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Mike honda ca Videos

The Communicators: Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA)

Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA) represents Silicon Valley, home to technology companies such as Apple, Intel and Ebay. He explains how legislative efforts in the U.S. ...

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The interest in science and math comes long before college students are picking out their majors. Since they aren't prepared, they don't attempt technical majors. I'm on a board that hands out scholarships at a midwestern university. The kids coming out of high school look at the challenging coursework in the universities technical fields, realize they are under prepared and choose other majors. You think public schools aren't for serious students? You're kidding, right?
This is incorrect. American technology companies in Silicon Valley (Mike's district) can't hire enough good engineers and mathematicians. Our public education system is non-competitive globally and we end up hiring engineers from other countries on work visa to fill the spots. The decrease in engineers has to do with poor math and science skills in our primary schools.
You're not even making sense. Sony is a Japanese company. They have offices in the U.S. like every large company. The discussion was regarding technology development. Apple shipped 6.9 million phones in Q3 2009. You have no facts, you don't even have good guesses. That's my last response.
Sony is based in Japan, not Silicon Valley. Apple brings new products to market every few months and maintains its profits (its a public company, just take a look at last quarters financials). Apple released the iphone in June of 2007 and has sold over 17 million.
Honda is Sarah Palin's DICKLESS and BALLESS BITCH and PUSSY! Palin is a SUPERIOR politician and statesman than Honda could ever be. She is also MORE MAN than he is for Honda wears the skirt in his family while his wife wears the pants!
Honda is a typical government hack and statist. He wants "comprehensive" imigration reform-code for amnesty. Someone needs to give him some coffee- he says a lot of nothing and is half asleep.
Mike Honda is a liar.I hate him everything! Because I'm Japanese. He cares only about money.He always thinking to line his pocket.He loves China to death.VAFFANCULO MIKE!!!
That would be "wafer" not "waffle" in the comment about Applied Materials. I thought it was just a simple mistake, until I watched the rest of the video.
You're also kidding about electronic companies selling their "merchandise below cost" right? Check Apple's margins or Intel's or HP's.
power is knowledge and one word implies SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE U WOULD BE ignorant not to want to know the hypocracy behind it... HEMP!!!!
On your Wikipedia search did you notice that Apple has 29 Billion dollars of cash in the bank?
Mike Honda only odes what Nancy Pelosi tells him to do. Mike is a good little dog.
I'm happy that CSPAN posts on youtube.... wish they could post everything new.
I'm ashamed that Honda is my Congressman.

Congressman Mike Honda (CA)

Congressman Mike Honda (CA) 2016 Public Policy Forum "Science and Solutions for a Resilient Ocean" Ocean Leadership March 9, 2016, 8:30am-6:00pm ...

USINPAC - An Interview With Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA)

Introducing H.R. 4816

Rep. Mike Honda recently held a press conference to announce H.R. 4816, the House Bill counterpart to S.1602, also known as The Toxic Exposure Research ...

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USINPAC - Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA) On How To Prove That The U.S. Is A Land of Opportunity

Mike Honda speech about comfort women

마이크 혼다 의원 연설, CA congressman Mike Honda speech about comfort woman, May 9th 2014 in Chicago. a fundraising event hosted by Korean- Americans ...

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Do you understand this issue clearly?? and what you saying is kinds of discrimination and racism . If you are real civic activist you should not pick up this issue. It is 70 years ago. My grand father already past away and nowadays very few people know. maybe you work politician as business for making money and what you saying to Japanese Human rights issue. you know many Japanese-American living in U.S.A. in LA California and innocent small Japanese bullied by Korean-American and Chinese-American. If what you saying is correct that 200000 Korean forced to be comfort women by Japanese military we apologize for you. But You should show us evidence and proof. I wonder whether you understand your your social position in U.S.A or not? Why you always Korea and China side?? They supporting you by money of something??
+yoko yamato what he is saying is true and we should remember that. This is reason why we learn history no matter what you live in America or Japan or even in South Korea. You are right most of people who related to this event already past away or very old. However, there are still some comfort women alive in South Korea. Then who should we ask the guiltiness? Because most of people involved in the comfort women accident was soldiers. They worked for Japaneses's government. They were under Japan government control. This is clear that even though this tragic accident happened long times ago, South Korea deserves the right to ask Japan to apologize for it.Thank you for reading this long comment and Hope you have a great day.My facebook account is https://www.facebook.com/goupper please let me know if you have more questions I can give you more information.
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