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China white menu Videos

"Chinese White Noodles" "Recipe of a Successful Busy Takeway Restaurant" [ASMR]

//youtu.be/x7QqA-2POUg "Chinese White Noodles" "Recipe of a Successful Busy Takeway Restaurant" [ASMR] Ear to Taste Cooking Trigger "Braingasm" ...

Inside the Lavish White House State Dinner for China's President1:45

The menu features lobster and lamb, and Grammy Award-winner Ne-Yo will perform. The menu features lobster and lamb, and Grammy Award-winner Ne-Yo ...

State dinner for President Xi features American cuisine with Chinese flavors

What's on the menu of the State Dinner for President Xi Jinping? White House chefs have created dishes that highlight American cuisine with nuances of ...

User Comments

bullshit. serpent worms and fungus for the commies and weiners and beer for o-dipshit and slut woman. heres a tip xi ping pong or whatever your name is...break out a 100 bill (you have them all because you steal our money anyway) and go up to slut woman and say you'll give her a lesson in marxism and read the little red book to her while she sucks you off. she looks like a bargain basement whore thank you very much

White House staff prepare for state dinner

US President Barack Obama will host a state dinner for Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife in Washington, D.C. on Friday. The menu is designed to ...

User Comments

How nice for them. It's disgusting how government is sooo not by the people, and far from for the people. Who is paying for this decadence?
xi should slim down. If he gets all that fat, he can never hope to beat jiang zemin of who has the highest pants.
Try to do something instead of complaining around if you don't get satisfied by your own government.

Xi arrival at White House state dinner

President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, welcomed Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan to the White House for a state dinner.

User Comments

Xi Jinping was trained by the CIA in the 70s before he went back and got embedded in the Chinese Commies' system. His American foster parents said that he was a quiet, hard working student but very egocentric and constantly hunger of power. He once shared with his foster parents that " In order to make China a powerful country I will kill half of the Chinese population, kill all those disables that parasite the State and adopt the American ways of life" !
+FILTHY BAMI PANGAN can i get crispy noodles with that ?
Why does it always look like an awkward moment when Chinese President meets US president ?
+Quin Kel You should see China, Japan, and South Korea's presidents/prime ministers meet. Its super awkward.
Many political dissidents, closed to fester in Chinese prisons, they hoped that something goes down the wrong way. What a pity.
+Paolo R. There are more in Guantanamo Bay, jailed and tortured without any court decision.Thank God, Snowden managed to flee. Otherwise he'd be dead.

"Chinese Kip met Paksoi in Zoete Ketjap Recept" "Chinese Recepten"

//youtu.be/e_z0YkCdDOM "Chinese Kip met Paksoi in Zoete Ketjap Recept" "Chinese Recepten" Bok Choy Chinese White Cabbage #Kip #Recept ...

User Comments

+Chequita Sontoikromo dat is mooi. mijn complimenten :)
hmmm ziet er lekker uit. Ga ik ook proberen
+Chequita Sontoikromo je mag de video's ook delen op Facebook als je dat wilt
+Chequita Sontoikromo Het is een aanrader.. echt overheerlijk!Laat me weten hoe het gegaan is.
Kan dit ook met rund vlees
+MaharajaXpress Menu Omdat het een nogal onnozele vraag is. Waarom zou het niet met rund of varken kunnen?
+ewaf fawfw Nee, dat is onmogelijk.
Ik eet zelf geen rundvlees dus ken de smaak niet.Dit is een typisch kipgerecht. Je zou bijvoorbeeld eerst dit recept kunnen makendan de volgende keer met rundvlees.. dan proef je het verschil
dat je die wok met je blote handen kunt pakken hahahaha nice vid btw
het betreft de speciale #wok :)als het goed is heb je deze #wok ook zien dansen in de andere #video:#Dansende #Wok #Video 

What's on the menu for state dinner?

It will be Colorado lamb on the menu and Grammy-winning R&B singer Ne-Yo as the entertainment, when President Barack Obama welcomes Chinese ...

User Comments

They need a bigger table

Racist Chinese Menu

I found this menu the other day, someone was sick and tired of making menus i think.

10W LED "blunty" moving head disco light teardown.

I finally got round to doing a proper test and then complete teardown on this light, which looks a bit like a Sharpy, but isn't so we'll call it a Blunty instead. And this ...

User Comments

Do you reckon you bodge a standard ebay 100W LED module and 44mm optic in place of the current LED? If you could fit a proper LED driver module into the side somehow you could turn it into a serviceable spot/floodlight. Although you would certainly need a fan heatsink in place of the one fitted to the back of the head.
+Spiz103 You'd need to upgrade the power supply, cabling and the lightsource would have to be very small to be compatible with the existing optics.
Useful review! I'm thinking about getting one of these and was wondering if the LED is dimmable over DMX?
+howtostore Yes it is.
mount a wirelessly triggered bb gun with wireless camera on it
it will totally become nightmare fuel if you mount it in front of your house with a plastic,totally im-functional prop gun and let it point around randomlyit looks like a big motion tracker camera without any mod
Cool video, quick question: What lighting desk did you use to test this?
+James Baber I use a small Behringer LC2412 24-channel unit as a test desk.
Does that interference cap reduce that whistle you hear from small usb chargers?
+Chris Roller No. That's often the actual switching frequency or a harmonic of it. For those of us with good hearing it can be quite annoying.
hi bigclivedotcom i love vids like this as i am a dj and woundering if you could possible try converting a non led fixture into a 100watt led light thanks
+Lee Davies There's a lot of science in getting the LED into the perfect focal point of the existing optics and keeping it cool. It's not always a simple task. You may get some light out of the fixture, but it would take some serious optics to make it efficient.
Hey Clive, I have a couple of Acme Spot Knights that are similar to this and one has developed a "graunching" noise in operation, be it DMX controlled (manual or programmed) or with the inbuilt shows. The sound seems to be a result of the steppers making the whole unit vibrate, you can feel the sound and it feels like it sounds, if you get me. It's random, there's no distinct operation that induces the noise (panning, tilting or gobo change). It's never when stationary and when both are paired there's no difference between them as far as movement etc. goes, the two mirror each other perfectly when controlled. I have stripped it apart, mechanically it's sound and there's no oddities when moving the head manually. Any ideas as what I could test to try and work out what the problem is?
Thanks Clive, Caps, hmm, I'll look into that. As far as the mech goes, I have compared it to the non growling one regarding belts and other things like play etc, and it felt exactly the same. There's no snagging on the loom and the plugs look and feel fine and no dry joints as far as I can tell. May be worth touching those up too eh? Many thanks for the reply. 
+Jon Simmons (Neffers) It could be a tired supply cap causing mains ripple on the output to the steppers. If it was just affecting one motor I'd think that maybe the driver, motor or loom had an issue, but for both axis it seems odd. If there are belts check they are tensioned correctly, but not too tight.
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