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Tucson az newspaper birth announcements Videos


After much waiting & anticipation we reveal baby girl Kim's name. Rosalind goes on an epic quest searching for clues to find baby sister's name. HOW WE ...

User Comments

oh man, i started guessing with the 3 A's.. and i turned Pi into a P... so i'm sitting here thinking A... P.... I... R... E ... etc... lmao. i was soooo confused.. then i re-watched and it made sense! i loved this though and her name!!!
also i don't even know how i backtracked and mixed everything up.. but that's ok. lol.
Such a pretty name! Congrats!
+Jillian Bennett Thank you.
Aw! I love old fashioned names! ...although I may be biased because my name is Alice and not many people my age have that one. I have always loved having a name that not too many other people had. :) By the way, Rosalind was so cute running around in this video. Nice job on the reveal.
+Alice Manfrida (girlofyarn) Thank you. We love names like that too(as I'm sure you can tell from our name choices lol). I just adore it!
I like it ;-)
+Irene Secilla Haha! I'm glad to know that someone with the name approves!
Awww that's such a cute name!!! my little cousin is called irene, but pronounced in Italian since we're from Italy hehe Very good choice guys!
+mellylavi Aw! I've never heard the Italian pronunciation. I'll have to look it up.
Aw love the hunt with Rosalind! I can't wait to meet baby Irene!
+While They Were Napping I can't believe here due date is only 9 weeks away.
That was cool. Gave me goosebumps. Love her name!!! Yay for baby Irene. X
+Debbie W I'm glad you liked it! Ken was so proud.


People have different opinions about used baby products. Some people love second hand goodies & some people would prefer that their newborn gets all new ...

User Comments

I love hand me downs!
+Amanda Anderson I grew up in my sister's hand me downs. I always felt so special when I grew into something that used to be hers.
Judging from the comments, I am totally alone here when I say I'm not a fan of used stuff! With my first I was blessed with some used items but the majority were not in good condition (mold in the bottle warmer, ripped pack n play, clothing that was pilling/stained, etc.) I'm a bargain shopper and love it so I'd much rather score a great deal on a new item than receive used items. :)
I think that's totally fine. I got a couple of used things that I didn't use too(car seat pads that you shouldn't add, crib bumpers, a bouncer that was recalled etc). I wasn't offended that they weren't in good condition I just didn't use them. But shopping for new things or your own personal things(even if you buy used) is half the fun of being pregnant which is why I always double check before giving hand me downs because people have different feelings about them.
I LOVE handmedowns. We got a few from my SIL. We also got lots of new stuff which was awesome as a FTM. I kind of wish you would have showed us the bag of cloth diapers. I can't be the only one who is super curious about which ones exactly are in it. I love seeing fluff!
It was combo, 7 or so GMD NB prefolds, 1 kissaluvs size 0, 2 NB lite wraps, 1 NB perfect bum, 4 OS fitteds(good mama and tots bots) some tots bots easy fits and a hodgepodge of pockets and all in 2s.
Those are some really great hand me downs! Your friend is VERY LUCKY! 
+Raising the trotter's22 Thank you. A lot of them we hand me downs to us too so I figured I'd pass along the favor.
You already know I love hand me downs lol. My baby shower actually just got cancelled :( (because we are delivering preemie before it is scheduled and we just aren't sure what will be going on with itty bitty) but we actually put on my registry notes that we would gladly take any of it used especially clothes and newborn cloth diapers!! Babies use things for such a short time there is nothing wrong with reusing it lol. Heck there is still so much we still need in the next two weeks that I am hoping a few people will still have some hand me downs
+Bunne Wisniewski That's a great idea to put on your registry! I hope everything is okay with little one!
I loved hand me downs....still do actually. You're an awesome friend!
+Megan W. I love hand me downs too! I'm glad that she was okay with them because we didn't have the budget to get her the kind of gift I'd like new but I feel like we were still able to really give her some useful stuff.
Wooow! I would have loved those hand me downs...especially the cloth diapers!!!
Thank You! I will look at these. :) I was actually thinking of getting flower sack towels because you mentioned it in another video but I did not know about the no sew fleece cover. 
Have you seen my video about how to make a no sew fleece cover? Maybe that and a dozen flour sack towels(for $1 a piece) or some receiving blankets you already have could help tide you over... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSdYqsqUCPs&list=PLeyaqGhGJlQevOeyxxj-gUxGO0rAtevEp&index=15
:) Ya I hear you. I actually only have 12 cloth diapers. I have to wash them more often because we couldn't afford buying more. Maybe in the future I can buy more. :) :) 
+Floral Nightengale I just get so excited about friends cloth diapering! I love buying fluff but we're on a tight budget at the moment so I'm glad that we had extras that we wouldn't miss.


Not all of our children have their grandmas close by which is why I think this is such a cool company.I wanted to do a review of my NiNi Grandmas 2 Share doll.

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my daughter isn't into dolls, but what a neat doll.
+cooking sweets,treats, and more I was surprised that Rosalind is because I never was but she is absolutely obsessed. It's such a cool toy and I love that when you buy one you'r e supporting a fellow mom.
It kinda looks like bette milder. Lol my mum is grandma so we would love it! But my mum is about 10 mins away. Though she still isn't in our lives everyday. 
We have toys at my mums that are special for my mums house. I think all Grandmas have a stash. Lol
+lumdeedums I think it would still be great even if we lived close to my mom. When we were kids we used to have special toys that stayed at my grandma's house. This would have been a really nice one to keep there.
This is such a cute idea! My child won't be around my parents much after the first year so this is so cool. I hope they come out with more diverse dolls, or customized dolls!
haha a grandpa doll would be cool too! Especially for boys!!
+The Choice of Motherhood That would be cool. I think part of it is that they are still relatively new but it would be really cool if they had more diversity. My dad was a little jealous, "Where's her Grandpa doll." Lol.
When I told my parents I was pregnant she did NOT want to be called Grandma. She says she is to young to be called Grandma so we call her Mimi. That should be next, a Mimi doll. ;) 
+Andrea_Garrison My mom was the same way which is why we call her "Gemma."
i should get this for my daugter she havent saw my mother in almost 4 years by her choice she didnt want to be a mother or grandma .my hubby mother lives in a different state .so this wold be good for her
+melissa Lovell That would be great for her. We never see Ken's mom either and his step mom lives in South Korea so my mom is the only grandma she knows(minus great grandmas).


Our Rainbow baby Rosalind is finally here. After a very stressful pregnancy after stillbirth I just can't believe that my precious newborn is already 1week old.

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I have an apt. next week but I won't be finding out the gender. I really want to but I didn't with my daughter and it was one more thing to look forward during labor it kinda motivated me to push harder. :) Also my husband believes in waiting till birth and since there really isn't much he can do during pregnancy (except for helping with our daughter of course) I think it's something I can let him have and I since I did once I'm just gonna wait again. It's harder to pick a name though!
My daughter is partially deaf and thriving. There can be a ton of different reasons for it. There are so many options for these children. My daughter seems to have an undersized ear canal and will only require reconstructive surgery in the future and will have complete hearing hopefully. If she does end up being Deaf in anyway, have the Dr give you the number for Early Intervention in your area. They are a team of therapist that will work with her from birth to 4 years old.
Also, just to complain a little. Bras are also really hard to find for women like me with relative small backs and big breasts. (usually use DD) but have a smaller back. So it's hard to find the size I wear in regular bras and most definitely nursing bras. The problem is the bras with the right cup size are too big for my back and the ones with the right back don't even cover half my breast. Sorry for tmi but it really is a pain. Anyhow, so happy things are going great!!!
I'm going to try to do a video about mommy postpartum but to answer these questions. Yes the stitches dissolve on their own at 2 weeks. I have not had them catch on anything but I have heard that you should use the pads that don't have that mesh layer(i.e. use like kotex or stayfree not always). They give you a local anesthetic before stitching you so in theory you feel nothing. Mine only took on one side so I did feel them stitching and it was a bit painful.
I'm glad you talked about the difference of pain/breast size this time around due to her feeding and relieving it. I lost a baby girl at 18.5 weeks and I remember the pain was horrid and I'm a size d you can imagine how big they got. I'm 25 weeks with my rainbow baby girl and I can honestly say that was the one thing post birth I've been worried about. I'm so happy for you and that your rainbow has made it in your arms healthy and safe:) she is adorable!
Yeah I've been to a lot of places and usually have to end up in Victoria's secret which make my bras somewhat expensive. While nursing I went to the St. Joseph's hospital store. It's not the gift store but they sell nursing related items there and rent out pumps, and because of the size it was still like $40 per bra. Anyhow, I know they also have one of those stores at TMC so maybe this time around I'll go there see what they have.
I remember when Aurora was born, she was jaundice as well, and they wouldn't let us leave the hospital for like, 4 days :( when we finally went home, Aurora was sooooo lethargic because of her being jaundiced that it was scary when I would try to wake her up to feed her, and she would just not wake up.... I was so scared! Obviously she's fine, but you guys are handling it better than I did, that's for sure lol. I was legit crying.
So glad things are going good! Just couple of things I wanted to mention my daughter and niece both failed their first hearing tests. Then passed the second one right away. At the birth center they told me she had very small ears so the instruments didn't fit very well for the test. The point is there is really no reason to worry as long as you can see that she does respond to noise around the house or your voice. (cont.)
Well the scan is fun anyways and it would be supercool to hear the "It's a..." at birth. If we get pregnant again and have a boy then maybe on the third we would wait to find out. I think it would be really cool but Ken is really logistical and wants to start buying gender specific things right away. But if we had a boy and a girl already then we would already have everything we need and could have the fun of waiting.
My daughter had a poo explosion when she was a month old. She had been in the hospital for a month because she got UTI caused by urinary reflux we didn't know she had till then. My husband was changing her in the hospital and she exploded all over him. I remember I was sitting on the bed just laughing so hard. The nurses had a good laugh too. Hubby didn't think it was so funny then but thinks its hilarious now.
I have been following you since you found out you were pregnant... Have never commented on a video before but I just had to.. CONGRATSSSS!! So happy for you guys!! Isn't God amazing?! Btw- I don't think breastfeeding has anything to do with your amazing tummy!! That is just good genetics! Lol. I am 4mths PP & exclusively breastfeeding... And I still am no where near my pre-pregnancy shape. :-/
It's called the Snuza Hero(which is the same thing as the Snuza Halo they just changed the name.) we ordered it off of Amazon but I would check Ebay or craigslist first because you can get it cheaper than we did. There's also a Snuza Go which is cheaper but it doesn't buzz before the alarm goes off. I'm going to do a review video in a week or two after we've used it a little longer.
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