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Elizabeth not so smart? A little overview on her story

Story about Elizabeth smart AOL ARTICLE: ...

User Comments
video maker: Talk about something you understand .She was an innocent fourteen year old from a good protective family she was an innocent. Compre ?.She was dragged out into the night by a madman with a knife at her throat who threatened to kill her and her family.She was terrified. She was tied up sexually abused drugged and continued to be threatened while his psychopathic woman looked on. She was just fourteen years old. understand ?Yes she is intelligent and she must have figured out ways to survive and appease him
+bluewren “bluewren8” Reilly Ammon Weser exactly right.
+bluewren “bluewren8” Reilly and that will be with her for a long, long time .I applaud the way she conducts herself she's very attractive and expresses herself with intelligence and charm. I really hope her book will be widely read and make her a lot of money.Love light and laughter to you Elizabeth Smart may you prosper  from here on in.
video maker:+bluewren “bluewren8” Reilly .If she hadn't she would probably have been dug up from a dirt grave in them thar hills. One can only wonder what happened to his other victims.Please do us a favor get your head out and grow up!. Here is something else for your much needed education  victims even completely adult victims have been known to bond with there kidnappers  and or captors it is some sort of mental and emotional survival instinct.She has a lot of stuff psychologically she still has to process

Top 100 Matches of the Year - #100 - #50

50. KENTA vs. Atsushi Aoki at NOAH 8/22/2010 ****1/4 51. Tyler Black vs. Chris Hero for the ROH World Title at ROH: Bitter Friends, Stiffer Enemies 2 ****1/4 52.

User Comments
Nice job once again. I have to agree about Takayama. I hear people call him the Kevin Nash of NOAH but the guy had a phenomenal year. This list really proves that KENTA has had an underrated year. Lots of those matches received little buzz but I think they are all worthy of being on the list. WGTT vs KOW is going to be overrated because of the reaction and dream match buzz. It's technically not anywhere close to being match of the year.
Go Shizaki vs Sugiura is probably my favorite Sugiura match of 2010. I just loved how crisp and well executed it was. Briscoes vs YBucks really got lost in the shuffle, that's one of the best HD Net matches to date. I think Golden Lovers vs Apollo 55 was probably the funnest match of 2010. I guess Marufuji vs Devitt ended a little too early but it really fast paced for the amount of time that it got.
@WinWithTheAceHigh I have said several times do not trust my ratings for the TPI 2004 shows. I had a different view of wrestling back then since I first started getting into Indy Wrestling. If you go back, I originally rated that show a 6/10 yet rated every match ***1/4 or higher.
Hasegawa Sakie vs Sakie Hasegawa Retirement Match vs Ito Kaoru 03-31-96 is the best Retirement match ever Closely Fallowed by Yuka Shiina Retirement Match for how good the match was but for how Emotional the Aftermath was Yuka Shiina Retirement Match Beats all
@WinWithTheAceHigh Yes WHEN in those 9 minutes the match feels underwhelming because they didn't have enough time to fully develop their story. In the Chikara match, they developed their story and then some. So the time wasn't an issue
I beleve malachi jackson retired, he hasnt been in PWG since Seven. I heard is he just didnt have the same passion for the buissness as his brothers. Idont know haw true that is tho.
@Trademark629 It was a different type of a match. Once you see Sawa and Hidaka's other matches in Evolve, you can try to get what they were going for
@biogamer100 There both are in my Top 100 Matches of the Year - The Honorable Mentions video
Glad to hear ya bring up some lesser know matches, Most these lists are all WWE and TNA.
@TheMistafunktastic Almost all of them are available on Youtube
@bigratthreeten is ur next vid gonna be 50-1 ?
do all matches have to be indy bs

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Alice Project School presentation

A short movie to present the school.

User Comments
Joan, the sweet and soft spoken teacher of this video, is no more. She left us, the children, the school after fighting a cancer that killed her in a very short time. We all are very sad. We will remember this wonderful, kind, generous teacher as one of our best friend. She came twice to Sarnath school. She brought her smile and love to all the children and she worked very hard to help the kids to "learn English with fun." A perfect teacher and an example of a life spent in a meaningful way.
Valentino, ecco la presentazione
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