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Barnard college foundations Videos

Pulaski Polish Day Parade in New York City - Clip 8 - Kosciuszko Foundation - October 06, 2013

Pulaski Polish Day Parade - Clip Eight The American Center of Polish Culture The Kosciuszko Foundation Incorporated 1925 Polish Student Society - Columbia ...

Reacting to the Past: The Student Perspective (2012)

This film features Barnard and Columbia undergraduates playing "Defining a Nation: India on the Eve of Independence, 1945" at Barnard College in April 2012.

User Comments

I was lucky enough to experience React to the Past twice in college. I made my closest friends, and studies my hardest. It was an amazing experience and I hope every higher lever history teacher gives this a try!

How does Reacting to the Past help your students learn? (Judith Shapiro)

Judith Shapiro, President of the Teagle Foundation and President Emerita at Barnard College, responds to the question, "How does Reacting to the Past help ...

Women's Rights and Transnational Feminisms Panel

Panel 1 at African Women's Rights and Resilience, a symposium held on March 12, 2014 at Barnard College, features Abigail Disney, Amina Mama, Sylvia ...


User Comments

Ha, ha. Brilliant! Merci beaucoup!
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