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Propagandizing College Professors Exploit Students' Fears Of A Bad Grade (Limbaugh)

Rush Limbaugh (11/9/15): "The professors and these kinds of people, this is not supposed to be taken out on them. The students are supposed to learn this hate ...

College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management Logo Intro

Maxon Cinema 4D Project... - 44 minutes render time...

Cyprus: Students parade amid anger on Independence Day

1. M/S Female drummer 2. W/S Marching drummers 3. C/U Drummer 4. SOT Zoi Pita, Student: "Today is our national day and we parade for this and we are ...

Vice President Joe Biden visits Florida State University (pt. 2)

Excerpts from Vice President Joe Biden's remarks on college affordability during his visit to Florida State University. (February 6, 2012)

Rising Education trailer 2013

Rising Education is a student collaborative partnership between "Die Baupiloten", TU Berlin Architecture Faculty and "The Hope Foundation" who will design ...

User Comments

Ich finde es klasse und mega cool, was ihr da vorhabt. Gern helfe ich euch jederzeit mit, denn ich komme übrigens aus dem Land her ;-)... Daumen hoch
Hey jaures9090! Vielen Dank, wir freuen uns über dein Feedback. Schreib uns gerne eine mail an risingeducation2013@gmail.com, wenn du willst. 
great work buddies, good luck with that!

Study in Ukraine

International students get their higher education in universities, academies and institutes, that are not only accredited, but also have a special license to teach ...

Greek Life at Maryland

My assignment for JOUR203.
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