The Matt Hardy 2012 Stronger Than Death tour rolls into Mooresboro, NC for Carolina Wrestling Superstars on Friday, July 6th. The event for CWS will emanate ...
never u dingus. do u even watch wwe? I couldnt bare it last night...The
slam of the week was a slap from vivkie guerrero...and the match with big
show vs kane only lasted like 5 minutes...i mean wtf. since when do to 7
footers get squashed like that? its just garbage if you can stand to watch
it for more than 10 minutes youre part of the problem. Follow the real
deal...wwe is watered down its practically barney..
The wrestling school is still in my future plans, but if I'm gonna do it,
I'm gonna do it right. I wanna make sure it's as good as possible and that
all of my bases are covered. Unfortunately, that takes time, preparation,
and lots of research. I'll keep you guys updated on my MATTHARDYBRAND
Matt, your "stronger than death tour" is the better thing that I seen.
Thanks you, you make me smile. MATT HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARDY ROCKS !!!
(you can imagine it's like Mexican scream LOL)
hey Matt i found out where you and jeff live your house is nice i thought
it would be bigger. I would like to know why you and jeff dont have a bmx
jump into his lake thats fun on a bun.
the one & only reason wwe sucks now can u guess its pg for kids this aint a
fuckn kids show & if they stop treatn it like one then maybe they wont lose
to tna all the time
i cant wait ull be fight ronnie right? lol i already got my tickets so cool
btw ive been a fan of mcw so its cool to have someone like u to come to mcw
That's cool that the poster was included with the Shanghai game. Never
played Airwolf but remember watching the TV show back in the 80's. :) I
really enjoyed the Gauntlet series back in the day at the arcades. Do you
know if the NES version is similar?
Gauntlet II is a great find, don't be too upset about how the back looks
though. Just take a double you have laying around (like an extra mario/duck
hunt) and put that backing on it. I do that with a lot of finds that have
crud or damage to the back.
dude, sweet can't beat free...even if theyre not in the
actual cases hahaha.
placas arcade
placas arcade.
Consejos para aprender a volar helicoptero rc (radiocontrol) HD
Ponlo en HD. Lo verás mucho mejor Unos pequeños consejos para que los que se inicien en los mini helicopteros rc puedan aprender a usarlo antes de que ...
Son tres canales diferentes para vincular el emisor, si hay dos helicopteros a la vez, cada uno se vincula en un canal diferente para no interferir uno con el otro.
esos helicopteros que tiene usted eso es puro juguete eso lo vuela hasta mi
hermano de 4 años yo tengo helicopteros a gasolina y electricos 450 y con
ellos hago 3d eso tuyos son unos jueguetes que venden en la calle
+juandiego escobar Tu modo de responder deja claro que mas que presumido eres un pelotudo. Un nene de 4 años no puede volar un helicoptero con rotor de cola de paso fijo. Ese tipo de heli, sobre todo los mas grandecitos como v912 son aptos como paso previo a un 450 electrico. Asi me paso a asi. Me dieron consejos tipos que hacen 3D y no son tan egocentricos
Lo se amigo, de eso se trata, de dar consejos a la gente para que les dure el juguete. Y sean a gasolina o no, tambien son juguetes, pero juguetes caros. Un saludo
Hola amigo ,no se como lo hace mi helicóptero es como el tuyo de tamaño y
al acelerar un poquitin se pone a dar vueltas y luego se calma pero al
acelerar da vueltas , ago ,no se calibra
disculpa tengo un problema, al despegar mi helicoptero se va a lado derecho
al despegar, no e encontrado algo que me diga como solucionarlo, e visto
soluciones pero ninguna clara de donde ajustarlo
me podrias tu o alguien ayudar con ello.
+German Herrera Amigo, los helis tienden a girar hacia el lado donde tienen el rotor de cola, esto no se puede corregir del todo ni con giroscopios, simplemente tendrás que corregirlo con los timones.Supongo que tu heli sera uno simple con flybar no?
+A.C. Dubya Not sure honestly. In the editing software that issue wasn't there. It's something we'll keep an eye out for in the future. Probably will export it as a different file type in the future.
Thanks for the shout out and I miss Keio I'm trying to get it back and if
you want to trade Evo cib or Evo cart let me know I would like to try and
work something out for it.