Válečný / Akční / Dobrodružný / Historický / Romantický - 2008 - Německo, Velká Británie Celý Film HD VERZE 720p "Jeho největším vítězstvím byla láska.
74kork xD Myslím, že jsem jich viděla až moc =DD. Ale možná je to jen kvůli tomu, že Manfreda Richthofena naprosto zbožňuju =3 =DDD.(A ten herec co ho hraje, je naprosto boží =3 =DD)
+ZDENĚK HORA V epoše počítačových filmů už pro mě sledování efektů a akčních scén nemá moc význam, to kouzlo v otázce "jak to natočili?" prostě už není. Poslouchám hlavně dialogy a příběh. Podle mě nejsilnější scéna je jak vidí z bunkru pěšáky v zákopu jak padají jako mouchy a do toho vstoupí generál a spokojeně prohlásí "všechno jde podle plánu"
+Lubsus také jsem se hodně divil...dělat z lidí blce to uměj....kupříkladu vidět pilota jak letí značnou rychlostí a sotva mu vlajou vlasy nebo šál tak je to opravdu ubohé...
Je tam více hloupostí a nelogičností. "Fantómy letadel" se pohybují příliš rychle. Souboje probíhají zásadně v úplavu, což může být v souvislosti s nízkými rychlostmi tehdejších strojů vážný problém - pochybuji tedy, že "lovec" útočil na "kořist" ve stejné letové hladině. Domnívám se, že taktika soubojů musela vypadat jinak, než ukazuje film.Co se týče výšky a rychlosti - myslím, že tehdejší piloti více sázeli na obratnost, než na rychlost. Richthofen posledních 20 sestřelů vykonal na Fokkerově trojplošníku, který si prý velmi chválil - a ten se vyznačoval rotačním motorem. Rotační motor se vyznačoval výrazným gyroskopickým efektem, a velkou spotřebou paliva. Tj. létat vysoko, daleko a na maximálce by bylo nesmyslné. Zato se dá s úspěchem využít bleskového obratu po směru rotace válců.
+Lubsus Vždy obdivujem ľudí, ktorý si vedia o druhom, úplne neznámom človeku bleskurýchle urobiť záver čo robil, a čo nie :-)) Nalietané čo to mám, aj keď skôr ultralighty... Mne to pripadá tak na 6000, ale samozrejme, na chmeľnice je to beztak priveľa... Písal som to len na margo tých súbojov v minimálnych výškach z Vášho príspevku... Mňa osobne skôr prekvapilo iné faux pas, a to Sternbergov "plane surfing" počas pádu k zemi (pri tej rýchlosti by ho z lietadla sfúklo asi za pol sekundy), a "zachovanosť" jeho mŕtvoly po plnom náraze na zem...
Takže pozor ... Nevím, jestli jste někdy létal, ale pravděpodobně ne. Jinak byste věděl, jak vypadá obzor a oblačnost v těch 4 tisících metrech. Dle simulací leteckých soubojů v tom filmu to vypadá tak na 10.000, nikoli na 4.000 m n. m.A také - čím větší výška, tím menší účinnost a výkon pístového motoru a tím méně kyslíku.Svěrák se v Tmavomodrém světě zase prohřešil proti realitě tím, že sundal pilotům kyslíkové masky - jakoby mu nestačila "mimika očí". Očima lze zahrát všechno.
+Lubsus Albatros D. III mal dostup 5500m, Fokker Dr. I 6100m a Sopwith Camel 6400m, takže to rozhodne neboli nejaké prízemné plazivce... Ernst Udet v pamätiach udáva väčšinou súboje vo výškach okolo 4km, a Oswald Boelcke v biblii letcov Dicta Boelcke odporúča pri súboji čo najvyššiu výšku... Takže pozor....
+ZDENĚK HORA Máte pravdu. Ty vzdušné souboje jsou vyloženě nevěrohodné. Působí dojmem, že tehdejší hadraplány dokázaly vystoupat do stratosféry :)Autoři si zřejmě neuvědomili, v jakých výškách se tehdejší průkopníci letectví pohybovali a jakou rychlostí létali. Že se to často odehrávalo v minimálních výškách a letci se orientovali nízkými průlety nad nádražními budovami, na kterých si přečetli název stanice.
+ZDENĚK HORA co preco? ja mam tento film rad podla mna je akurat nic prehnane. Sice ano nekere sceny su klasicke americke moc hrdinske a uzasne ale aj to sa da vstrebat
+ZDENĚK HORA ==Téma bylo určitě velké, ale rozpočet byl malý... Rozpočet €18miliónov║Tržby Celosvetovo $2,743,093║ a když připustíme, že to má cca dvě hodiny, tak je to opravdu malý rozpočet a není se čemu divit, že to dopadlo, tak jak to dopadlo.
+ZDENĚK HORA ===Zdenku, nevím co se ti na tom nelíbilo. Tento film není určen do kin, ale je to klasický TV film pro DVD distribuci. Je nízkonákladový. Viděl jsem horší a s daleko lepším obsazením. Za mne palec nahoru pro tento film . Není hodně filmů z 1. světové války.
Bitva v Ardenách (2009) cz dabing
Válečné drama z 2 . světové války. Válka spěje ke svému závěru a Hitlerovi vojáci se v Evropě zoufale snaží o zvrat průběhu bojů. Jejich protiofenzíva na ...
+Moreno C you can't compare movies if they are in different settings in different times with different stories. You can't claim they're similar on the grounds that they are both "war" movies.
Not really, saving private Ryan is pretty good just for Omaha beach landing. The second part looks like a Marvel comic talking about 6 superheores going around france and killing evil germans that die like flies.This movie is just " private ryan" wannabe.Look "paths of glory" "all quiet on western front" or "uomini contro". Those are movies about WW1
Well, at least you're almost like, a fifth right. This movie is about Canadian shock troops in France, and was made by Canadians, starring that Canadian guy who's in all our movies. Also, Saving Private Ryan is up there for the best war movie ever made. So in summary: no, you're very wrong.
+Green Arcangel"I am only lazy enough to don't copy paste the encyclopedia Britannica to make a point." That sentence does not make the slightest bit of sense. First you start off by saying "I am only lazy enough to..." but then you say "don't" which suddenly means you are saying the opposite of what you started off saying. So according to what you said, are you a plagiariser, or aren't you? Because you are aware that it is illegal to plagiarise, right? But I guess you would not know that since you can't even write a proper sentence down.
+Green Arcangel Actually, WW1 is the war that advanced the fastest in history. In 1914, soldiers were still marching in Napoleonic style. Germans were still storming cities by climbing over walls by using wooden ladders. Almost every soldier used a rifle and nothing else. By 1918, offensives could consist of thousands of armoured vehicles (even the Germans started building armoured vehicles for battle operations near the end of the war, some of their vehicles were even used on the Italian Front).At the start of the war, both sides, when flying airplanes, were too busy trying to prevent their planes from falling apart. Sometimes soldiers flying by, even opposing pilots, would simply wave at each other since they knew that there was nothing else that they could do. By 1918, planes were being used for important missions, and planes were flying in squadrons with giant machine guns for both the pilot and his assistant. By the time the war ended, the British and Americans were already collaborating with the idea of having paratrooper battalions dropped behind enemy lines. The first paratrooper divisions were expected to be fully trained, prepared, and awaiting orders for an airborne landing similar to what would happen in WW2 as late as the summer of 1919. The first aerial droppings were scheduled for the fall of 1919, with a delay to the spring of 1920 if necessary. The only reason that they were not used, was because the war ended by then.The Germans were also in the process of building tanks similar to the Panzer tanks of WW2. As many as twenty Panzers had already seen action on the frontline by the end of the war, including five of them that were used to engage the Italians. At Arras, the British and Commonwealth soldiers were attacked by several of these similar looking Panzers, along with other armoured vehicles, supported by German soldiers, who, like the Allies, were now starting to modernise their infantry.By late 1917, the Allied forces were breaking units into as few as 10-15 soldiers. Only about half of them were using rifles, while others carried machine guns, flamethrowers, and by the closing of the war, even rockets that were intended to destroy any armoured vehicle that they came across. The Germans mainly used flamethrowers as their upgrade for their infantry, but by the end of the war, they were also using armoured vehicles and advancing behind them for protection. It is only a myth that WW1 was a war of attrition in the sense that they just massed infantry until they wiped out the enemy. While this did happen, especially near the beginning, it was more due to the result that both sides had never had to experience a war like this; plus, radio communications were not as effective. While radio communications date as far back as the Crimean War, the technology was never effectively used, nor did they mass produce it, because for the most part, Europe was relatively peaceful up until WW1 (the last significant European war not happening since Napoleon).Both sides also used submarines on a large scale. The Germans were starving from British blockades of their ports; but in return, the Germans sent submarines to put England under siege. In WW1, the Germans actually came closer to starving out the British than they would be doing in WW2. And this is one of the primary reasons as to why Passchendaele was attacked. The Germans had submarine bases near there that were being used to sink allied ships and to put England (and to a lesser extent; France) under blockade. The real controversy is not so much that there was no point in attacking Passchendaele, the real controversy, was that they figured that the cons would outweigh the pro, and that they would be better off to look somewhere else (and in real life, the Germans took Passchendaele back one week after the Canadians did).The first British casualty of the war happened near Mons in August 1914. The last Commonwealth soldier (and likely the last casualty of any army during the war), was a Canadian soldier named George Price. He had been on the frontline since 1916. On the morning of November 11, 1918, the Canadians attacked Mons and secured it by 8 AM that morning, with about 38 dead and over 100 wounded. Despite this, the war continued on. Until as late as 10:50 AM, the Allies were still raiding trenches, securing crossroads and capturing bridges on the offset that the Germans did not honour the treaty. At 10:58 AM, with less than 2 minutes to go, while investigating houses near Mons with several other Canadians, an anonymous sniper shot George Price. He was taken to a nearby house, where he died one minute later, just seconds before the Armistice started to take effect. In other words, the war ended for the commonwealth in the exact town that it began.
While a group of Canadians were returning from the front line for a furlough several KM from the front, a random shell smacked right into the group. That single shell killed 20 Canadian soldiers and injured hundreds more, dozens of them seriously.
+Jake WallaceNot really. I specifically remember a segment from the book "All Quite On The Western Front" (Written by a German soldier) the main character tells a group of recruits to "not clump together" because it's easier to die that way.I don't think the soldiers all ran together in a giant blob at the enemy trench I believe it was more separate.
Jirka Hraje - Minecraft Horor!!! P.T. Silent Hills
Minecraft umí být i hororovka... A u tohoto let´s playe jsem se málem pos... :D Ale jinak je to hodně povedený! :) Každý lajk se počítá a každý lajk i potěší.
France was defeated twice by pre-unified Italy, then got conquored by the
germans within twice, then got ass whipped by 2 developing countries (viet
and algeria) . French are such a hopeless breed
+Tom Tapp Funny you mention Israel because Vietnam and them are now pals. Just look at their current standard issue the Gallil which is replacing their aging AKs. I don't think they did it but the American government knew that terrorists were gonna attack the country. They let it happen because the government knew their time for their empire has come. Bernie Sanders 2016, the only legit man for the country.