"There weren't any puppies or Sports Illustrated swimsuit models, but Dodge Ram's two-minute long Super Bowl spot quieted game watchers when it aired ...
The one and only reason that the "I haven't had an original thought in my
entire life" Young Turks are even talking about this is because the
dialogue is from Paul Harvey. If those words were spoken by a liberal these
two losers would say it's the greatest commercial in the history of TV. My
grandfather was a farmer who did more work before noon than either of these
nimrods do in an entire week. Paul Harvey nailed it on the head and that
worthless piece of shit sitting on the right doesn't like it. Stick him on
any farm in this country at 4:00 AM and see how long he lasts before he's
crying for his boyfriend.
Based off of the Dodge Ram Truck commercial "Farmer".
God Made A Man
I really enjoy Paul Harvey's 1978 speech that the Ram Truck Super Bowl ad used, and has obviously resonated with so many folk. It makes much of good things, ...