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Scorpio Horoscope November 2013

Monthly Horoscopes November 2013 Scorpio. FAB FREE Mobile Horoscopes & Tarot for ALL Phones and Tablets //mobile.patrickarundell.com ...

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The position of the planets and other heavenly bodies affect us according to the original imprint they left on us at birth. That is why everything goes forward from birth. This original imprint comes from explainable things like electromagnetic impulses that pass through the planets, sun and moon and into us. The imprint also carries light codes which we are just beginning to understand. These codes are designed to "trigger" us at various stages of our lives.These teach about making good choices
Thank you Patrick thing has really going on for some time now and as I understand of your sharing it will go on for a while :) I have my neptun7, mars 12 and sun 15 deegres in scorpio and asc 14 deegres cancer so Life has been a kind of rock´n roll and I feel like a snake shifting skin again and again.....al this scorpio is in my fifth house....but right now I feel like i´m standing still in some kind of soap bubble :).....Thank´s again...Lena
Thanks Patrick. The biggest challenge when chartering a new life is to create something completely new. Nothing makes my eyes cross like something that is a pale imitation of an experience I've already had. My Cap rising keeps me stable and on track but the Aquarius moon has made me a gypsy and unsettled.
The solar eclipse is on my birthday. What will be next?? It is hard to be optimistic with the 'grim reaper' Saturn breathing down my neck. I am definitely looking forward to that huge smile at the end of the month! Thanks for the interesting scope, Patrick!
Hello Joseph. For help with precise issues, please go to my main site Patrick Arundell dot com and the Personal Horoscopes section, and then click on Forecaster and you can get a FREE ONE Week forecast. Thanks Patrick
Hello Patrick I'm Here To Ask For Your Help To Promote The Spirit Of The Scorpio With My New Song Its Called: J Hundred Scorpio Love EveryBody Look Up This Song: J Hundred Scorpio Love
Hey patrick. What is Saturn doing in my sign? I don't understand what saturn's influence effects in my life. Is it negative to have Saturn in your sign, what does it effect?
Hello Lena. Thank you for your feedback. I hope my forecasts have made sense of why you feel like you do, and helped you to deal with the situation. Take care Patrick.
my birthday is on 11-11-1967. is there anything special for me in November?
I have ben ready to rock for months. thanks for the insights
My bday is 111666 and I am a true child of the universe
No worries. Have a good weekend. Patrick.
Thank you for your feedback Karrie.
You're welcome. Have a good week.

Patricia Darré Europe 1 Marion Ruggieri

Marion Ruggieri et sa bande interviewent Patricia Darré, dans son émission "il n'y en a pas deux comme elle" sur EUROPE 1. Le 9 Octobre 2014.

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Elle N'A Pas Compris Que C'Est Elle Qui Joue Le Rôle Du Mort La Mama............. Les Morts N'Ont Pas La Faculté De Parler. Les Morts Se Décomposent, La Nature Recycle.....................
que de certitudes...
ils Passent De Telles Conneries Sur Europe 1................ iLs Confondent Anormales Avec Paranormale.............. C'Est Une Débile Mentale...........
+in Dogs We Trust vous avez un esprit sacrement torturé !
+MaLuCo Fe Quand On A Un Esprit Ouvert Aux L'Illusions, Superstitions, Mensonges, A La Vanité Et L'Arrogance On Peut Prétendre Faire Parler Les Morts.................
+in Dogs We Trust Il est trop tôt pour avoir tant de certitudes, attendons d'y être. Par contre ça n'empêche pas d'avoir l'esprit ouvert. La moquerie n'est pas très constructive.
+MaLuCo Fe Évidement Les Morts Perdent Toutes Les Facultés Qu'iLs Avaient Acquis Durant Leurs Vie. iLs Ne Savent Même Pas Qu'iLs Sont Morts Ni Qu'iLs Avaient Été Vivants Avant De Mourir..............  
+in Dogs We Trust si vous le dites c'est que ça doit être vrai...
+MaLuCo Fe.................. Elle Est Psychopathique La Mama..............
émission passionnante.

Astrologie - Horoscope pour la semaine du 17 au 23 Mars 2014

Energies astrologiques de la semaine: - Lundi débute avec la lune en Balance où elle fera en 24h un carré à Jupiter, un trigone à Vénus et une conjonction à ...

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Merci !

Astrologie Lunaire ☽ Chacun des signes 16 novembre au 22 novembre 2015

L'Astrologie lunaire est le complément de l'astrologie solaire, car quand vous lisez votre horoscope solaire, vous découvrez votre signe astrologique ou signe ...

Horoscope Sagittarius may 2014 . Astrology Forecast for Sagittarius in may 2014

"Astrology Forecast from Pavel Chudinov Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/astrology.forecast Russian group //vk.com/astrolubov Russian webpage ...

User Comments

I didn't give much thoughts when I first watch this video (which i did because of your accent). On May 29th exactly, a completely unexpected change regarding my housing situation was brought to me. I'll move within days. I'm not generally interested in astrology, but this is pretty darn miraculous.
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