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Garlic ciabatta bread calories Videos

How to make Caesar Salad - Video Recipe

My Caesar Salad is very close to the original recipe :) It's an amazingly flavourful salad and its a classic for a reason! Follow me: FACEBOOK- ...

User Comments

Im Feining for this with chicken right now..omg 
+Nicky Rich It looks good and it could taste good also 
Lost a bit of respect for you for disabling the ratings. You should be able to take negative critique as a "big youtuber"
Nicko, why did you disable the likes/dislikes meter my man? :)
I don't think he disabled the ratings. I can't thumbs up or down any video on youtube at the moment...
Place where i live, Anchovy can be found nowhere. Can i use something else as substitute? What else should i use? Some meat? or Sausage? or Spam?
Landlocked country with lots of meat no fish :3
No meat or sausage or spam! You can leave it out, but check your local specialty shops. Fresh may be impossible to find, but you might find it in a can, or dried, or as a paste. Not sure where you live, but try ethnic markets if you have any.
No bacon? No chicken? No hard boiled egg? Wut? o.O
he boiled the egg for 1 minute, then stirred it into the sauce, he didn't include any hard boiled egg in the dish.
he boiled an egg wtf are you tripping on

How to Make Soljanka - Recipe in description

Watch our video tutorial to make this delicious and classic Soljanka. Preparation time: 35 minutes. Difficulty: Normal Calories per serving: about 674 kcal.

Portobello sage stuffing

This stuffing makes a really great side dish to accompany your holiday feasts. It is really easy and inexpensive to prepare. Follow us!! Facebook: ...

Early Morning Bike Ride ♥ 815 Calorie Burn ♥ "the Pre-Donut Calorie Burn"

SOme of you wanted to come a long on one of my bike rides, well here you go :D Ken Domik KBDProductionsTV Vlogging Channel ...

User Comments

Contrary to the popular notion working out on an empty stomach is really really bad for you. Get a decent breakfast in your tummy.
contrary to popular notion there's no fucking evidence working out on an empty stomach is bad for oyu
That works :)
I usually have a banana. I guess I should have said not a large breakfast :D
You're an awesome dude ken!
Your welcome
Thanks Isaac :D
Hey Ken, one question, is your bike ride all on flat roads? P.S love the videos:D
There are hills but the Gro Pro's wide lens makes everything look really flat :O
what make is your bike ken? And how long have you been riding.. seriously
+KBDProductionsTV I personally am a mountain biker as I literally live on the foot of Table Mountain.
Specialized Ellez. Been riding for 7 years now :D

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