a result? A few years back someone who spent all of
their time chatting on social media wouldn't have been called influential.
They would have been told to "Get a Life!".
Just learned about this site. Seems pretty damn scary. Especially if it
matters on your resume and big companies look at it. And, why does he have
to dress like Zuckerberg??
Klout recommended by Wayne, join now and understand how it works. Hi, this is Wayne Mansfield. Welcome back to my 23 Steps of Total Domination of Social ...
//www.KloutMatters.com Find out why Klout matters to speakers, authors and thought leaders. Discover specific ways you can boost your Klout Score and ...