Hey danke Hubi. Haste Bombe gemacht! Zeit wird's, dass ein 24 Jähriger cool
zeigt, wie kleingeistig und egobezogen Leute zwischen 20 und 30 bei uns so
leben- sich benehmen wie Teenies. Kein Verantwortungsbewusstsein. Zu
bespasst, gelangweilt und mit sich selbst besschäftigt, um sich noch
Gedanken zu machen. Danke, dass Du mir gezeigt hast, dass es auch noch
andere gibt. .... und allen zeigst, wie verdammt konsumbetäubt so viele bei
uns sind, und das auch noch freiwillig. Und: Wie im Gegensatz dazu die
Realität von 20 jährigen einfach nur ein paar Kilometer weiter aussieht.
Big Thumbs up!
Fahd al-Kanderi meets Jihad Al Maliki (A blind young Qari) (Allahu Akbar)
As-Salaamu Alaikum, Sheikh Fahd goes around the world to share with us inspirational reciters. He also met my 2nd favourite sheikh mashaAllah What a ...
The push of a button is all that keeps all these cities from being nuked by
the USA who have the technology to do so. Say thank you to them every day.
+Drigger95lol nice try, clown. Pakistani nukes and Indian nukes cant even fly that far since those countries dont have ICBMs with that range. Only Russia can, but we have a shield.
+Aaron Richards And the push of a button is what keeps your cities in America from being incinerated by a Russian nuke, or a Pakistani nuke, or an Indian nuke.America is not as invincible as you think it is fool. Say thank you to human decency every day.Btw, I'm American.
+Aaron Richards do you think that God comes down to earth to make mess? it is the evil people who are the sinners. what you believe that we should respect humans that's what God tells us and infact HE tells us not to spread corruption on earth. wars, poverty, injustice etc all the same InnIt. And you don't want the lord to not punish those who do these things, kill innocent people and give so much misery.
+abu zar no. the only important thing in life is to be a decent human being. And if there is a god who doesnt care about that and only sends people to hell for not believing in him, then I wouldnt worship him in the first place out of principle.
+Aaron Richards then make a research about religion, if you satisfy with one chose it then, but u must be true to yourself...remember 0.01% possibility he does exist....? religion is not tools to control life...its a way of life...everybody knew that...there is no religion in this world promote wrong doing in their teaching...make a research on religion and chose 1, follow its teaching and you will be a very2 good person...dont you want that? make a "wrong choice" at this world while you live is better than not choosing anything right?once again...be true to yourself when you do the research ok...
+Aaron Richards :) SubhaanAllah you are in a hurry to meet my lord who is your lord but you need to learn to think like a human, May Allah forgive you, ameen.
+Atif Namaazi this remind me to Surah 2 : Al - Baqara verse (6) Those, however, who reject (the guidance), it makes no difference to them whether you warn them or warn them not, they will not believe.
+Aaron Richards That's why I didn't say Allah, I said say "God please guide me to the truth" I care about the non-muslims believe me, I know the truth All praise to God so please do this with sincerity, ask your one Lord to guide you
That's called Pascal's Wager, but okay, I'll take your example. Lets say I get scared and want to believe in God. But which one? Lets say I become Hindu. But if God is Allah, I go to hell. Or I become Muslim. But if God is Jehovah, I go to hell. So I become Christian. But if God is Brahma, then I was wrong again.One of the reasons I don't believe, is because there is no unity among you believers. Each one of you keeps telling only they are worshipping the true God and everyone else is on path to hell. You wage wars over this and kill each other because you can't agree. And even within a religion, people accuse each other of being on the false path that will lead to hell. Like if I am Catholic, I am going to hell according to Protestant. If I am Protestant, I am going to hell according to Catholic. If I am Sunni, I am going to hell according to Shia. If I am Shia, I am going to hell according to Sunni.So as you can see, even if I choose to believe, the chance is great that I end up making the "wrong choice" and will go to hell. :)At the end of the day, you realize just how ridiculous religion is - it is just a tool to control our minds.You take something people are afraid of (death), you tell them they are going to suffer eternally (hell) if they dont follow your belief, so they get scared and follow you. Thats how religion works.
+Aaron Richards If you don't believe in God fair enough, but what if he does exist, just say for a 0.01% chance he does exist (for argument sakes), you would risk going to hell fire for science? How long do we live, 70-80 years? How fast do the years go, if u worship God and live your life according to his laws, atleast you would have nothing to lose, rather then disbelieve in him and have everything to lose. I don't mean to argue with you but just do one favour for me, just pray to God to guide you, "God If you do exist, please guide me" say that with sincerity and God willing he will guide you.
If you want to really find the answers, take half an hour of your time and read this. The Quran makes several huge errors when trying to explain science like how babies form (blood clot!). It even says Prophet Muhammad rode on a flying horse Buraq and split the moon in two.//wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Errors_in_the_Quran
+Aaron Richards You cant compare the Lord of the worlds to the law of the universe as that itself was created by the Lord of the universe. As I said before, do you think a mere thing like a mobile phone can be created by itself? with the heat, rain or whatever it needs, do you actually believe that? Do you believe how the sun and the moon is placed at a specific distance for us to survive as we do and know that if the sun was any closer we'd burn and if the sun was any further apart we'd freeze, what do you think this is, coincidence? Or how the last prophet knew what the process that takes place in the mothers womb, where they didn't have the advanced technology they do have now, how could he possible know? How do you think we were created? And who causes one to become pregnant, just by a man's sperm?
+Atif Namaazi ok who created your Lord? oh, he existed since forever? and that is really easy to believe, no problems? then why is it so hard to apply the same law to the universe and say it created itself? especially when we have lots of scientific proof of things creating themselves, like entire solar systems that start out as clouds of gas and then gravity makes them denser and eventually heat up and become the first stars? since we can already prove that with mathematical models and telescope observations, I find #2 easier to believe.
+Aaron Richards You cant answer a question with another question, secondly I believe in One Lord who created us, he didn't get bored, there is no boredom for the people in paradise. Do you believe something can be created by nothing?
+Aaron Richards i wonder how you can you fit sow much hate for others on that litter insignificant brain of yours by the way not replaying to you. Everyone don't pay attention on this insignificant brain wash ppl slaves of the world and whats on in it cus not everyone is equal may god open the mind and the heart of the ignorant
we are not afraid of any ones button buddy rather we are happy in getting killed for Allah and for his religion ....we are the followers of the most merciful
+Dudung Virens Ttg tanggung jawab umat manusia dihadapan Allah,,ketika tanpa ditanya pun kelak semua anggota tubuh kita berbicara sendiri sendiri ttg apa yg telah kta lakukan didunia,,,mmbayangkan sja sya sdah ngeri,,,begitu bnyak dosa yg dilakukan didunia,,,sya rasanya menangis,,,,begitulah yg saya rasakan,,,ank ini memberikan plajaran bgi orang orang yg tdak bersyukur seperti saya,,,
+Dudung Virens pelajaran yg sngat pnting skali ttg rasa syukurr,,dimana kita sbagai manusia yg smpurna dgan pnglihatan tpi sya msh mngeluh dan kurang bersyukur,,anak ini bhkan yg tdak diberi pnglhatan dia mmpu mnsyukuri karuniq Allah,,dan dlam stiap doanya mlah tdak mau dikembalikan pnglihatannya,,,karna janji Allah di akhirat nnti bsa meringankan dosanya dan digantikan yg lbh baik,,,dgan sgala kterbatasannya anak itu tdak lpa mmbaca Al Qur'an,,tpi sya dgan ksempurnaan saya Al Qur'an pun jrang sya baca,,,jdi sya malu pda dru sya sndiri