Rice recipes snacks Videos

Peas Rice Patties/Snacks/evening tea/tasty and Easy recipe

follow me on:- Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/temptationcookingclasses?ref=bookmarks Ingredients:- 2 cup boiled Rice 1 cup boiled green peas 1/2 cup ...

Flattened Rice Simple Snacks - Easy And Tasty

Beaten Rice (Atukulu) Tasty Snacks - Quick and Simple Required Ingredients: Beaten Rice, Groundnut Oil, Water, Coriander Leaves (Kothimeera), Chili Powder ...

Healthy Snacks: How to make Korean Rice Cakes (약밥)

For complete recipe, visit //www.hungrygopher.com/ Follow me on //instagram.com/hungrygopher https://twitter.com/HungryGopher ...

User Comments

Oh my goodness! That looks unbelievable.Thanks again for sharing this recipe.
+Ying LI My pleasure, Ying. Thanks for the comment ^__^
Thank you for this simplified method. 
+TuckerSP2011 Hi, Tucker! Thank you ^__^
Hi Hungry Gopher, This food was grandma's special treat when I was really little and I still can taste it:) Since you made it looks so simple to make, I decided to take them for a very special wake that is on tomorrow afternoon. My question is about the the soaking time. You have specified 6.5 hours. Would it be still ok if I soak the rice over night, say 8 - 9 hrs? I am making this without practise and don't want to make any mistake if I can help:) Thank you for sharing the wonderful recipe.
+Aus Candomedia Hi Unni, Grandma did? I didn't know that... I think about her from time to time. She was so sweet, wasn't she? I miss her. If you have a pressure rice cooker, the process gets even faster. So if you have a rice cooker, put it to use^^. I hope it turned out well.
+Aus Candomedia Sorry, somehow I missed the first part of your video. I've got the answer now:) Will let you know how I went. Thank you xoxo
Again something I need to try, thank you for the yummy recipe! I'd love to see more sweet recipes and maybe some side dish too :)
My pleasure, Cechaton!  Thanks for letting me know what you like to see.  I'll make a note of it~
I like :3 this video i love you're food 
Thanks a lot, Maya^^
Yum I will try to make this at home it looks so good . I also love dates. 
Awesomeness, Dane!  Let me know how it turns out~  Thanks for the nice comment^^

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