Jestem łysym kierowcą BMW i jeżdżę dwa razy dziennie do pracy 14 km przez
centrum Krakowa. Zawsze jestem uprzejmy i życzliwy dla innych kierowców a
pieszych w szczególności. Skąd ten niby profesor ma takie obserwacje ?
Może oparł sie na stereotypach? Przed wojną w Polskich mediach był
rozpowszechniany stereotyp pewnej narodowości. Ciągnie sie za nami to przez
70 lat. Panie Profesorze to bardzo niepokojące co Pan mówi.
+Wojtek C Rozumiem Pana, lecz proszę spojrzeć, a choćby na YT. Nie jeden stereotypowy kierowca BMW jedzie jak "król"? Ma gdzieś ograniczenia itd? Nie sądzę aby ten Duńczyk mówił o wszystkich kierowcach BMW, bo oczywiście "królów szos" mamy nie tylko w BMWicach. Na debilizm nie ma lekarstwa, choć...Wracając do tematu. Cieszy mnie to osobiście że należy Pan do tej normalnej grupy kierowców. Gdy jesteśmy w ruchu ulicznym, to przecież nie jesteśmy sami na drodze, trzeba o tym pamiętać. Niestety... byli, są i na pewno będą jeszcze tacy "królowie szos" którzy mają innych w d... Jednym słowem, "tam gdzie światło nie dochodzi" Tak trzymać proszę Pana ;)
Nie wiem kto robi takie programy, ale widać ,że zagraniczniancy albo sątacy
leniwi, albo Polacy tacy tolerancyjni , żeby nie powiedzieć naiwni. Gość
siedzi w Polsce 5 lat, to powinien spokojnie rozmawiac poPoslku, tylko żę
on w pracy może po angielku pewnie. Ciekawe w której firmie niemickiej,
francuskiej , czy nawet duńskiej można smiało mówic po polsku ? -
Punktualność buhahaha ale palant. Twoja laska powiedziała ze goście przyjda
, a Ty chcesz żarcie robić . Oni nie przychodzą zjeść , tylko w odwiedziny
. Wódka ma byc w zamrazalniku, piwo w lodówce a zagryzkę możęsz zrobic w
kazdej chwili. Nie przychodza na obiad , tylko na spotkanie. Proste, tylko
mozliwe ze tego nie ogranąłeś.
+Ian Houben ale z ciebie cebulak. po pierwsze co to znaczy '' rozmawiac poPoslku''? w cywilizowanych krajach jak goście przychodzą to zawsze jest podawany posiłek, ale ty nigdy w domu nic nie jesz bo taki biedny jesteś to nawet o tym nie masz zielonego pojęcia. i oczywista oznaka cebulskowatości w twpjej marnej osobie: tekst 'wóda w zamrażalniku''. to od razu pokazuje że jesteś plebsem z nizin społecznych
BMW launching 'pay as you go' car scheme
Automaker BMW will be offering DriveNow, a car-sharing program. BMW's Graeme Grieve explains.
this is rental-on-demand similar to enterprise car rental in the states. it is a business model OWNED by a COMPANY whose stocks are owned by individual.Netflix or Spotify are another on demand movies or music. people rent apartments not owned by the rent tools and trucks from home depot or lowes. man you are one stupid paranoid dumb fuck. renting is communism!!!!!
+SubliminalOrigami I got your point the first time around. There was absolutely no need to re-state it in the form of a simplistic analogy involving children. All you did there was take your somewhat dubious assertion and just dumbed it down even more. Yes, I know... poor oppressed white people are getting the shitty end of the stick and it’s so unfair and hypocritical there’s a double-standard working against them and it’s all the fault of those shitty, awful liberals.Yawn.
+Martin RaynerI look at it more simply. You tell one child he cannot call the other kid names, he cannot consider the other kid's color as a factor in their relationship and that he owes the kid because of historical injustices involving people of the same color as him.You tell the other kid that he can call him names, you can think of his color as a factor in their relationship and that he owes you because of what people who looked like him did to people who looked like you.It's a polar opposite treatment.How does that affect employment, law enforcement, media? In polar opposite ways.
+SubliminalOrigami It goes without saying that racism (to one degree or another) is a fact of life in all societies and cultures, or at least it should be obvious to anyone with a clue. I think the notion that “black people can’t be racist” or its inverse that “only white people can be racist” is not a commonly held opinion by any means, nor I doubt is it actually as you claim taught in schools on any sort of widespread basis, at least not in that starkly simplistic kind of formula anyway. What it does however reflect (and distort in this case) is that the term “racism” in America is most often taken to mean one race discriminating against another from a position of power – which historically has traditionally involved white people oppressing blacks (and also Latinos/Hispanics, other “brown” people and maybe to lesser extents other minority racial/ethnic groups also) economically, socially or otherwise. From that perspective it’s deduced by some people that if you are in the minority/oppressed position, then one cannot by definition be “racist” – or that’s the basic rationale involved, I presume. As for which group bears the onus for addressing the problem, well obviously it takes everyone involved to make an effort, but most of the burden and “heavy lifting” so to speak is clearly going to be on the side with the power in terms of eliminating racial barriers and changing attitudes. Arguably this has been done over recent decades by whites in America, starting with civil rights legislation and various equal opportunity initiatives, ensuring there’s more of a balance in the media, and so on.Has enough been done and has it gone far enough to rectify things? Well, that’s the question. Although great strides have been made in a lot of ways, discrimination is still common and widespread, minorities are still ghettoized to a large extent, whites often choose to self-segregate, fleeing to the suburbs (taking their wealth and good schools with them), the idiotic “War on Drugs” and much of the criminal justice system still seems to be badly skewed against blacks, and so on. Meanwhile, you seem to feel that absolutely nothing has been done on the black side of the leger in this regard. That is likely overstating the case, but there’s probably a certain degree of truth to it. And yes, there does seem to be a culture of “victimization” rife within some parts of the black community pandering to (even nurturing in some instances) feelings of resentment, unfairness and sense of utter hopelessness. To some extent that’s a reaction to be expected considering there are many legitimate grievances which still exist, but it’s also not terribly helpful either. It’s not straightforward situation by any means – very complex actually and immensely difficult to solve.
+Martin RaynerNo of course I'm not arguing that. There are racists everywhere. Thing is, once you look at a few videos of Japanese racists telling the Koreans in the Korean quarter that they are gonna butcher them like they butchered the Chinese in Nanking or Indian racists or Cambodian vs Vietnamese, or China vs Uighurs... you get the impression that racism is not only a 'white thing' - and once you understand that, then you know that black Americans can be racist.The fact that this idea that 'black Americans can't be racist' is actually debatable showcases that nothing has been done to solve the racial divide in America amongst black Americans. Nothing.Whites are more tolerant than they have ever been in America, but that's because they have had years of being cultured into this kind of thinking - what kind of thinking has been cultured into Black Americans? Well, it certainly can;t be anti-racist thinking because 'Blacks can;t be racist'.So, in my opinion, one of the huge factors in the racial divide with be convincing black Americans not to be racist against whites.I mean, ffs, Eric Holder literally discounts white people as victims in his hate crime bill. You cannot have a hate crime against white people in his world because hating white people is normal.That's Progressive Liberal Ideology. It's ok to hate whites, it's normal.
+SubliminalOrigami I'm not arguing with you about that being the case. I don't doubt that it goes on even though it may not exactly be a prevalent attitude. If however you want to just put 100% of the blame for all racial problems on "liberals" and "progressives" then we have nothing to talk about because that's bullshit. Update: Okay, I checked out some of those vids. There weren't as many as I'd expected and, unsurprisingly, almost without exception, they were really profoundly stupid, ignorant people who held that POV about racism.
+Martin RaynerIf you need further proof just type it 'Only whites can be racist' in the YT search bar. It is a consistent belief (because of Progressives). They teach in the schools and universities, they broadcast it daily. That's why we got the 'I deserved to be mugged' kid and those dumbasses at the protests. It's all indoctrination.
+SubliminalOrigami Okay, just finished watching that a little while ago. Yeah, that was a fairly appalling reaction from those black kids on the street. Mind you, they didn’t exactly seem like the sharpest knives in the drawer in terms of explaining their views on the issue, neither did the hapless news interviewer bother to dig into it at all, so one can’t take too much from the exchange. It’s hard not to look at the situation south of the border and think there’s something seriously dysfunctional going on at a fundamental level in America when it comes to race relations – all of these police shootings in the news of late just being a more obvious manifestation of that. Plenty of blame to go around and no easy answers to the situation, that’s for sure. Also quite probably something that’s not going to change much or even necessarily improve in the foreseeable future. Quite likely not even for many generations yet to come. In fact, I'd venture to predict that the situation will continue to deteriorate as the underclass grows and economic opportunities diminish for low-skill workers. But hey, what do I know?
+SubliminalOrigami Yep, some of them do indeed hold ridiculous views such as that, but let’s not pretend that “liberals” have any exclusivity when it comes to having deeply weird and disturbing opinions when it comes to the issue of race. One doesn’t have to go very far in the least to find a seemingly endless stream of retrograde insanity about the issue gushing from so-called “conservatives”…
+Martin RaynerLiberals have also taught Black America that only white people can be racist. Seriously, I've actually seen seminars and lectures where this idea is pushed and now you hear it echoed in interviews at the protests.They are dangerous, just because they smile a lot and talk friendly... well... isn't that what they always say about serial killers?
+SubliminalOrigami Oh, for chrissake, really? That is truly pathetic. Obviously the kid’s been completely brainwashed by all that “while privilege” bullshit. I simply cannot abide much of the mind-numbingly stupid sociological crap that so-called “liberal progressives” spew these days. Whenever they start prattling on with simpering nonsense like that, I just want to throttle them to death.
+Martin RaynerThere was a white college kid the other day who got mugged and he honestly believed he deserved it because of his 'white privilege'. When you got kids literally renouncing their right to own their property and perhaps even their life because they are the skin color as some folks who did awful things a few hundred years ago, THAT is dangerous.Racism is about demoralization, Progressive Liberals are racist against whites.
+SubliminalOrigami I don’t know enough about his views to say whether he is or not. I just find him insufferably obnoxious to listen to – basically a left-wing Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh, only supporting a different “team” if you know what I mean. And frankly, I find that whole rock’em, sock’em “left vs right” paradigm utterly tiresome and pointless.
+SubliminalOrigami I’m an atheist – of course I supported Harris and defended his views to the hilt. Go back and read the innumerable comments I made on that thread battling a bunch of moronic leftards and their fatuous cultural relativism. Cenk is an idiotic, blustering douchebag who doesn’t know his arse from a hole in the ground when it comes to history or much of anything else for that matter.
+Martin RaynerI like Sam Harris. The mistake the Commies made when arguing with him was the difference between Wars about Religion and wars about territory. Cenk said WWII was ABOUT Christianity ffs... Valhalla a well known haunt of Yahweh.Liberals are stupid.He said WWI was about a 'Chirstian War' too. How could you not support Sam Harris against that kinda of retardation??
+SubliminalOrigami I'm not a subscriber to TYT, so how the heck would I know that? The last time I watched one of their videos was his “interview” with Sam Harris. Go check it out – my comment is the one with 300+ thumbs up. I dumped all over him for being such a fucking idiot.