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Subaru brat meaning Videos

EK Plays - I Am Bread - THE DEFINITION OF RAGE !!!!

What's up guys & welcome to one of the most notorious games for sparking rage through your soul! I Am Bread! Let's just say, head phone users, you have been ...

User Comments

Man pls don't become blackpanthaa 2.... His videos aren't so great anymore and he just makes far cry 4 and sucky games like this and other arcade games. He is trying way too hard to be liked...
Hey man, I'm not trying to be like him or trying to hard to be like, I just want to bring more variety to the channel & having more fun in different styles of games as well as racing games, if you get me :)
I think blue jam would suit you nicely XD
+ENDER1770 | The Rad Racer Haha that would rock man :)
Hey! I would like to make you an intro, but I need to confimation that u will use it then :)
oh ok :/ i ll just upload it in my channel and you download it! :) is that ok?
+Canal do Lopes™ I tried adding you man, nothing came up in the search engine.
+EKDrifter458 the intro is done! :D if you want to me to send the intro add me on skype pls : gonsas007
Can you make me an intro??
+Canal do Lopes™ Thanks man, that would be awesome :)
great video
+nlgamergames Thanks man :)
Hahaha nice video Ek its nice that your playing other games that great :) and i suggest you to play some indie games like other youtuber. May the Petrol be with you ;) 
Yeah man, that would be cool, thanks man :)
This is hillarious to watch! Please bring more of this game, having a laugh seeing you play it. Never knew a game about bread could be made interesting... 
Haha thanks man, glad you enjoyed it :)
"Spider Man, Spider Man, Does Whatever A Spider Can, Can He Swing From A Web... No He Can't Cause He's Just Fucking Bread!" This left me in hysterics for a good few minutes hahahaha
+Shadow StalkerZ Haha thanks man :)
Is anyone getting tired of these silly simulation games, maybe I need to lighten up a little? :P
+CarGamingBlog Well, there very popular & a lot of people like them man :)

Papal Meaning

Video shows what papal means. Having to do with the pope or the papacy.. papal pronunciation. How to pronounce, definition by Wiktionary dictionary. papal ...

subaru burnout compilation

User Comments

Last guy not so good, gotta clutch it to get it started 

1985 subaru gl 4x4DR.wmv

User Comments

damn Crammage ! you sure do find allot of Subaru down there. we should meet up and start our own Subaru Garage !. would that be a dream ?!
@goingdownthetubes Rly? ! oh boy ! oh Boy ! oh boy ! *jumping up and down like a child* LOL
@SubaruXT6 where have you been watch my new crammage video!
@SubaruXT6 may be happy with my next video

LOVE AND SUBARU'S - Shovel Knight Part 15

Click to Subscribe ▻ https://www.youtube.com/user/MurphDatGaming?sub_confirmation=1 Next Episode ...
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