Thanks, but I have tried to run pairwise wilcoxon after Kruskal (which
works) after you and another, but am missing something. The table is
clearly wrong with lots of '1's and a few non-sig. p values (eg 0.22).
Kruskal has p = .002. It looks like your table, but no sig values. Wilcoxon
between individual pairs (using menu in Rcmdr) gives much different
results, includ. the so called 1.000s. What's missing?
usually, you will test your assumption first. For example, if normality is
violated, then you better use KW. By using multiple pair-wised t-test, you
are increasing chance of getting Type 1 Error. That is what Post-hoc test
comes in handy(e.g Tukey HSD test).
Hi! Great video! Simple and to the point. I have a question also, Is it the
same to use an ANOVA or a multiple t test?
Prueba de Kruskal Wallis R Proyect
Statistics 25: Kruskal-Wallis & Friedman Tests
In our final class, we discuss non-parametric alternatives to one-way ANOVAS (both independent and repeated measures). In addition to demonstrating how we ...
Thanks for the video, very useful indeed. But I have a more complex
analysis to do, I have measurements both before and after an intervention
((repeated measures) on 4 independent groups, and I need to compare the
measurements using non parametric tests as the data is skewed. I understand
it will be a mix of kruskal wallis and Friedman but I don't know hoe to do
it, can you please help ??)
u knw wat sir ,,, I was with following the lesson till the the noise
distracted me n i got lost ! :( I didnt get t he question u asked the
students just the part wen the noise started, its in the minute 20 in the
The Non-Parametric Analyses video series is available for FREE as an iTune book for download on the iPad. The ISBN number is 978-1-62407-809-5. The title ...
Este tutorial ensina como fazer a análise da variância (ANOVA) para uma única VI com diferentes níveis (grupo controle, grupo experimental 1, grupo ...