2001 toyota corolla engine replacement Videos

Prizm Corolla Engine Replacement

Prizm Corolla Engine Replacement.

User Comments

Nice job, Rich. You R&R the engine, but what was wrong with the first engine? Anyways, I always enjoy your videos and you sound more upbeat since your Dad came home. Best of health to your Dad.
+Seppa It was ran low on oil.
Smashing job mr richpin :-D :-D Sounds very happy now, and using a second hand engine didnt break the bank. Now, the question: did you have any left over parts ha ha :-D
+richpin06a LOL a real mechanic, they put too many bolts in anyway :)
+zx8401ztv I had a few, i just threw them under the bench.....haha
Dear Richpim06a. Thank you very much for the vid. I enjoyed I lot. How many hours of take do this job teardown engine and install the new one??
+Antegas Hindoyan On this one i am not sure because it was spread over a couple of weeks time.
Phil C it's hard to see because of all the rust, those are vented rotors. There are 2 sides to the rotor with vents between the surfaces. No it's not one huge thick rotor. ;)
+DJDevon3 Thanks. It sure looks double thick in the video. LOL.
Tip. Mark the position of the legs of engine puller so you know where you need to be set to drop it right back into position.
+chevelle6305 I did mark my trolley so it would line up.
What happened to the original engine?
+Paul M The engine was run low on oil and we all know what happens when you do that.
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