Imperial college tuition fees Videos

Tuition Fees Protest.

User Comments
thought she said 'these right wing ideological CUNTS' lol!

3 months of DJM-850 K for sale in London, South Kensington

lousy video to demonstrate the condition of this 3 months old pioneer DJM850 mixer, with everything original including manuals, cables, box, packaging.

Master Erasmus + Loan

Jorge Fernández, a biomedical engineering student from the Universidad Carlos III in Madrid, has chosen to further his studies by taking a master in medical ...

ICSM Drama presents Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast Coming Soon Performances in the Union Concert Hall (Beit), Imperial College London Performance Dates: Wednesday the 18th March ...

Queen - Keep Yourself Alive - Guitar Tutorial with guitar tab

How to play on guitar : Keep Yourself Alive by Queen from their self titled 1973 debut album For video showing parts being played along with record: ...

User Comments
You should look into Queen's Dog with a Bone
Hey, I am a huge fan of your videos, and i'd like to ask you, if you know where I can buy a replica of the Brian May double neck guitar, ive seen him play on one live, and ive been wondering where I would buy one. But, great tutorial, this is one of my favorite songs, thanks a lot. Keep it up friend!
Hi, twin neck was made by Andrew Guyton of hope this helps
your channel is amazing! you help me so much!
Really nice dude! a little request, Made in Heaven cover with tab /turoial? I know the solo (due to your lesson lol) but some inaudible parts i quite cannot figure out! nice playin tho keep it up!
Thanks man. I'll look into that for you :)

"Don't let Tories destroy your futures" - John McDonnell to students

Thousands of students are marching through central London to demand free education and protest against further planned hikes in tuition fees and savage cuts ...

User Comments
John McDonnell is my local MP... He's turned the place I live into a crime ridden, third wold s@%t-hole.
Lol, oh Mate, I knew that already! But , he's done such a good job of fucking up, I'm amazed lol
+ALABAMBOA 1981  A Labour shithead, what do you expect ?
That's why you vote UKIP and none of this shit would be happening!!!!! Stupid British public!
Lol vote UKIP get fuck all cause they won't have any power what so ever like the ever useless SNP
+Captain SmokerGo fuck off and read the Qu'ran you idiotic piece of shit!You know nothing about politics or UKIP, your comment means nothing. I bet you want to stay in the EU as well.
your stupid if you vote UKIP under this current system, cause it won't make a difference, you guys had one job, to get the Tories out of power!
I think free education is important for the mobility of the public but with record numbers attending university how could we even afford it? These students do realise this do they not?
+Placeholder you obviously have a lot of built up rage and sadness. Get off the internet and live life. Stop hating people who have less than you, or want more. Open your eyes. See this as a message from beyond the ether. Your life can amount to more than being a Youtube troll.
+Placeholder Audit their accounts, and take them to court where the figures don't add up because 'creative accounting' has taken place. If they still don't pay, levy sanctions upon them. The people responsible for the tax avoidance are technically criminals, they can be investigated, imprisoned, assets seized. There's all manner of things you can do to individuals guilty of tax fraud. I understand you're attempting to undermine my argument by asking me questions about hypothetical scenarios which I could not possibly give a solid answer to,given that I am not a civil servant or government official with expert knowledge in powerful tax dodgers. Take a look at Iceland as a case study for answers, when the recession hit them in 2008 they imprisoned the bankers who had committed offenses in this manner, and bailed out their people instead, they recovered by late 2010 with one of the fastest recoveries of any country affected. If I had the luxury of having the power to deal with this situation that would be where I would look for solutions. By no means do I think I would be able recover any where near £120 billion, but a sizable chunk would be feasible.
Let's combine your dream-team of corps who owe money from previous tax years, how are you going to make them pay exactly?+TheJimmage
+Placeholder If only that were true. They haven't, they've paid a tiny fraction of what they actually owe. Its not just limited to them either, vodaphone, facebook, apple, ebay...I could go on. If the tax from all these were recouped it would bring in £25 Billion. Scrapping University fees would cost £10 Billion. Less than half what multi-national corps already legally owe to the country is needed to full subsidize free education in the UK. Raise grade entry requirements not fees if you want less people in University.
Amazon & Starbucks are now paying the tax they weren't, that's not an argument anymore. Now that they are paying, is it anywhere near enough to partially subsidise people wanting uni education? Not even close. We have too many people going to uni & huge numbers who study non-productive crap, that's why it's so expensive. +TheJimmage
Oh yes because I obviously said raise taxes. Not make them fucking pay what they're legally obliged to. I never said University should be completely free either, but aspiration should be encouraged not punished with a heap of £9K a year debt plus £4K minimum living costs when an educated nation is in the public interest. Also, have you ever tried to live on the minimum wage? I think fucking not, fools easily preach about the things they have no experience of.
Then vote for parties that put mass unskilled immigration high on the list of problems. It's created an oversupply in the market, forcing natives who aren't qualified, or don't have the creativity to be self-employed to live on low wages that otherwise wouldn't be as bad. I guess that's racist though, so tough shit. If you think forcing corps to pay higher tax is going to pay for everyone to get a uni education, you're living in a dream world. The reality is, you'll be burdening debt on people who aren't born yet and that would be the action of a selfish cunt.  +TheJimmage
I imagine you're not on a minimum wage job then. You don't have a fucking clue, you're talking out of your arse. Frankly since there are so many people with degrees nowadays the chances of not landing a poorly paid job is very very slim. Its easy to talk shit like you do from a position which doesn't involve hardship in itself. The fact is, in one of the richest countries in the world, undergraduates should not be going hungry for the sake of creating a better skilled work force. Using third world countries as your base for comparison with UK is utterly farcical. Its the value of our currency in their market that draws them here, not the value of it in our own. Our minimum wage is worth a lot more to them when they send it home, which is where it goes. Therefore it is far more beneficial to a migrant worker than a UK resident. I should be so grateful for being reduced to wage slavery on £5.50 an hour whilst google, amazon, and starbucks among others pay no tax. I think not. Fucking Moron.
Boo fucking hoo, take your first world problems and shove it up your arse. So many have never had it so easy. The problem with your thinking is that the only possible alternative is a minimum wage job. People are flooding to northern europe for minimum wage jobs you ungrateful little shit. +TheJimmage
Oh don't come that with me you arrogant shit. Don't pretend you know what its like to miss meals for your education, don't pretend you know what its like to hold down a job whilst trying to better yourself with a first class degree. Don't pretend you know what its like to exist permanently in a state of overdraft for the entirety of your effort to get an education. The assumptions you make about my socio-economic background also; I've never been pampered in my life, everything I have to my name has been earned on minimum wage. It is a choice you're right, to better myself and not be on a minimum wage job with no future for life. Only the government and fucktards like yourself seek to make that even harder for us. There are a lot of students that have it easy and are pampered, but there's a lot of us who aren't  I'm not about to take life lessons from you about how 'easy' I have it, because frankly you know jack shit, preaching from a position of blissful ignorance.
Oh I bet it's just awful, it's a choice you pampered fuck. If you don't like being a student DON'T be a student, SMH. +TheJimmage
+Placeholder There speaks the voice of one who has never been a student, at least not under the current system.
The "solution" of a complete simpleton. STEM subject should be free, the rest they can bloody well pay for themselves. +geraldkrasnerable
+Steve W Tax the businesses and banks that pay no tax
+Steve W Students always want freebies because they've got nothing.

Investor Briefing: Renewable Energy Storage Today Part 1

Renewable energy storage is the holy grail that can bring zero carbon power generation into the base load section of the main grid, thereby contributing to the ...

The Extreme World of Ultra Intense Lasers - with Kate Lancaster

The most powerful lasers in the world can be used to make some of the most extreme conditions possible on earth, and are revolutionising science. Dr Kate ...

User Comments
i'll bet she's the world's nicest co-worker.
+Adam Bash I thought exactly the same thing. Makes you shake your head in wonder when there are lovely, intelligent and interesting people like this in the world and yet millions of individuals(?) are obsessed with the Kardashians and people of that ilk.
+Adam BashYour grammar usage is not any better than mine.When you start a sentence, always capitalize the first letter of the first word.You forgot to capitalize 'i'll'.
+a It means exactly what I said. She seems like a pleasant gal. What is so hard about this? I'll dumb it down for you next time. Nice use of grammar, by the way. Let me guess...Harvard? Yale? Let me know when I'm getting warm.
+Adam Bash da faq does dat even mean?
Tough crowd
+LondonDisperses they must be british
I think i may have found one of the best parts of youtube :)
+brun "edEX"
+Kondicykel "TED Talks"
Can an EM wave have a wave length measured in light years, or even millions of light years? Can an EM wave have a wavelength shorter than the plank length? What are the longest and shortest EM wave lengths ever detected?
+Khalid IkanWhat then, about the 62nd verse of the 2nd Sura?    That said, I do not believe that the Koran is the word of God, it is the word of man.   There cannot BE a word of God, because there is no God.   I'm sorry if you find that offensive, but it is what I believe to be true.  I don't think it matters, so long as a man lives his life in a moral fashion, doing his best not to harm others, to treat others fairly, and with respect it doesn't matter if he believes in god or not.   If I'm wrong then I will receive justice in the afterlife. If I'm not wrong then I will have done my best to make society a good place to live.    If God does exist and he rejects all the people who, in life, rejected Him but lived their life in a moral fashion (not harming others) then I want nothing to do with him.    If God rejects those who rejected him in life but lived morally, while accepting those who crashed airplanes full of people into buildings full of even more people (commuting murder on MASSIVE scales) or walking into a group of children and blowing themselves up, then I REALLY don't want anything to do with such an unjust being.   Do you REALLY imagine God's ego is so small that he takes offense to the point of rejecting everyone who rejected him in life?
+Eric Taylor I'm orded to do that so don't be indifferent with (what I believe are) verses from Allah the Almighty and those verses are warnings for us Humans and for all other creatures and yes you're not at war with Islam because you can't but you're at war with Allah the Almighty and his messenger (peace be upon him) and his partisans (or friends) so Allah declares war against the one who acts with enmity towards His awliya’ (closer servants).Allah (glorified and exalted be He) has decreed: "Verily, it is I and My Messengers who shall be the victorious.'' Verily, Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty. (58:21)Abu Hurairah, radiyallahu ‘anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:“Allah the Almighty has said: ‘Whosoever acts with enmity towards a closer servant of Mine (wali), I will indeed declare war against him. Nothing endears My servant to Me than doing of what I have made obligatory upon him to do. And My servant continues to draw nearer to Me with supererogatory (nawafil) prayers so that I shall love him. When I love him, I shall be his hearing with which he shall hear, his sight with which he shall see, his hands with which he shall hold, and his feet with which he shall walk. And if he asks (something) of Me, I shall surely give it to him, and if he takes refuge in Me, I shall certainly grant him it.'”
+Khalid IkanDid anyone ask for that? Do you think, considering recent events that Islamic rhetoric (especially unsolicited) would be well received or even welcome?    I welcome the defense if Islam any day. I have said more than once we are not at war with Islam. Our enemies are Muslim (ISIS) but that is only their religion. Not WHAT they are.   You are not helping by randomly quoting the Koran at people.
+Eric Taylor In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulSo I swear by whatsoever you see, (38) And by whatsoever you see not, (39) That this is verily the word of an honoured Messenger [i.e. Jibril (Gabriel) or Muhammad SAW which he has brought from Allâh]. (40) It is not the word of a poet, little is that you believe! (41) Nor is it the word of a soothsayer (or a foreteller), little is that you remember! (42) This is the Revelation sent down from the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists). (43) And if he (Muhammad SAW) had forged a false saying concerning Us (Allâh swt), (44) We surely would have seized him by his right hand (or with power and might), (45) And then we certainly would have cut off his life artery (Aorta), (46) And none of you could witheld Us from (punishing) him. (47) And verily, this (Qur'ân) is a Reminder for the Muttaqûn (pious - see V.2:2) (48) And verily, We know that there are some among you that belie (this Qur'ân). (Tafsir At-Tabarî) (49) And indeed it (this Qur'ân) will be an anguish for the disbelievers (on the Day of Resurrection).[] (50) And Verily, it (this Qur'ân) is an absolute truth with certainty[] (51) So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most Great.[] (52) The Noble Qu'ran, Surah Al-Haaqqa
+Josh SThank you for that. There are a great deal of sources that suggest he was atheist or agnostic.   Personally I think the line between atheist and agnostic is a bit blurry. No one can be SURE god doesn't exist any more than anyone can be SURE that he does.   Personally I place it in the "Very unlikely" category, but if I encounter undeniable evidence that could not be explained with a more likely explanation then I'd be willing to change my mind.   I just hope if he DOES exist he isn't anything like the God described in the Bible. That dude's a real asshole.
+Tangent Theta Typical theistic type thinking and mindset. Make a baseless assertion, and when "corrected" with another assertion, shouts about references and citations.If you had the slightest interest you would do some research yourself, BEFORE making the assertion.Although IF you did indeed have any interest in reality or truth, you would not be making asinine claims about vague deities.BTW Einstein's views are quite well known and documented regarding beliefs. And trying to appeal to any number of disparate scientists is tantamount to a fallacious argument from authority.
+Tangent Theta If Wikipedia is correct, he believed nature was god and he also labeled himself an agnostic.Their sources are:Einstein: His life and Universe&Einstein: Science and ReligionThat's as far as i searched, but those are some sources for you.
+Eric Taylor And I want to know how you know that? Or it just dawned on you one fine morning :)
+Tangent ThetaYOU said Einstein believed in God. All I'm doing is pointing out that he didn't.
+Eric Taylor Where did you get that? Any source, reference, or as a good practicing atheist you find these formalities needless?
+Tangent ThetaHe was an ethnic Jew, but religiously an atheist.
+Eric Taylor To my knowledge, correct me if I am wrong, he was a jew.
+Tangent ThetaThat is a myth. Einstein was an atheist, not sure about Bohr, and Isaac Newton can't really be considered a "modern day" scientist.   In Einstein's famous quote, "God does not play dice." he was speaking metaphorically.  That is really besides the point in any case. God does not exist no matter how many people believed in him.  At one time lots of people believed in Thor, or Apollo, or any number of Gods. Were they ever real?
+Eric Taylor Well He is real for many and He was surely real for Einstein, Isaac Newton and Neil Bohr.......some of the most influential scientists of modern times.
+Tangent ThetaI don't think he can, considering he isn't real.
+Eric Taylor Since the amount of energy required to generate such a wavelengths is staggering and is not available in this no I don't think so. But God can create such a wavelength if He wishes to destroy this universe.
+Tangent ThetaCan an EM wave ave a wavelength longer than the size of the universe?
+Eric Taylor Yes of course sir. This the stuff from kindergarten as compared to ultra intense lasers.....ask Kate Lancaster

Renewable Energy Storage Today - Part 1

Renewable energy storage is the holy grail that can bring zero carbon power generation into the base load section of the main grid, thereby contributing to the ...
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