ich habe auch denn problem gehapt aber ich mach nimals das downloaden mehr
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nicht an hast dann gehts bb :)
An overview of the Aerosoft F-14's AI scenarios. The scenarios presented are randomly generated, but based on real world encounters. It is of course most ...
+Mark Enrico Reyes The stairs should be linked to the wingfold command. Check Volume 3, pages 3-4 for a complete list of the standard inputs. Have fun!
Hey.Got the Cat.Question.Does non-TP users have access to radar functions
and LOCKS like you?(no weapons firings) (in 9:03 till 9:25).Becasue i press
exactly what you press ...but nothing!I press the PULSE but it returns
immediately to TWS auto :/...
+John Cagle I'll try and tell you... :) .. Oooh and something else!Before I startup I select my payload...BUT after I am off the ground I press AA , ARM , weapon selection and in the HUD it says that PH=0 SW=0 SP=0 .Why? :/
Make sure that you have the target selected before going into STT mode. To do that, use the < > buttons (2D panel) until the target is bracketed on the TID, and then select STT.
How to start the HUD and MFD in Aerosoft F-16 - FSX
A request by many people! How to start the MFD and the HUD in the aerosoft F-16 in FSX! Last guy who requested this and I thought that I have to do it: Dyils ...
@rudyeilabouni Indeed... I know what 'Some' do but I don't know what MOST
do :p really... all you need to know is how to start the engine (even that
you don't since you can simply press CTRL + E and the needed buttons will
be automatically started ) and the buttons I just showed in this video :)
@Sajaks I don't know a specific way, but you should memorize the airport
code and then press ALT go to World then go to the map and search for that
airport! Also memorize which direction you flew to in order to find it
@rudyeilabouni Its the little things that count Q_Q *sobs into your
shoulder* THE LITTLE THINGS!! WAAAAAAH... lmao, still I love this jet, but
how to lock on?
How do i get this do i have to have fsx and buy this is it a mod or addon i
just don't wanna buy two things if i don't need to please help what do i
yes, however with the pilot pinned to his window due to the g-forces, it is impossible for him to "pop the canopy", the weapons system operator is the only one who can "pop it" due to him/her being closer to the COG. once the canopy is blown off the WSO is instructed to eject the pilot wait a couple of seconds (due to the low pressure above the aircraft the canopy stays above the aircraft for some time) and then eject himself. Hence how goose died he ejected straight away, broke his neck on the canopy.