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Tucson citizen newspaper high school sports Videos

Maricopa High School vs Rincon High School - Football 9-11-15

The Maricopa High School Rams traveled to Tucson to take on the Rincon High School Rangers on September 11, 2015. The Rams were able to shut down the ...

Madison West High School Homecoming Cheer Performance

Madison West High School Homecoming performance 2015-2016. Yes!!! I'm the only boy in there Follow our official Instagram account: ...

Rincon High School sprayed with Toxic Powdered Metals Today! (03/28/2013) (Chemtrails)

OMG call the police! Call The news stations! Call someone! Yes folks, unfortunitally the title of this video is correct, "Today Rincon High school (University High ...

User Comments

Well...good thing that you believe in Chemtrails......BECAUSE THEY ARE REAL AND THEY ARE HAPPENING! HAARP has a pattent from our govt. so it may just be real too! Tough part is getting the parents to pass the first stage, called denial! Then maybe they will accept the fact that they are being sprayed like Lab-Rats! Thats the hardest part for them to get past.... I guess!
check out a you tube video called...1980 -nbc-contrails can change the weather ...this is an old news cast...if you cant find it i have it on my channel.....proof that they are spraying us
That's crazy because I go to Rincon and I believe in chem trails and HARP
Thanks ..Peace! .V,,

Coaches Great American Tradition

Here is the Documentary I worked on for a year with the high school students media program at Sabino High School. Sabino is a storied football program in ...

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