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Garlic bread edible garden Videos

Foraging For Wild Garlic Edible Plants : GardenFork.TV

//GardenFork.TV Forage for Wild Edible Plants: Wild Garlic, aka Spring Garlic, Field Garlic is an edible wild food you will find growing in early spring.

User Comments

hello I live in texas and I have many growing in my back yard going to make stew .. thank you
+Dolores Becerra great to hear you are foraging! eric.
when I do my research for foraging I try to find canadian sites I can use. Are you in Canada ?
+Gail Bernard no Gail, sorry, but these wild garlic probably crosses the border!  eric.
I get so obsessed with summer I forget what all the other seasons bring us. I'm glad to have found your channel. Big thanks from Linn county Oregon!
+TheNorthWestForager thx!  eric.

How to Grow Garlic - GardenFork.TV

Learn how to plant and grow garlic in the first of our garlic growing video series. watch all our garlic growing videos ...

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Eric where I live we do have freezing weather but not real harsh. Last year it got in the low 20's but doesn't hold these temps very long. Christmas day were expecting temps in the low 80's, crazy weather. if it does freeze do you think my garlic will come back in the spring???
+Mick Johnson Hi Mick, probably. hard neck garlic is better for cold temps. you can check on the FilareeFarm.com website, they have some good info. eric.
Eric I planted my first ever garlic in mid September in large pots I live in Georgia not far from Florida line. Right now plants are about 20inches tall. we are just now starting to get some cold weather, will these plants still die back and then come back out in spring.
+Mick Johnson Hi Mick, not sure. garlic in the south is a different animal, because it doesn't freeze for the whole winter.. eric.
Very informative. Thanks!
+GardenFork I think it is....the husband is british, which is how I ended up on the other side of the pond.     Thanks for your videos...cheers!
+Texan In The UK good to hear from a Texan in the UK, that must be an interesting story... .eric.
Going to do this this week! Thank you. Can you cover growing Ramps (wild garlic), we would really appreciate it!
+GardenFork Mmmmm scallions, great idea. I had no idea that ramps were in trouble. We are in So. Cal and see them at the farmers markets from time to time. Going to ask the vendor next time if they are wild-harvested or grown.
+Balconygarden Ramps are, in my opinion, an endangered plant. Over-harvesting of ramps has depleted them in our nearby woods. Blame their popularity in the foodie world. They reproduce very slowly and need specific soil and light conditions. Garlic, on the other hand, is very abundant! and grows very quickly. And how about scallions instead of the ramps? thx! eric.
Good Video. Do they need direct sun light or can I plant them in a shade part area
+GardenFork great I'll give it a shot this year.
+Dee From Brooklyn Hey Dee, garlic needs direct sun. I've grown them in BKLN for years. thx, eric.

Bees in the Garden

The beauty of bees and their connection with edible gardens in suburban Melbourne. Come visit Bee Sustainable in Brunswick East, Melbourne to learn more ...

Wild Edibles / Food U.K. - April - Ramsons/wild Garlic first in series

first in a wild edible series for the U.K. of what i know to be quick and easy foods to recognize out on walks in the country side. Here i talk about wild garlic, ...

User Comments

Hey mate, I am building up to have videos for wild edibles year round, I covered quite a few easy ones last year, but never had the time to dedicate to some winter ones. Is hedge garlic also known as jack by the hedge? It is just started to flower by me now, perfect timing for a video I think ;) good technique with the nettle cooking, sounds great with an omelette, when I get out next I plan to see what kind of salad sandwich I can make with spring edibles
Adorably presented, and very useful! We have these in our back garden, will definitely double check for the garlic smell and will check the flowers as shown and described. Looking forward to trying it! Could you also do one on wild onion? I believe there's some in my garden too, but it's hard to find a UK-specific plant identification videos for a newbie like myself. Great video!
Good to hear it Mart! Enjoy your foraging! Ramsons are already out and about at the moment, and not to strong a taste yet either ;)
thanks and good luck! hope the weathers nice for you! remember if your in doubt leave it alone :)
recognize plants to eat as when david camoron is has had his way we will all be doing it
Hey there, its a Collins gem book, food for free its called, a great little book!
This is realy good I'm experenced but I agree always check thanks mste
Thanks a lot buddy! all the best to you, happy new year!
Awesome, I'm going to try to find some this weekend!
add plenty of honey! I like that! haha Thanks bud!
got my new copy in the post today thanks dan mart
No problem mate, thanks for watching. Take care!
hes been eating weed hes whiffed hahahah
Nice mate you should be on TV lol
thanks man! so should you!!
wot the book call danny ?
Thanks buddy!
Top job mate

Garden update, and Wild Garlic

Showing the difference between the regular part of my garden, and the new "Garden of Eden" part that I added this year. Also transplanting some wild garlic I ...

User Comments

more than likely that garlic your transplanting will die out this yr but dont disturb it the best time to do it is in the fall after its bloomed what your thinking of that you can plant the tops of is what my granpaw called walkin onions as far as i know on the garlic ya seperate the bulbs and replant them thats how i done mine once youve got a bunch established then itll spread and take over everything unless you contain it i do this by eating the outside bunches and leaving the center plants
easy and simple take a couple of 5 gal buckets put in or about middle of your garden i put mine about 1/2 way in ground put approx 3gal of water put in some brewers yeast or you can use reg but the brewers seems to work best put in about 1/2 cup of sugar put on top but leave off cap maintain water level as needed about 1 every 2 wks add 1/4 cup of sugar you now have a carbon dioxide generator plants will thrive and its still natural or you can hose it to a specific plant if needed try it!
haha I guess we could call 911 for ya! Be careful on hills. =) As for the wild garlic, you won't have to worry..it goes everywhere! I got loads of it all over my front yard that I weed eat & pull up all the time. I was wondering if you could eat it. Those things will reseed themselves everywhere so you don't have to worry. I'm doing a Back to Eden garden also. Just building it up this year to about 8 inches deep,then I will make rows, throw down some compost & cottonseed meal & plant.
Hi John. Great video. I'll have to agree with rdnkfnk. When my friend gave me some in the mid 1990's, he told me that you can't kill them (unless you eat them). They do grow bulbs from that part you were pointing to. Plant those or uncontrolled they will plant themselves. That's why they're called walking onions. They're called many different names. My friend called Egyptian onions. But they are delicious like a scallion or in a salad. Use the whole plant. Thanks 4 the video.
Hi Jon, nice video. I was thinking about what you said about planting the tops of the garlic plants to make new ones. I'm not so sure about that but there is a perennial variety of onion that reproduces like that. It's called a walking onion/tree onion. You plant the bulb, the tall garlic/onion type leaves come up and a new bulb develops on the top. Once the plant starts to die back the new bulb hits the ground and hey presto, a new plant.
go back to your garlic later this growing season and grab the seeds they put on. At the top where you pointed out. Then sow them where you want it to grow. The garlic will flower first and then put on a seed pod. I have garlic growing everyplace and can send you all of the seeds you could want. The garlic greens are also good to eat. you can harvest them several times before digging up the cloves.
That wood chip pile has been there for about 5 years. I just used them as a filler on the hill. When I saw the back to eden vid, I pulled out all the grass and weeds, and noticed the soil. It really is amazing to watch the plants flourish with out any work, or fertilizer. I haven't even watered that part yet. J
I have them all over a flower bed. They keep reproducing. Love the smell of em so I dont touch em. Wild onions too. Been waitin to see ur garden for a few a week now. Just as i thought too. Saw vid today of backtoeden. Its nothing new but he's surely perfected it. Thanks for the info! Bless your harvest.
@ jmull0, Amazing difference between your gardening beds. How many years until you noticed a real difference in your soil with the Back to Eden gardening? On that wild garlic, keep an eye out after the seed heads have developed and explode in mild-late summer. Those will be your new starter cloves.
Not only will your plants grow better the taste of the produce will knock your socks off. We did that with our cherry orchard and turned trees that were going to be cut down into really great wonderful producers. Keep up the great vids, God Bless!
Huge difference J, the tomatoes look real nice. I fell on my "camera" a few weeks back doing a fishing vid, but editied it out. I should have left it in. LOL! That was funny, sorry I had to say it. Take care, REALLY! :) Roosevelt
Awesome video man.... You are starting to be one of my top 5 fave channels to watch. And it it isnt just cause you roll down the hill often either.... but it does add a little bit of funny to the video. Strive on!!!
you should start a compost barrel, look around on youtube its easy and its about the best thing for your garden, takes months to break down but it would be ready for next year
I'm sorry you fell brother and I'm glad you're not hurt but I laughed until I cried, had to go back and watch the garden part because I was laughing so hard, Great Vid!
The new garden area is the wood chips that have broken down over the last 5 years. I didn't realize the soil was that good until I removed the grass and weeds. J
composted soil is very rich in nutriants for plants. check out journey to forever dot org (no spaces and the w's adding in) for more more info on composting
John thanks for the video today. I had been feeling like crap all day at work. I needed the laugh. Sorry I wasn't laughing at you I was laughing with you...
The tops are seed pods and don't think they will grow like that but like you said they are free so why not stick some in the ground and find out.
yea, we got a bunch here too. They are a pain in the butt. We get them worse in the fall in the house, not too bad for the garden. J
Dude, Im really glad that you didnt get hurt when you fell, but i got tell ya, I laughed my ass off! Thanks. I needed that today!
Nice John! The garden is turning out great! Excellent find with the garlic. Oh yeah, thanks for the footage... I need more! ;-)
Do you all have a problem with Asian stink bugs? They are all over the damn place in Florida. They just ruin everything.
Bro I give you 10 thumbs up for the first 40 seconds of the video, No way would I want to be a parallelogram either!!!
Dude! you give me hope for me. I'm just as bad about being clumsy unless I give 110% attention to my FEET.
If it looks like garlic, and smalles like garlic, and tastes like garlic... It's probably not an apple. :)
Thanks for all your videos. I really like that you don't edit out your mistakes/falls... too funny!
Awesome, I have never seen wild garlic before. BTW, you really need to learn how to walk John. LOL

Organic Herb Gardening Tips : How To Grow Wild Garlic

Growing wild garlic is easy with these tips, get expert tips and advice on organic herb gardening in this free video. Expert: Gale Gassiot Bio: Gale Gassiot makes ...

User Comments

garlic is soooooooooooo easy to grow i started mine on my window box and it is growing like a monster!!! everyday i check on it i am amazed at how fast it is beaming up there!
Great video! Thanks for sharing!
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