Adorei a frase: "As empresas precisam de engenheiros, mas também precisam
de linguístas"! Assim como precisam de administradores, contabilistas,
etc... Super valorizam a engenharia e esquecem as demais profissões tão
importantes quanto.
Olá Carina!
Sou nova no seu canal.
Sou professora do fundamental 1 (ensino infantil ao 5º ano)
Neste mês consegui uma vaga em uma escola disputadíssima aqui em São José
dos Campos,interior de São Paulo. A diretora deu o prazo de 3 anos para
aprender inglês, pois a escola pretender ser bilíngue.
Não tenho noção nenhuma em inglês, NADA MESMO! Inclusive tenho até um certo
bloqueio, toda vez que penso na língua chego a suar frio, mas ao mesmo
tempo sou apaixonada pelo idioma. Assisto alguns vlogs em inglês tentando
entender e sonhando que um dia isso será possível.
Obrigada pelas dicas, um dia ainda iremos conversar em inglês,pois acima do
meu bloqueio está a vontade de aprender.
+Luciana Maria 3 anos??? Dá pra aprender até russo kkk Não fique nervosa, vai sr muito mais fácil do que você imagina! Mas vai ter que se esforçar claro, coloca o celular em inglês, usa os softwares em inglês, assiste filme sem legenda tentando entender (Mesmo que não entenda NADA consegue treinar o sotaque etc)
Luciana, leia o texto do link abaixo do blog Inglês na Ponta da Língua e veja como o autor do blog ficou fluente estudando sozinho, sem viajar para fora do Brasil. O texto é muito inspirador e motivador também. O link é //
O Jesus Film - Waurá / Aura / Uaura / Wauja Idioma The Jesus Film - Waurá / Aura Language (Brazil)
A História da Vida e Tempos de Jesus Cristo (Filho de Deus). De acordo com o Evangelho de Lucas. (Brasil), Waurá / Aura / Uaura / Wauja Language.
Brazil railway station blaze kills firefighter in Sao Paulo
A firefighter died when a blaze destroyed a large part of Sao Paulo's nineteenth century railway station on Monday. The building houses a ...
Aww, that sucks. It always sucks if a firefighter gets killed, especially.
A história de Jesus Cristo - Português The Story of Jesus - Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil, Worldwide)
A história da vida e os tempos de Jesus Cristo (Filho de Deus). Segundo o Evangelho de Lucas. (Portugal, Brasil, Mundial) Idioma Português-Portugal ...
Gostei muito, como qualquer outro filme sobre nosso Senhor Jesus
Cristo...Obrigada por postar. Incrível que quando é o que não tem valor, há
milhares de views mas quando é algo sobre Jesus são poucos os que
gostam...Eu gostei e vou adicionar aos meus favoritos, tanto esse como o
com Robert Powell..Tudo sobre Jesus é lindo! Deus abençoe quem fez esse
filme e quem o postou.
O homen mais famoso de todos os tempos, o nome dele é Jesus Cristo. Nunca
ouve um homen que marcou a história como Jesus Cristo... Eu gostaria de ver
Jesus face a face!
The creation of language was the first singularity for humans. It changed everything. Life after language was unimaginable to those on the far side before it.
No es correcto que la creación del lenguaje humano constituya la primera
singularidad para los humanos por cuanto nuestra anterior historia muestra
otras dos singularidades. Al observar las tres singularidades es posible
percatarse que existe un Norte Evolutivo para la Vida encarnada en Materia
y que apunta a permitir en el mayor grado posible que la Vida se manifieste
a través de la Materia. La “dimensión” de la Vida nada tiene que ver con la
“dimensión” de la Materia. De hecho, esta última solo existe en el Presente
en tanto que la Vida opera administrando el Pasado, el Presente y un
eventual Futuro.
+Guillermo Brand La “dirección” de la Evolución queda de manifiesto cuando reparamos en los mencionados hitos, en particular en las características de cada uno de los tres individuos mencionados. En el ser humano cohabitan los tres individuos.
+Guillermo Brand El primer hito evolutivo viene dado por el organismo unicelular, al que llamaremos Individuo Material. El siguiente hito viene dado por el pluricelular con cerebro, Individuo Virtual (localizado en el cerebro, Entidad conformada por Información) que administra un cuerpo Material. El tercer hito evolutivo surge gracias al lenguaje humano y es el Individuo Inmaterial o “el Ser”. Al Ser le es dado deambular por lo atemporal e inmaterial. Al Ser lo administra el Individuo Virtual.
As long as you think you can only think with the use of language, you will
leave a great portion of your thinking capabilities completely
untapped...there is a lot more computing power in the brain than just what
is associated with language comprehension and generation.
language is a tool for cooperation, but its 2nd edge is deception...and we
must never forget, we are often most talented at deceiving
ourselves...meaning that double-edged sword is more likely to harm us than
it is to help others...
language is essentially 'telepathy for dummies'...allowing for even the
least perceptive to be 'in the know' simply by virtue of being
told...provided they can trust the teller...
Perhaps if empathy were graded as frequently as grammar, we, as a society,
might have less necessity for something so rudimentary as language ;)
+Theo M. I don't think anyone would argue that there is more to the brain than language. But there is also the question of: what is language? or, to be more specific, what counts as language? When you approach that question in a more inclusive way, the power and significance of 'language' becomes massively augmented.
+Joe Scott Well you can become an artists and convey your stories through images. :)Words may be a way to communicate, but we can communicate even better through images and body-shown emotions.
+Theo M. yep can't argue with that. and 'bastardizing' is a very strong word to express your dicontent. i guess our different world viewsalong with our life experiences makes us unique human beings(anthony robbins). i qm totally awestruck by the things that we have debated uphere. thqnks for your precious views
+ricky sidhuthat 10% thing is supposedly a myth...I'm not saying language has no use...its just nowhere near as important as the masses tend to think it is...we're taking something as beautiful as communication, and bastardizing it with language...communication is key, but language is the mcdonald's of communication...all convenience and verifiable true conveyance of meaning...just words...we all know actions speak louder than words, right? ;)
+Lucas Santos i have got point for both of you....lucas point- We humans use just 10% of our brains capacity and look at what we have done in this world.yes... Language has enabled us to grow exponentially. We cant really imagine this world without language right in a way it is a tool of communicating our potential thoughts, knowledge and memmories to other people. Just for once, think, how did people communicate when there was no language??? now you may see thio's point.Thio's piont-I somewhat agree with you. there is a universal language being used everywhere in the world even if we dont understand the language(as said by Paulo Coelho). e.g look the the silent film era we tend to understand things the actors wanted to communicate to us. But actors made that script for silent movies with language. and again your empathy cant explain me your feeling as we are different worlds apart. you are arguing with other people using the language kind of diplomatic reply...but i cant letgo the fact that they both go hand in hand. Imagine your lover's face- what if they say 'i love you' with no expressions at all. (i know i am gonna freak out)
+Theo M. How can we get things done without language? Language is a complex form of communication by definition, of course, we can get basic things done without complex forms of communication (People can fell in love with someone without even talking with this person - but they won't stay just kissing and having sex all the time).But we can't send complex thoughts without language, maybe some day with telepathy enabled by transmisor-receiver device into our brains, like computers do, we will do the same thing....But, wait a's not like language but way more complex? I mean, I think that I did get your point, with telepathy we will be able to TRANSFER DATA, not only just make sighs complexly and hope that the another person will interpret that data as we want, But, just like computers, with telepathy we will have the data as it is. It's like to increase our data transfer rate, we won't have to use anymore the language as the main interface (brain to brain/person to person) to "data" transfer.However...That thing of connecting or brain to a computer is the weirdest and most complex thing of the whole history - I think that it's even more complex than uploading a mind or making General A.I.This topic would give a huge tree of questions and futuristic sceneries.For instance (Movie: Her - 2013), Samantha tells Theodore that she needs to "post-verbally" (this kind of telepathy I'm talking about) communicate with one of her fellow operating systems. And Samantha says all the time that she SIMPLY CAN NOT TELL to Theodore her thinkings. It's like to try to talk with a ape about Shakespeare?
+Joe Scottwithout language, your expression would find its ultimate forrest gump, you'll have to shatter those leg braces off in full sprint to truly discover the full potential of your talents ;)
+Joe Scottjust because language is a tool for cooperation, doesn't mean its the only tool for the job. plenty of harmony exists without relying on language-based communication for coordination. we have to be careful not to run around claiming things are impossible, just because we lack the imagination to conceive of them ;)
+Theo M. I don't know, with language there's at least the possibility of working things out. Without it, only physical interaction and violence win out over ideas.