How to flirt in middle school if you are shy Videos

Part3: how to tell if a girl likes you (lesbian)

How to tell if a lesbian likes you or girl.

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there's this one girl in one of my classes, who always hugs me and stands super close to me so we're touching. And she asked me how I know I'm straight and not gay. ? like what
Maybe she likes you. Maybe you like her a little too. The best thing to do is confront her about the situation and see where that goes from there!
Sorry I'm really late but I have this crush her name is dymond she is a close friend but she has a boy friend and like I think I found my self telling her I love you and she said I love you more than a friend and I said what that suppose to mean and she said I have crush on someone and I was like who is your crush and she said you and I was like your not even gay and she said yes I am she like to call me baby,wifey,girlfriend,W.C.E. and one time she sat on me while I was laying down at school then she said am I heavy and I was so nervous I said no your not. One time she caught me talking to another girl named jayden but when I said some thing to dyamond she was like who were you talking to kendra and I was like thus is my ex she was lie ohh so now we talking to exs this is even weirder she said do you like me and I said yes babe who told you that and she said no one then I said are you jealous of other girls because I talk to them she was like yea I want you to my self only then it turned out that she not only didn't like me talking to girls she didn't like me talking to any dude like if he's my cousin she get mad and I have to come her down by taking her in the bathroom and kissing her until she not mad do you know who long it takes to get my girl happy again (hard as hell) before she came to the school dated another girl which is jayden my ex I'm cool with all my ex.One time we broke up and I kissed jayden and she came over and slapped shit out of her and said stay away from my girl and I said my girl we broke up she said not any more and I said what do you mean not any more then came across the bleachers and kissed me jayden was like you mean to tell me made out for nothing then I said no I like you to then dymond was like I was her fist lesbian experience she a lie I'm the first we were together since middle school and she said is that true and I said yes . the first time we met she really didn't give any attention to anyone but me and I tape my fist girlfriend and said hey babe how is that girl staring at me she was like a new girl at our school and I said she hot and then my girlfriend made a stink face and I said she not as hot as you boo. but I'm with dyamond today I love u dyamond
You know hate to tell you but I feel like every lesbian has gone through this just have to enjoy it while it lasts!
Im bi, and I have a friend and I really like her .but I cant tell if she is into me.she interlaces our fingers when we hold hands.(she started the hand holding), she says I love u and she doesnt say it to her friends as much as she does to me, she even told me"you dont know u r beautiful,and thats what makes u beautiful" (from a 1 direction song), she hugs me a lot, like long embraces, she put herhead on my shoulder when we sat down one time and also held my hand during,, also she made my arms rest around her shoulders , (shes short) ....idk if this is a girl thing too dumb to know if she likes me. Helppp.
+Savannah Arakawa thats like the cutest explanation of not knowing if a girl likes you, like that made me smile cause that was so cute! To me that sounds as if this girl really likes you, because she is without a doubt flirting with you. So go for it, waste no time. she wants you, i don't know in what type of way, but yeah... best way to find out is be straight up with her, like have a real conversation about it! i hope this helps love and I'm sorry if I'm late! Xoxo
I'm bi and I was going to subscribe but I have taken huge offence Are you telling me that if I stopped talking to you or you dump me or vis versa and I go off with some girl that it won't break your heart? When my last boyfriend broke my heart I had a rebound with a girl, but that was cos a rebound should be nothing at all like your ex, so I went as opposite as I could. And I think given the option anyone would dp the same. And my ex actually took it as a compliment. He saw it I'm the in the light that he had played such a big part of my life that anything or one that reminded me of him made me sad. It let him know that I really had cared for him. Oh and before someone says I chose a girl for attention you can fuck right off cos I am happily dating the mist beautiful girl who is one of the few lesbians with enough self worth to date a bi girl
Haha I'm not like prejudice against bisexuals I'm just saying from my experience and yes maybe they were just assholes, but I don't really see myself being with a bisexual person. You never know though I might find someone who is like you, in that case is reconsider. I'm sorry if I offended you, I really didn't mean to offend anyone. Thank you for almost subscribing though
Oh my god, That's exactly how I got my crush's number and Kik. Well, technically she asked me if I wanted her number and I was like "Yeah! Actually, I would. xD" and so she gave me it until, I remembered I didn't have a phone so, I asked her for her kik, instead. Cx Since, I was so scared to talk to her in person, I opted to and Kik.
+Aligatooor I'm happy everything worked out for you!

How to Make FRIENDS | Even if you're shy

First thing is first, I'm sorry but being shy doesn't cut it! This video is a bit on the long side for a Vlog, but I cram it packed with HONEST MATERIAL! The first step ...

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I'm friends with a year 6 (I'm year 5) because I said "I like your mine craft hoodie" and we talked about mine craft and other games until the bell went and we had to go to math class :D
+xXTheShadowWolfXx That's so cool!

"Get over it! Voices needed!!! READ DESCRIPTION

This series “Get over it” Is about a girl that suffers from mental illness. It does NOT romanticize or glamorize mental illness. And it's not one of those stupid “Boy ...

User Comments
I'll audition if you would like! I'm just not really sure how to go about the lines. What are the characters personalities like? Thanks
+thehontry1 Okay sorry I did not mean to judge all right. I was just being true full about how I felt and yeah. So that simcat I would try harder that's is all.
+thehontry1 I love your chanel to!
+Light Inc Maybe you should just respect her decision to try something new? I am not sure how Simbcat puts up with all the complaining. Just appreciate the work she has put out for you and enjoy what is next to come!
+SimbcatProductions Frank I will try out because I am black too.
+Light Inc I will try to voice Tate too SImCat.
+SimbcatProductions I will voice Zoe for you okay I have a mic, I will senting a try out sometime for you.
+Light Inc Well what ever you do don't stop in middle of it say opps sorry I cant now. Its because I am getting sick of that SimcatProductions!!! Don't stop right in middle of making a show, get your fans upset that way SimCAT!
+SimbcatProductions Well good luck but I think, it is bad that your going to the middle school thing anymore.
+thehontry1 I just added personalities in the description :)
Could you put a certain emotion for every line? like, how you'd want each line to sound and how you want it to be presented? I'm practicing some of the lines and some of them can have multiple emotions.
Just a thought ^^
How can I autdition???
+Simmy Simmer Sim 4 I think email
But how do we exactly record our voices for the audition?..
+Nattie Is Senpai audacity for windows is great idk any other programs
I did my voice over on my channel! :F
:D* I meant smiley face xD
Can people audtion for several characters?
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