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Rent boy rpg Videos

Pope endorses rent boys...

using condoms to avoid the spread of AIDS.

User Comments

@tetsubo57 Well, I was not born and raised Catholic. However, I still know enough about Catholicism to know that a huge number of its adherents know very little about it. So, saying that you were raised as one does very little to qualify you as a knowledgeable person on the subject in my eyes. I am not being an apologist for Catholicism. I am being a good apologist for philosophy. You made a number of factually inaccurate statements about the Catholic Church and what the Pope said.
@tetsubo57 If you want to oppose those two things, I just want you to do a good job of it. You can’t do a good job if the thing you are criticizing is fictitious. If you care to know, then you can check. If you choose not to care, then I am wasting my time. If you are still HONESTLY convinced you are knowledgeable on this subject, I suggest you study the official documents the Catholic Church has put out on the subjects you touch on in your video.
I suspect a strong degree of homogeneity amongst all those books behind you. Why do people comment on things over which they have so little grasp? Even if you happened to ultimately draw the right conclusion, your criticism would be meaningless because your premises are false and shallow. Admit to yourself that you don't really know much about what you have been commenting on. People talk too much and on subjects about which they know too little.
@44SCB Arresting people for sex between consenting adults is though? Sex between consenting adults is legal, as it should be. Business transactions between consenting adults is legal, as it should be. Heck, you can legally have sex on camera & it is perfectly legal, as it should be. So why is prostitution illegal? Because of our crippling Puritan past. It's time to jettison that archaic concept. And I have zero interest in the service.
@Iopoiuy5 The shelf behind me is full of boxed games, not books. It is one of 23 book shelves I own. Which are full of books. Most of which I have read. Would you like to comment about a specific fact that you think I got wrong? Has the Church endorsed condoms in that past? Do they support birth control or safe sex? I am interested in hearing about what I have said that seems so blatantly incorrect. I await your reply.
I never suggested your errors were blatent or obvious. I never suggested your errors were blatant or obvious. Furthermore, I don’t have the time to go around making detailed analyses of the errors in all the videos I see. I was making an appeal to you to admit to YOURSELF that your knowledge on this subject is quite limited. I think a little reflection on your part will reveal that to you.
@Iopoiuy5 I was raised Catholic. I have studied the history of the Church. This video is the most positive thing I have ever said about the Church. They have a long way to go before I say anything positive again. Like handing over every one of their rapist priests to secular law enforcement. I've done that reflecting. Why are you being an apologist for the Church?
I honestly wonder how long the Catholic church will exist. It seems folks are opting out these days. Does anyone know if the church membership is in decline? I imagine muslims will fill the void, tho I could be completely wrong. Perhaps one day, we'll be under Sharia law. Hope they allow the use of condems...
The German word for male prostitute is different from the German word for female prostitute. Apparently he just chose one word randomly over the other, but he was thinking of all prostitutes. Google ""When Pope Benedict XVI commented in a new book that using condoms" with quotation marks.
The ideology that the Catholic Church endorses is so archaic, counter productive, and disconnected from reality that it makes my head hurt. At least they are apparently taking small steps out of the Middle Ages... although it's still tiny steps, and it's taking a long time.
@iheimdall I got the "fucked in the head" notion by googling UK and Sharia law. The first article that pops up mentions the UK revealing its first official Sharia courts. Is this article a complete fabrication? Please enlighten...
@tetsubo57 I had to read a few in a course on the history of Christianity (fascinating stuff). I’ve spoken my peace and I won’t be checking back on this dialogue. Peace, Happy Thanksgiving.
@tetsubo57 Yeah, you're correct of course. I was considering the possibility of the US adopting the UK's move to Sharia courts, but I'm really comparing apples to oranges aren't I.
The issues over brith control and gay rights were parts of the reasons I left the Catholic Church, but al least it's one small step towards sanity from the Vatican.

Super Mario RPG - Cap.32 [FINAL] ¡Batalla final contra Smithy!

Juegos muy baratos ^^ //www.instant-gaming.com/igr/lyragamer/ Horario del canal: //i.imgur.com/Aiv00kN.png Like si os ha gustado! Suscribíos para ...

User Comments

Sabian que toadstool si se escribe toads tool literalmente significa: herramienta de toad
Cuando acabes de este juego del mario podrías hacer un gameplay del mario y luigi dream team. Eso depende de ti si quieres hacerlo
Aaa vale vale vele que pena
ella hiso una votacion con varios juegos retro o no tanto y ya ganaron todos los que seran las nuevas series que se estan estrenando yo puse los enlaces en lso videos pero como ya acabaron ya no puse nada mas cuando ella vuelva a poner vtacion ponre los enlaces ^^
+emmanuel blandon hola de nuevo
+Jhovanny Cespedes jugara final fantasy 6 despues
Gracias Geno aunque Mallow y tu no hallan hecho nada en todo el juego XD y buena suerte con Culex Lyrita
A Mario le gustan los champiñones y ya sabemos por que
Narrador: Nuestros héroes han logrado derrotado a Smithy después de una gran batalla. Ahora descubrirán la razón de todo esto. Huesitos: EH, ¿ESTAIS BIEN HAY ABAJO?. Bowser: SIIII. BAJANOS UNA CUERDA PARA QUE PODAMOS SUBIR. Mario: Bien Smithy, ¿listo para rendirte o aún te quedan fuerzas?. (A Smithy le empieza a salir humo de la cabeza y a soltar chispas). Mario: ¿Pero que.....?. Geno: Es un robot. Mallow: Y creo que hay alguien dentro. Yoshi: Así es mocoso asqueroso. Estoy YO. Todos: ¿YOSHIIIIII?. Yoshi: El mismo que viste y calza, ¿algún problema, zopencos?. Mario: PE-PE-PE-PE-¿PERO QUE?. Geno: Esto si que no me lo esperaba. Peach: Pero Yoshi, si tú eres nuestro amigo. ¿Como has podido hacernos esto?. Yoshi: ¿Vuestro amigo?. JA JA JA JA JA. Me parto con vosotros. Sois malos conmigo. Siempre me estáis montando, dándome dulces cuando soy diabético y aún recuerdo cuando me saboteasteis el kart en aquella carrera, el médico dijo que nunca más podría tocar el violín. Peach: ¿EN SERIO?. Primero, eras tú el que nos rogaba para que te montaramos. Segundo, eras tu el que se comía los dulces sin escucharnos........ Yoshi: Soy tonto, ¿que te esperabas?. Paech: Y por último, no creo que alguien te sabotee el Kart sólo para ganar una carrera. Bowser: Habla por ti. Yoshi: CON QUE FUISTES TU, CABR############. Aunque os odio mucho, todo esto lo he echo para vengarme por algo que me paso cuando era niño, vosotros sólo os habéis puesto en medio. Y ya que insistis os lo contaré todo. Mario: Pero si nosotros no hemos dicho nada. Yoshi: Mi historia empezó hace mucho tiempo, cuando yo era niño: Yoshi de pequeño: Papi, papi. ¿Me compras un helado?. Padre de Yoshi: No hijo, que es hora de cenar. FIN Mario: Y YA ESTA. TODO ESTO POR ESA TONTERIA. Yoshi: Tontería. ¿Acaso mi sufrimiento es una tonteria?. Todos: PUES SI. Yoshi: Por eso decidí vengarme algún día de todos los heladeros del mundo. Peach: Pero si no fue culpa del heladero. Y todo lo que has destruido por esta tonteria. ¿Te parece justificable?. Yoshi: Son daños colaterales. Mario: Hala, y lo dice como si no importará. Yoshi: Supe invertir muy bien mis ahorros en Bankia. Me construi este exotraje y monte lo de la invasión con robots para poder destruir el camino estelar y hacerme con esas estrellas sólo para mi. Pero aparecisteis vosotros, hijos de #####....... Peach: Esa boca. Yoshi: Y conseguisteis las estrellas antes que mis robots, ahora mi deseo de acabar con todos los helados del mundo se a arruinado. Peach: Sabías que no nos íbamos a quedar de brazos cruzados y aún así continuastes adelante con tus planes. Yoshi: Tal vez en el fondo quería que detuvierais mis planes. Geno: ¿Eso quiere decir que te has dado cuenta de todo lo que has echo por dejar que tus ansias de venganza te dominen?. Yoshi: PUES CLARO, ESPANTAPÁJAROS. SE LO QUE HE ECHO, NO SOY TONTO. Admito mi derrota, PERO ESO NO QUIERE DECIR QUE NO ACABE CON VOSOTROS.......... CON UNA BOMBA. ADIÓS, PANOLIS. (Click). Peach: Noooooooo. Mario: A CUBIERTO. Bowser: PROTEGEME MALLOW. Mallow: SUELTAME. Todos:......................................... Yoshi: No lo entiendo. Deberíamos estar ardiendo, pero no ha pasado nada. Bowser: Ja, has fallado. No has volado nada. Huesitos: AMO BOWSER. ME COMUNICAN QUE NUESTRO CASTILLO HA EXPLOTADO. Bowser: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Yoshi: Toma ya. He destruido a Bowser mentalmente. Mario: Vamos Yoshi, por esto te van a caer por lo menos cuarenta años en la cárcel. Yoshi: Bah, saldré en quince por buen comportamiento. Peach: Hay tiene razón, Mario. Mario: Lo sé. En un camino muy lejano. Croco: JA JA JA. Con este baúl de monedas infinitas seré infinitamente rico. Menudos pardillos, les he estafado a lo grande y no obtengo castigo. Este tal vez no es el final que te esperabas, pero como yo soy el narrador supe aprovechar mis oportunidades. Y no se pongan tristes, esta aventura sólo ha sido la primera de muchas que Mario y los suyos vivirán. Quien sabe, a lo mejor vuelvo yo, pero eso amigos míos es otra historia. DESPUES DE LOS CREDITOS Canciller: Quien iba a suponer que Yoshi estaba detrás de todo esto. Peach: Resultó ser un psicópata. Todos estos años hemos vivido engañados. Mallow: El nuevo Yoshi me gusta más. ¿Verdad, Yoshi?. Yoshi: Soy Yoshi. Mario: No me hago a la idea de lo que ha pasado. Yoshi era nuestro amigo. Peach: Se que ha sido duro, sobre todo para ti. Nosotros no somos Yoshi, pero siempre seremos amigos. Pase lo que pase. Mallow: Por supuesto, nunca podría olvidaros, después de todo lo que habéis echo por mi. Bowser: A mi no me mires, no soy tu amigo. Pero si hacéis una carrera o evento deportivo, llamarme, puede que vaya. Mario: Gracias. Seremos amigos hasta el fin. Todos: SIIIIIIIIII. Bowser: Yo pongo la mano por que quiero pero no soy vuestro amigo. Peach: Chicos, el reino champiñón esta en deuda con vosotros. Como gobernante que soy, si hay algo que pueda hacer para remcompensaros, decirmelo. Mario: No necesito nada, con tenerte como amiga es suficiente. Mallow: Lo mismo digo. Además, gracias a vosotros descubrí que era un príncipe y encontré a mis padres. Soy yo el que debería agradecéros lo que habéis echo. Bowser: Bien, como estos idiotas no piden nada, lo haré yo. Peach: Claro, puedes pedir lo que quieras menos mi reino. Bowser: ¿Que te parece un besito?. Peach: Una tarta. Lo tomas o lo dejas. Bowser: Me conformare. En fin, a sido un placer acompañaros y eso, pero me largo. Mi castillo necesita reparaciones. Adiós. Huesitos: ESPEREME. Esta tarta pesa mucho. Peach: Tal vez algún día nos llevemos bien con Bowser. Mario: Quien sabe, princesa. Quien sabe. Yoshi: Soy Yoshi. Huesitos: ¿Una tarta?. ¿Todo lo que sacamos es una tarta?. Y encima es de nata, con lo que engorda. Bowser: No es lo que yo quería pero las tartas de Peach son deliciosas. En cuanto terminemos las reparaciones volvemos al trabajo ¿Que te apuestas a que lo consigo a la proxima?. Huesitos: Nada. Este viaje me ha arruinado. Y si nos vamos de vacaciones. Bowser: Buena idea. Sólo una cosa, ¿con que dinero?. Huesitos: ¿ Pedimos un préstamo al banco?. Bowser: Debo cinco. Además, debemos terminar de reparar el.......... CASTILLO. ¿QUE LE HA PASADO A MI CASTILLO?. SI ESTABA CASI REPARADO. Goomba: Je je je je, se va a reír cuando se lo cuente, (Bowser gruñe), o tal vez no. Bowser: MI CASTILLO. ¿POR QUE SIEMPRE SUELO ACABAR ASI?. Huesitos: Y lo malo es que no tenemos frigorífico y la tarta se está derritiendo. Bowser: QUE ASCO DE DIAAAAAAA. Esta historia se acabo. Gracias a todos por su apoyo y likes. No se pierdan la nueva historia en Mario edition puzzles en el canal de Sylcred.
+Francisco Aguilera me compras un heladonofin
+Francisco Aguilera aun falta un capitulo mas el sabado contra culex
Jajajaja . Pero queria de villano a luigi
+Francisco Aguilera XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDDios santo, de dónde sacas tanta imaginación para escribir estas cosas??? Me quito el sombrero!!

MD Rent-A-Hero

A new Megadrive Action RPG to play in English!? Why yes indeed! Released a couple of days ago before I had time to sit down and make this video, ...

User Comments

Where is the tape player in my room? I cannot find it and I've searched everywhere.
+ShiryuGL Aww that's too bad. I figured you had played through it all by now. No worries!
I would have already answered your question if I had played all the way to that section of the game. I am sorry I am unable to help out, you're the first person I can't unstuck in my nearly 9 years in YouTube! Y_Y
+ShiryuGL I've looked. Believe me, I tried everything I could before resorting to posting on a Youtube video for help. Can't you just answer the question?
Damn! Try video game walktroughts on youtube, there is a 70 minute video, I hope it covers that part somewhere.
+ShiryuGL That link from Game Boomers is for the Dreamcast version.
+Drew Dickinson How odd! Type "rent a hero walkthrough" in Google and use the link from Game Boomers.
+ShiryuGL There aren't any guides on there for the Genesis version.
+Drew Dickinson Check GameFaqs! =)

Rondo Numba Nine Gets Transferred To Cook County Jail After Turning 18 in Jail!

DJ Akademiks speaks on Rondo Numba Nine getting transferred to Cook County Jail from a juvenile facility + he has a court date in March. Follow on Instagram ...

User Comments

+ctnative203 oh shit, my bad
+Dylan Williams THAT'S WHAT IT SAYS LOL ,
funny stuff but the launcher is not real. Its already been fired! You can still buy the casing with the right connect tho.
+Syndicat3HD He's right you can't reload that weapon once it's been fired hence the reason it gets marked with a blue stripe.
Hey idiot if it's been fired then yeah it is real idiot you can't shoot a real rocket out of a fake rocket launcher wtf. And hey idiot rocket launchers can be fired more than once
Rondo aint getting bruh this mans been in jail for 2 years he aint getting out for shit
he got out 14 days after your comment.
the blue stripe on that AT4 means that it has been shot already, you cant reload those so basically he posed with a useless empty tube.
Yeah but ppl are stupid... Anybody can buy one. Just decoration.
free ronda man shit is fukked up
+Malik Shortridge are u stupid.....im not gobba waste my time explaining but your wrong they about to drop the case because the witnesses aren't going to testify if they had all that forensic stuff you talking about they wouldn't be stressing losing their witnesses they havent even been able to Begin the process of his case yet
this nigga killed a man with kids they have videos fingerprints and he dropped his cell phone

Fallout 4 - Day 1 Review

Is Fallout 4 everything we hoped for so far? ▻ Subscribe: //www.YouTube.com/RobinGaming?sub_confirmation=1 ▻ Twitch livestreams: //www.

User Comments

So far (about 5 hours into the game) I have no idea what's special about this game. to me it's mediocre at best.
Well that's the thing a game as huge as fallout 4 or any fallout/elder scrolls it take time to really get into, but once you do it's great 5 hours isn't really enough to get the best experience
ITS A PC GAME! but still nice day 1 review:)
+Embosas Well its a console game that was ported onto PC
I was seriously planning on getting this game but after seeing gameplay of it I really don't think I'm going too anymore. Usually graphics and frame rate don't matter to me but idk something about this on PS4 seems like it's a bad deal. I'll wait for your full review as usual Robin, I enjoyed the video.
Pc and ps4 are having issues
I try this out for the first time got it for pc and ps4 it's a buggy mess on pc and ps4 as well with frame drops so disappointed
This game needed to stay in development for another 6 months
I've never played a Fallout game, but if the real fans love it, I hope they all put a lot of hours on it! :D
No problem :)
+thegamewarfareproject Thanks for your info, guys! :D
it definitely isn't the best one, new vegas is, but i still really enjoy this game :-)
+General Frenzy Really? Who knows, maybe one day I'll get it! xDDD :D
Even if you haven't played fallout you have to play F4 its the best one yet!!
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