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Cincinnati reds championships Videos

Your 2012 Central Division Champions Cincinnati Reds

A preview of the Next National League Central Division Winning Cincinnati Reds.

User Comments

Hell I don't remember the name of it now. 
Good video btw 
Thank you Austin 

Cincinnati Reds 2010 National Champions Victory Fireworks

A fireworks display from the 2010 Cincinnati Reds National champions clinched Victory game.

Cincinnati Reds 2010 NL Central Champions

celebration immediately after Jay Bruce hits the game winning home run.

User Comments

My, my, we certainly have a temper, don't we?? I might have a bit more respect for you if you didn't post comments like an angry child. A molester?? Nope, wouldn't dream of stooping to that level of sickness. I'm just hoping you're younger than me, because no one my age would hurl such vitriol unless he/she had an anger problem.
I have a great life, thank you very much. I don't have to resort to immature name calling and juvenile insults. I really hope you're younger than me, because if a grown man/woman is making these comments, well, that's pretty damn sad.
I dont need or want the respect of a guy that post commets like a 40 year old consoler that touches little kids. you wont dream of it but you do it. I am a teenager and I can kick your ass. you have a anger problem.
you dont have a great life all you do is set at home watching videos. why do you want me to be younger than you, you a sick molester. are you a man/woman thats pretty damn sad!!!!!!!!!!!!
@grubbs112489 It was...They celebrated in the locker room for a while then came back on the field and did a victory lap around the field. BP decided to do a Lambeau Leap into the crowd!
no i thougth it up in a few seconds because i dont go on youtube every day to see all my comments because i have a life. you do not .go cards retard!!!!!!!
Reds rule cardinals suck!!!!!! Who agrees with me and also everybody visit my channel for videos and news about the reds
Did ANYONE happen to catch the moment in the post-game when Brandon Phillips jumped into the crowd. Cuz I CAUGHT HIM!
immature name calling. you called me small minded think before you say something thats pretty damn sad!!!!!!
@TanaekaProject Only small-minded people hate those they don't even know. You are just such an example.
really!!! all you did was win the central division the cardinals won the world series. suck on that
@bcushing if that was after they went into the locker room and came back I missed it
Have fun being an angry prick, then. You're certainly good at it. I'm done with you.
@marsjarsproductions lmfao the brewers can fight the butt pirates for last place
no thankyou im not gay like u why dont u get your mom to give u a blow job.

Cincinnati Reds 2010 Division Champions Celebration

The celebration at the Great American Ball Park when Jay Bruce hit the home run in the 9th inning to win the game against Houston and win outright the Division ...

User Comments

I remember being at this game. I remember it was so crowded there. We had a full house that night. Go Reds!
@LbsTheMovie, You are welcome. Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.
amazing footage in HD. amazing game. GO REDS. CRUSH PHILLY!

National League Central Division Champions Cincinnati Reds

Reds clinch the Central on 9/22/2012.

User Comments

Check out Fox Sports Ohio. Check the comments, they are getting HAMMERED for promising to show the postgame celebration, then NOT doing it. Showing it on Monday after the thrill of the moment has passed is dogshit. Hopefully the Reds win it all, & we can be sure the national network will actually SHOW the celebration! I'm from Maine(very few Reds fans here), & have been a Reds fan since 1965(year of 1st .300 season of Pete Rose), & live for any big moments of the Reds, & FSN Ohio really blew it.
thanks for posting this, too bad someone like Chris Welsh or Thom didnt get to call it, I even made my own video on the 2012 reds cause i believe we are going all the way baby!
Yes they did blow it, also i have Fox Sports Ohio pulled up in another window as i reply.. It's my own fault for not driving down and catching the game today! Go Reds
Thanks man.. Its looking like your Cards are going to grab that 2nd spot.. believe me with what they did last season nobody wants them in. GO REDS
When you all beat us in 2010 I have never seen 1 team take it to another in such a convincing fashion as the Phillies did. Thanks man
I was there and watched them clinch the division with chapman throwing a 99 mph pitch to Ramirez for a 4-6-3 double play to win it
I heard them on the radio last night say that he would miss the series but i didn't here why.. he's not sick.. i do no that.
Go Reds.. did you see where Fox Sports Ohio will be airing the post game celebration Monday at 8pm? SMH @ THAT!
Too bad that Marty didn't get to call this but glad The Reds won. GO REDS!
Yea your probably right, but anyways Congrats on winning the West. Go Reds
When we beat you in 2010 i said yall would be a future force. So congrats
Congrats Reds fans. SF Giants are going to see you all in the playoffs.
Fuck this bullshit..... Enjoy it while you can.... See you soon
Thanks for posting! GO REDS ALL THE WAY this year I hope!
and I thought the 2010 postseason was an embarrassment..

Kiss 107 congrats Cincinnati Reds on NL Central Div Championship

Call from Marty Brennaman as heard on 700WLW Cincinnati, Photos courtesy of MLB.com & Cincinnati.Com... audio from Kiss107.com... Reds rule!
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