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Us attorney general nh Videos

Apparent murder-suicide reported at NH hospital

The Attorney General's Office is investigating a shooting at a Dover hospital that left a husband and wife dead in an apparent murder-suicide Tuesday morning.

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (R-VA) at the NH Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic

Governor Gilmore discusses the progress that he made as governor regarding addiction and veterans' issues. View other videos from this forum, held January 5, ...

User Comments

I'm shocked he hasn't dropped out yet.

NH GOP chairman talks about Senate candidacy of AG Kelly Ayotte

User Comments

She might raise big money but she sure is a liar and she was a horrible AG. Read Casey Sherman's new book "Bad Blood." Here are some of her embarrassing cases as an AG: Franconia, Liko Kenney Nashua, Michael Paulhus Nashua, Christopher King Jaffrey, Aaron Deboisbriand Dalton, Diane Lyon Hooksett, Gerard Beloin Statewide: Carey Carlberg/Trooper's mediation Statewide: Same-sex marriage National, Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood (imploded on remand and Judge Di Clerico awarded attorney fees)
@weduinc Do not vote for this candidate whomever you decide on he is a convicted felon that broke into Fort Devens. NH Politicians and media are covering up the massive scandal and felonious history of US Senate Candidate of NH---Ayotte is not without exception. watch?v=m2FuFF5AFrw
I am a victim of Civil Rights violations by Ayotte and her administration. There is an FBI investigation into her as Congressman Inslee made such a request on my behalf. I am doing everything within my power to legally remove her from seeking any other public offices.
@itwerkspro I believe you. NH Politicians and media are covering up the massive scandal and felonious history of US Senate Candidate of NH---Ayotte is not without exception. watch?v=m2FuFF5AFrw
NH Politicians and media are covering up the massive scandal and felonious history of US Senate Candidate of NH---Ayotte is not without exception. watch?v=m2FuFF5AFrw
@KingCast65 Another embarassing case that is covered up by Ayotte and more is here watch?v=m2FuFF5AFrw
Senator Kelly Ayotte. Woo hoo

Enforce the Law: Prosecute James O'Keefe for Voter Fraud (Part 2)

Groups Deliver 109931 Petitions to NH Attorney General Urging Him to Investigate O'Keefe and Enforce Voter Fraud Laws Concord, NH -- People For the ...

User Comments

There are Democrat and Republican disabled people, of them, only the Democrats complain about voter ID. There are Democrat and Republican seniors, of them, only the Democrats are complaining about voter ID. There are Democrat and Republican minorities, of them, only the Democrats are complaining about voter ID. There are Democrats and Republicans without transportation, of them, only the Democrats are complaining about voter ID. So why are all the Democrats doing all the complaining? That's because they're the ones perpetrating all the voter ID fraud! Why else would they be the only ones complaining? They only get caught every week.
Hmm... 8 and 12 yrs ago the left was sure there was voter fraud.I realize that the left is ushering out these young skulls full of mush whom are probably blissfully unaware of the lefts previous position, just for that reason.
It's a good thing for you that being a moron isn't against the law, but being this stuid may be punishment enough. Hmmm, I wonder if you are self-aware enough that you are being punished?
If there is no voter fraud, why are the leftists so up in arms about O'Keefe exposing something that supposedly doesn't exist?
James was a liar and was caught red handed. And now has been rightfully punished by the law.
If it were not for voter fraud....you progressives would be rare birds..
james did not vote.
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