Cooking rice serious eats Videos

HAPPY TWIN GIRLS! - May 12, 2014 - itsJudysLife Daily Vlog

Chicken & Rice recipe // Mommy Channel!!!

User Comments
Hello I am new seeing your vlogs daily. I started with April and Justin and now with you and your family. All of you are awesome and I enjoy watching each and every day. Even tho I know the percentage is high with the young ones but im in my 50s and I still enjoy watching your vlogs. You have such a beautiful family and you have a very nice and caring and supportive husband who helps you in everything.Your twins are so cute and healthy. I also had twins 31 years ago but one of my twins twin 2 suffocated when she was born and grew up with cerebral palsy. 5 years ago god took her to heaven she had a lot of pain. My other twin thank god is okay. Have a good week.
ooops Julliana is a cutey pie she is so adorable.
I always wondered why people called those cameltoes but dang JB really helped clarify that image for me LOL shes adorable.
haha yes! Nonetheless very cute with her!
Why Is everyone hating on Benji? I would love to see all of You date or marry someone half as great as Benji. You people are pathetic.
Yup poor Benji. He's a good dad and cooks well. I would love that. So people stop hating.
I just have no clue why everyone hates on him...poor guy! Every little thing he does or says and he gets hated on.
I know!! Benji does it all: cook, clean, he takes Julianna with him so Judy can take care of the twins, I want a man like Benji.
U guys are living the life of the rich and famous. Judy, the stay at home mom, benji....the stay at home dad. Melody...the live in full time nanny...Judy's mom is the stay at home nanny. Traveling, staying at luxury hotels, eating out, organic gourmet home cooking made with the most expensive groceries from expensive markets. Getting sent gifts, shopping all day online, family gatherings, visiting friends, constant dinner parties. All of this while in their 20s is good...I wish life could be this way for everyone that has a high school diploma like benji, lol. Most people I know where working their ass off on their 20s, eating top ramen.
I don't know you or your circumstances, but from your comment it is very telling of how jealous & sad a human being you are. You want to be successful? Do something constructive...start by taking all the negativity in your being..or maybe you first need to get a life.
I have always left positive comments on your vlog, but this comment is so needed.... I feel some kinda way about Benji implying that Julianna has a camel toe. People are really sensitive and uneasy when it comes to inappropriate topics and little girls. Those two should not mix. I know I may get some negative comments from the viewers, but this is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.Remember Judy, you should be careful of some of the clips you leave in your vlogs, maybe some of your viewers are not "virtuous people".
He was joking XD
All their lips (the girls) Have such RED LIPS!
+bayli buchanan grammar*
Opps... Gramer... Err
Oh girl u need to nip that high squeek yell that JB does. Ive noticed she does it in ur vlogs when shes not getting her way. So if she does it and then u give her what shes wanting, shes going to know to do that everytime be it at home or out in public
Dont get me wrong, I luv me some JB and the twins; however, as a mom I know that the second u give in to their screams like that then they have the control and thats not good. Its one thing to do it in ur home but its really important (and again just my opinion. As we all know everyone has an opinion. They are like assholes and they all stink, lol, but we still have them) that u teach them at JBs age to not do that cause i promise she will do it in public. She doesnt know any better so its not her fault. Benji and Judy just need to not give her somerhing when she does scream or have her sit on a naughty mat for 1 min. She will get it. Most likely not the first time but she will eventually.
I know..You're so right!

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That larb looks good
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