And the Glory of the Lord (Handel's Messiah) by the Crown College Choir
Selections from the Crown College Choir of The Crown College, Powell, TN lead by Dr. Earl Holloway, a ministry of the Temple Baptist Church (Pastor Clarence ...
How many choir members and orchestra members did you have when this was
recorded? I sing bass in a choir of about 25 members, and we sang this at
Christmas last month. This song is a lot of fun, though a challenge at
times. Our choir will be playing and singing Hallelujah Chorus for Easter,
and we are trying to decide whether or not we can and should use a live
orchestra to accompany us. Your example makes me want to hope our choir
director and worship leader will say yes.
Is Tithing for Today? - Passion for Truth Ministries
What does the Bible REALLY say about tithing? This message clears it up once and for all as Pastor Jim Staley goes back in time to the ancient rules of tithing ...
Messiah is the King of kings, Revival Centre Ministries, Worship Team
Messiah is the king of kings, Revival Centre Ministries, Worship Team.
Divine Life in Christ Int. Ministries Choir - Messiah you are awesome!!
All Night Prayer with Apostle Dr James Madzimure - 14 Nov 2014.