LinkedIn to Career Success: Strategies for Making LinkedIn Work for You 2013
Steve Watt, Marketing Manager at LinkedIn — and a York University alumnus — presented strategies on how to use LinkedIn more effectively for job searching ...
Medical Adventures Part 1
This is part 1 of a filmed adventure by a group of students at york university who decided to create a mockumentary/parody film about the world of medicine and ...
Uninformed much? Obama changed his views from four years ago evidenced by
the fact that GITMO never closed! The marines were not there because the
policy for embassy security did not call for high security for what was
considered to be a temporary facility. The people in Libya loved Stevens
and it was the actions of a few right wing conservatives (probably Romney
supporters) that took action and not the feelings of the majority. Libyans
like the U.S. and appreciate what we have done for them.
So, he just told "US" healthcare is a "heartattack"? I don't see how he
makes sense to himself? That was pandering to his base, which now is rich
white mormons? Oh, I know what happened, God sent aliens to tell him to
pander only to his base. Hey, Willard what about this pain I get on the
right side of my asshole, everytime I see and hear you? Robney "Guess
you'll have to wait until it works it's way up to being a heartattack"? Or
wait until about 11:30pm the night of the 6th? Disagree FY!
Obama is going to release 55 prisoners from Gitmo, so they can come and
kill Americans again. Obama is a Muslim, there is no doubt, he won’t help
Americans but he will free every terrorist killer we have. Obama took away
the marine guards for Stevens in Libya, which meant certain death for
Stevens. Then he Lied to the American people over and over. This is not a
man. Obama is a Gutter Slime Ball, he is the lowest form of life, Obama is
a Traitor to America.
So what's Romney saying, that if states say it's okay they can send you to
a clinic when you're having a heart attack? Another brain fart response as
usual. Hiding behind state's rights is a gimmick at this point, to keep
ripping us off. Someone must wind him up at night like an old clock.
so instead of having health care, so the person can go to a dr. on a
regular basis and probably be treated for his heart problems with
medication, we wait til he has a heart attack and then send him to the
clinic or e.r.? brilliant. mitt romney 2012 everyone
please provide proof or shut up if this is your conspiracy theory i would
like to know what your thoughts on the sep. 11 seeing as GWB an his adm.
had prior warning before the attacks
October 1999 - Oliver Sacks Question-and-Answer Session at DePauw University
Oliver Sacks, the neurologist and author of the best-sellers 'Awakenings' and 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales', visited DePauw ...
Learning at Home: Dale Kunkel, Professor Emeritus of the University of Arizona
Learning at Home: Families' Educational Media Use in America A Breakthrough Learning Forum by the Joan Ganz Cooney Center On January 24, 2013 the ...