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Barnard college physics Videos

Brainwave 2010: How Did the Universe Get its Spots?

The first (and only) artist-in-residence at NASA, Laurie Anderson, engages in a free-form conversation with the novelist and professor of physics and astronomy ...

User Comments

She makes me see stars! i imagine how date will be with her, talking about the cosmo whole night : )
I notice Janna wears tights on many occasions and that turns me on.
She is so beautiful for an Physicist.
i agree she is sexy as hell
6:46 :) She's awesome
Sexy physicist.

Are Nanoparticles Alive? Dr Amanda Barnard

About the talk In the world of science fiction, nanotechnology is often shown as swarms of micro-machines that act without the need for human supervision.

Sylheti Bangla: Free Educational Lectures at Gresham College, Holborn.

A short talk about Gresham College and its free public lectures at Barnard's Inn, Holborn on subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Astronomy etc.

Meryl Streep, Barnard Commencement Speaker 2010

Meryl Streep speaks at Barnard College, Columbia University Commencement 2010. An American actress who has worked in theater, television, and film, ...

User Comments

One of the best commencement speeches apart from Oprah's at Stanford! Absolutely loved her last line "You know, you don't have to be famous. You just have to make your father and mother proud of you"
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