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Protesters Picket Outside State Senator's Office

Protesters gather in front of a state senator's office in Daytona Beach.

The Greatest "Soldier Surprises Daughter" Video Ever

On December 23rd, 2011, SSG John La Giglia, 1st Squad Leader of the 822nd Military Police Company, In the United States Army, on the day of his return from ...

User Comments
Hahaha, I love the little girl at 2:55 who got all excited when the dad passed by and touched her hand. She has that look like she just got to touch a celebrity.
Hahaha lol
awe man somebody give me a dang tissue! Our military gives so much!
faggot cry baby .. the only good solider is a dead dismembered soldier ..  change your tampon and get over it
This reminds me of my dad exapt I don't like my dad he ran away from my family and I haven't seen him sense I was 2 but I don't care but I don't have a dad if you could see me right now if would be in tears and I'm only 10 years old
hugs for you Abigail. please know that you are lovable and you deserve the love of a Daddy as much as any other little girl that was ever born.
Thank you everyone!!! 800,000 views!!! I can't believe my brother's tribute video will eventually hit 1,000,000, so incredible. I made a remake with lyrics, check it out, hope you enjoy it! A Soldier's Story - Veterans Day Tribute
+Joseph LaGiglia My Mom and Dad had a coming home moment 40+ years ago, we just didn't have cameras like we do today. My youngest nephew likely will be the one hugging a sobbing uncle in 10 or so years. Give your brother a hug and a slap on the back from Texas, and a huge thank you for his service.
He is an amazing man

Winter storm snarls holiday travel

A strong winter storm is causing delays for some travelers.

Struggling To Pay Bills? Viewers Share Their Stories

KMBC's Lara Moritz reads e-mails from viewers about how they're dealing with the tough economy. //
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