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China white club edward street Videos

China White

Local Cape Town Club,China White in Edward Street, U just rock up on stage n do Ya Thing, On Thirsty Thursday, so locals just njoy performing on stage, 4 fun.

Local Cape Town Club, Edward Street, U just rock up on stage n do Ya Thing, On Thirsty Thursday, so locals just njoy performing on stage, 4 fun.

Royal Club vs Edward Gaming | Game 2 Quarter Finals S4 Worlds LOL 2014 Playoffs | SHR vs EDG QF G2

D3G2 Edward Gaming vs Star Horn Royal Club LOL S4 Worlds G2 quarter finals | EDG vs SHR Quarter-Final Game 2 | S4 Quarter Final Star Horn Royal Club vs ...

User Comments

btw, i know i am asking much, could there be a 1080p version of these? :D
+EpicSkillshotbtw, it didnt mean to be a criticism, i really love your work, i think i saw the 80% of the videos you put up :D
Right, i guess you are picking it up fron youtube then :D  . You think the "source" quality on twitch in 1080p? It seemed just a bit more nitid
why is alistar has a 90% ban rate, why is he always ban whats good bout him 
There is something significantly wrong with you if you are already a bronze but still don't know why Alistar is banned in team fights.
+Michael M you mean because of his w nerfs (but he is still great at diving)
reall? hes not hard to play lol 
He's difficult to play which is why you don't see him much in solo q or ranked but hes great at tower diving and tanking damage for team objectives 
His roaming power is just so unfair. Even when he is behind, he can just buy mobi boots and tries to dive people, because of his ult has 70% dmg reduction, so diving is always good for the cow.
you're the hardest champion in league of legendsWhat?Yes i am in bronze 5
You can't milk those'
oh yeah i remembered that..
before the nerf he could aa after w with a trinity and statikk proc so his lane phase was ridiculous
twitch has like 130% winrate at worlds
did I just saw insec pull an insec?

Corne Hale Edward Street Walk

Hundreds of people gather outiside Stones in Edward Street to pay tribute to Corne Hale who tragically passed away on 26 November 2011.

User Comments

my seun Rozier van Blerk (ook van Tygerberg )is 29 Nov 2005 oorlede nadat hy deur 'n gewese Polisiehoof se twee seuns aangerand was en vir 600m agter 'n voertuig gesleep is - weet jy Hester ons is ook bitter en ons verlang elke dag maar EENDAG MOET ELKEEN VOOR GOD VERANTWOORDING GAAN DOEN VIR HUL DADE - sterkte louwrita - so daarbuite loop mense met ons kinders se bloed aan hul hande xxx
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